History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 190: He is a garbage

Zhou Yang looked at the excited customers, and they are obviously looking forward to the two worlds that are about to open. 1 novel <≤≤≤≤≦<<≤

However, Zhou Yang did not immediately go to see the world that is about to open, but stepped out of the Wanjie Building and appeared in Mingya District.

"Jingle Bell······"

The phone ringing of Zhou Yang’s body is ringing.

There are only five pieces of information, one is five days ago, Zhou Xiaoling’s work in Sanli City has been full for one month, and the salary must be paid for Zhou Yang.

After about three hours, another news, let him work hard not too hard.

The third piece of information was Zhou Wenjing three days ago. He said that Zhou Batian’s bodies had been fully recovered. She also had a summer vacation. She had to cook at home and ask him when he was free.

After about an hour, let him not make money and pay more attention to rest.

Looking at the news above, Zhou Yang’s heart was slightly warm, and some people still care about him.

Whether in high school or in college, he is a study mad and a workaholic in the eyes of others, silent and speechless.

I only know each other and my classmates. If I am familiar, I am afraid I will be a roommate with him. After all, I sleep together every night.

However, after seeing the fifth piece of information, Zhou Yang’s eyelids trembled. It was the headquarters of the National Police. The whole country wanted a black man, ‘black-faced monster’.

A black shadow that leapt on the top of the building was apparently a side of the camera that was inadvertently photographed.

However, when Zhou Yang saw the black shadow at first sight, he recognized that this person was the only one who entered the Wanjielou and the same world, and once he entered the Wanjielou, he never appeared in Wanjielou. Chen Feng.

The last time I saw Chen Feng, I met him at an alley when he and Bumma and the East were unsuccessful to go to the library to buy fire comics.

Chen Feng was beaten to save a middle-aged woman from being robbed.

"Because I was busy on this business trip, I forgot to watch the mobile phone. I will go to Zhoujiayuan in a while." Zhou Yang gave this message to Zhou Xiaoling and Zhou Wenjing respectively, drove to Zhouyangyuan, and his mobile phone played one by one. An interview video about Chen Feng’s opinion.

"Now is a time of science. There is no natural phenomenon. The strange purple light on his body must be caused by scientific instruments. I am guaranteed by my personality." A well-known expert in the video, a face of solemnity.

"Of course, there may be alien weapons."

The well-known expert apparently completely forgot that the last time he was on the TV station, he had failed because of the prediction.

"I still play people, what kind of handsome, he is a loaded criminal, should be wanted!" A little girl snarled.

"Although I was last seen by him from the rogue, I thanked him, but I still think that he is a selfish person. He has such a powerful ability. Why not go to the country, why not share it with everyone? ”

"He is a junk, a person who only cares about himself and completely ignores everyone's garbage. It should be wanted by everyone. If I know his news, I must report him. All the people in his family report it and get 500,000 bonuses. ”

"It is completely individual heroism. Why is his ability not to be given to everyone? Why do you keep it? He must have any ulterior motives."

"Although I agree with his behavior, I don't agree with his character. He is a hypocrite. On the surface, justice is awkward. In fact, it is just to let everyone worship him. Otherwise, why hide his true identity?"


Zhou Yang opened a piece of information and video about Chen Feng's behavior in the black and white in the city. Some nine out of ten people think that Chen Feng should publish the method of his ability.

And accept appropriate research from relevant state departments to contribute to the progress of all mankind.

The remaining one percent believes that Chen Feng’s ability is completely technological and technological, and he has obtained extraterrestrial technology and should be announced.

Whether it is the major media, the major newspapers, or the major television stations, it is not a wanted for him, or a criticism of him. It is a one-sided form.

Zhou Yang also saw some people who supported Chen Feng in only a few personal forums.

However, in just a few minutes, these forums were sealed up. As for whether or not the water meter was checked, Zhou Yang did not know.

Chen Feng spent a ten-year life to buy a Zixia Shengong. Later, Zhou Yang presented a box of pure internal forces. After being optimized by the system, this internal force can be easily absorbed by anyone who cultivates cheats.

Obviously, after Chen Feng gained strength, he embarked on the same path as the captain of the United States. Unfortunately, his luck was much worse. Others became heroes, and he became a criminal.

Zhou Yang was a little lamented, but fortunately he did not use force to force it.

Chen Feng appeared in Huai'an City and the surrounding two cities, leaving one and three cities in the city of Taifeng without going.

Moreover, Taifeng City conducted a census recently.

As long as the height of more than one meter seven, regardless of men, women and children, or serious illness, all of them were checked by the police and went to house.

As for Huai'an City and the other two cities, it is also very tight. Traffic trips, intersection cameras, airports, and bus stations can be said to have been checked.

Zhou Yang brows slightly wrinkled, such a careful search, should have been suspected of Chen Feng, he is only a master, and will not fly.

Is it all the action of the country, and Chen Feng’s whereabouts have long been seen?

Chen Feng appeared in three cities at the same time, but the scope of the emergence of these three cities has one thing in common.

A semi-arc, this distance, may be the time when Chen Feng can get home in one night.

He can see that the elites of the country should not be difficult to see that Chen Feng's range of activities has formed a semi-arc.

And this curved dot, the possibility of Chen Feng living in that area, up to 90%.

Of course, Chen Feng is not the same person as Conan. He can see through the detection methods of relevant state departments and carry out anti-reconnaissance.

However, I have seen Chen Yang of Chen Feng several times, but I have not felt that Chen Feng is such a high IQ.

And the most important thing is that Chen Feng never appeared before the country went out.

There is only one possibility. He also monitors him or monitors his area. This is the sixth sense of a strong martial artist and a dangerous perception of the surrounding environment.

A college student who is new to the university is a national elite. This all-night wanted and condemnation is likely to be a psychological war.

Now Chen Feng’s heart must be uncomfortable, and even feel embarrassed.

At this time, if any country leader appeared in front of him to comfort him, and even affirmed his behavior.

The results can be imagined.

So what about him?

Zhou Yang’s heart suddenly shook, and he suddenly appeared in a large number of estates to buy a house. This Zhou Yang is not worried.

The system is arranged very reasonably. Even if the country goes to check, it can find a reasonable source in the United States, which is a large common heritage.

As for buying explosives and buying armor, these two things are all done after he changed his appearance. They want to check and can't find them.

What really worried Zhou Yang was that when he took the undefeated East and Bouma to the library, the East was unbeaten and many people were softened.

If there is no such thing as Chen Feng, those people may be afraid that they think their own body, and there is a problem in that aspect. At most, they sneak into the hospital to check.

However, after the appearance of Chen Feng, it is easy to reminiscent of martial arts color or fantasy, the three of them will be photographed by the camera in the library, and that figure is the true face of Zhou Yang.

However, Zhou Yang’s sensitivity to the surrounding environment, if someone monitors him, even if he is monitored by a telescope even a few kilometers away, he can feel it.

But he never felt any surveillance?


Zhou Yang thinks of a very important question, the camera!

He has always automatically ignored the monitoring of the camera.

Ni-Ma~www.readwn.com~ But the camera on the roadside didn't have much more, and the appearance didn't change much?

"The system screens all the networks in the country to see if I am exposed?" Zhou Yang gently sighed.

"Requires 2o value points, is it paid?"


"The information on the body was not exposed. Only one of the people who were attacked by the East was still normal. Others were soft."

Zhou Yang, "······".

"What about the disability rehabilitation of orphans in Zhoujiayuan?" Zhou Yang brows slightly wrinkled, so many disabled children, recovering so quickly, can not be unsuspecting.

"May doctors!"

"It’s great to have a rich man to be a big brother!"

Zhou Yang, "······".

*(To be continued.)

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