History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 201: Which Buddha do you want to see?

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"What is this magical power?" The abbot of the Tianyin Temple, on the side, stared at the incomprehensible, irrational zombies.

They can actually infect others by biting others, and they can eat and live, which is simply the most evil magic in the world.

"This is a virus developed by the technology world." Zhou Yang explained, "Your world can be attributed to a low-level Xianxia world."

"Low-level Xian Xia World?" Tianyin Temple abbot Pu Yi and others automatically ignored Zhou Yang's first half of the sentence, only the low-level Xian Xia world in the head echoed.

There are low-level nature and high-level. Since there are grades, it means that you don’t know how many worlds are in the world.

However, they have not asked the doubts in their hearts, and a more distinctive picture appeared in front of them.

High-rise buildings are everywhere, cars, trains, planes······

"This is just an ordinary world. No creatures in it can cultivate." Zhou Yang glanced at the monk who was attracted by the entire Tianyin Temple.

"What? All of them are ordinary people, so how do they refine such a spirit?" Pukong pointed to a fast-moving high-speed rail, exclaimed.

Although the speed is not very fast, but such a big spirit, there is no huge spiritual power, can you talk about it?

"That's not a spiritual device, it's just an ordinary steel refining. And you are almost like a wrought iron, but it's just a lot more complicated. They rely entirely on wisdom." Zhou Yang explained.

"What?" All the monks of Tianyin Temple, including the abbot of the Tianyin Temple, were horrified. Is this just an ordinary steel combination, without any spiritual force?

"That is called high-speed rail. Now there is a small machine. It is also from that world. Whoever you try, this is the method of manipulation." Zhou Yang took out an electric bicycle and held a white jade in his hand. .

The monks of Tianyin Temple, look at me, I look at you, intentional, hesitant, curious, complicated emotions, noisy on everyone's face.

"Faculty, you have to give it a try." After the abbot of Tianyin Temple was a long time, he told a disciple of Tianyin Temple.

"Yes, the abbot." The law heard the words, and finally the curiosity overwhelmed the hesitation. After taking over the jade in the hands of Zhou Yang, after closing for a while, he rode an electric car to run around Tianyin Temple.

"Senior brother, it seems that there is no spiritual fluctuation." The empty **** read the electric car under the law again and again, but no spiritual power was found anyway.

"Amitabha, good and good! Good! The world is really nothing." Tianyin Temple abbot Pu'er is also a trembling heart, can it be invented by wisdom alone?

"Brother, let me try." The Fa has been surrounded by many Tianyin Temple disciples.

This kind of machine that can run so fast without the use of spiritual power is really amazing.

Zhou Yang also shook his head. This electric car is just a novelty to the disciples of Tianyin Temple. When the curiosity is over, it feels nothing.

After all, electric cars run faster, and there are still those disciples of Tianyin Temple who can make the spirits fly fast.



"Weekly Lord, is this?" Tianyin Temple abbot Pu'er and others were stunned, including riding on the electric car, and fell to the ground without feeling.

What kind of monster is this, or is it a beast? How can it become a car, airplane, and various means of transportation in the ordinary world.

“This is an intelligent robot.” Zhou Yang explained, “It’s the advanced version of the electric car that gives them life through wisdom.”

"No use of spiritual power?" asked the empty.

"No." Zhou Yang shook his head.

"There is no way?" Pude was surprised.


“Is it still ordinary steel?” The abbot of Tianyin Temple is unbelievable.

The wisdom of ordinary people can give life to steel, and these gods can't do it.

“The material has increased a lot, but it’s still similar.”

"It's really unbelievable." Tianyin Temple walked out of a few old monks who were thin and walked, and some trembled, and they sighed.

If they had previously suspected that Zhou Yang was a man outside the world, then at this moment they were already convinced what Zhou Yang said, because this kind of life is no longer what their wisdom can imagine.

The abbot of Tianyin Temple is slightly opposite to a few old people. Although these strengths are not as good as the abbots of Tianyin Temple, the generations are higher than the abbots of Tianyin Temple.

"The old man can see such a strange world before he dies, and he will die without regrets." Several old monks looked at the Transformers in a crazy battle, and their eyes were filled with excitement.

It is possible to confirm that the three thousand worlds that the Buddha said are true before dying, and let those who believe in the Buddha die in the night.

"This is a demon fruit. After eating it, it can produce different strengths." Zhou Yang once again played a fragment of the One Piece World.

"Sparkling fruit eaters." A black curly hair, wearing a yellow-white striped suit, a beard on his face, a pair of sunglasses, a tall, middle-aged man on the screen.

"Are you kicked by the speed of light?"

"The speed of light?" Tianyin Temple abbot Pu'er and others, although they do not know the speed of light, but the speed of the people watching the picture is a teleport.

"After the splitting of the fruit, the owner can evade the body in the face of an attack, and the slashing is ineffective."

"The rock berry is solid, the physique becomes magma, and the ordinary attack is ineffective. It can make magma through the body and even burn the fire."


"This is the world of Naruto. The most powerful thing is how many pairs of eyes, what to copy, resurrection, and a lot of ability."

"This is a chef's world."

“Can cooking light shine?” Tianyin Temple abbot Pu'er and others have been completely attracted by the pictures on the screen.

It’s so wonderful that the world is so wonderful that it can be derived from so many cultivation systems. So many beautiful life is really a yearning for people.

"Cough, cough, ······································································································ The monk trembled in front of Zhou Yang and took out a snow lotus with white jade.

This is the best medicine for healing. I am afraid that if you don't die, you can recover it by taking this snow lotus.

But snow lotus can only treat the injury and can't extend his life.

"This master, if I can do it, I will not deny it." Zhou Yang did not immediately agree to it. If the old man asked him to bring out the world of Zhu Xian, he could not do it now.

"The old man just wants to see the Buddha before he dies." The old man cautiously said.

At the same time, the disciples of other Tianyin Temple listened to the words of the old man, and their eyes fell out. They looked at the screen in the sky. They believed in Buddha every day and had never seen what the Buddha looked like.

"Then your elixir, I will accept it." Zhou Yang took the snow lotus that the old man took with his hands. He knew that the old man was so respectful, not to him, but to the Buddha, just like a pilgrimage.

"Weekly donor, wait until now!" The old man saw Zhou Yang's hand medicine, and the face of the dried sallow was immediately rosy, and the whole person bent and sighed, "Let me slow!"

You don't have to say that Zhou Yang has to wait for the same time. You are the same as the old man, and I am afraid that if you let it out, you will die directly.

Do not!

It should be worried that the old monk of the entire Tianyin Temple hangs up. Now it is a collective asthma attack, and it is covered with a pendulum.

There are even a few people who have passed out.

"To see the Buddha!"

"What did he grow up in Buddha!"

"Buddha, he is a man or a woman, he is always young!"


"Teacher is fast! Fast! Fast! Hurry and soak a cup of millennial spirit tea, let Zhou Shizhu take a break, I am ready to prepare." Tianyin Temple abbot said to the empty.

The whole person took all the disciples of Tianyin Temple and began to clean the Mount Sumi. It was also incense, and it was a bell, and it took about half an hour.

However, Zhou Yang did not say anything, Tianyin Temple is so polite, what Lingguo Ling tea has a lot, can be described as everything, only feel the body's Lei Li rushed up ~www.readwn.com~ congenital thunder Six weights are breaking through.

"Weekly, we are ready." Tianyin Temple abbot is very grand, a red and yellow inlaid Lingyi, even those old monks are also Zhuguang Bao.

"Do you want to see that Buddha?" Zhou Yang swallowed a crystal grape and asked.

"I don't know what Zhou Shizhu mean?" Tianyin Temple abbot Pu's cautiously.

Although he has already understood what Zhou Yang said, it is unbelievable.

"I mean there are many Buddhas in the world. Which one do you want to see?" Zhou Yang looked at the monk in the room and said loudly.

"Huh Huh···········································································

The other old monks once again smashed the hem, and they spit out!

"Slowly, I know you continue." Zhou Yang sat down and said that so many fruit trees have not finished eating, it is too wasteful. (To be continued.)

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