"The owner."

Zhou Yang just appeared in Wanjielou, one of the abbots of Shaolin Temple, and walked quickly toward Zhouyang, respectful.

Naturally, Buddhism does not need to say that the leader, you should choose one of the six ancestors Hui Neng and Xuan Zang.

They want to fight and fight.

But other people who have taken the experience, they still have a chance to fight for it.

Shaolin Temple in the world of Tianlong Babu, once bought a peacock demon, wants to represent the demon class, participate in the team.

The Shaolin Temple disciple in the world of Swordsman and the World successfully signed a partnership contract with a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Because Tyrannosaurus has taken wisdom liquid, it is as intelligent as human beings.

However, this Tyrannosaurus Rex is not a Yaozu, and it is similar to the alien world of the alien world. It belongs to non-human, intelligent creatures.

The master of the saga of the world of Swordsman hopes that Tyrannosaurus can replace the Shaolin Temple to participate in the team.

Not only can you protect the leader, but you can also transport the goods and even let the rider ride.

"No matter which school, which religion, in order of registration in Wanjielou, we decided to select the team." Zhou Yang said faintly.

“As for team selection, priority is given to the first applicant.”

"Since all the Buddhists are here, they first decide on the Buddhist candidates." Zhou Yang took over the registration book that Gao had to hand over and said, "Wanjielou performs the World Mission Team, the top 100 captains, each Have a vote."

After Zhou Yanggang finished, whether it was in the squad leader of Wanjielou or in the original world, he received the information from Wanjielou.

Soon, the result of the vote was not too much for Zhou Yang's prediction. Xuanzang finally won 77 votes.

Most people choose Xuanzang who has been successful in the pursuit of Buddhist scriptures in history.

"As for the people who want to participate in the team, they can sign up, and Wanjielou will screen them. Everyone will talk about their strengths and skills in the form of resumes."

"But once you enter the team, you can choose to return to the Wanjie Building unless you spread more than 72 large countries, otherwise you will stay in that world forever."

"When the period is taken, Wanjie Building will not help, and the person who receives the money may not disclose the information of Wanjielou. At most, he can only ask for help from people who have entered Wanjielou."

"If there is no problem, can you apply for a resume?" Zhou Yang looked serious.

Zhou Yang does not care much about Buddhism, teaching, and Christianity.

No matter how good they pass, they won't get too much value.

They can find a sustenance in the soul at most, but in the world where they go, more than 99% of them already have these sects.

What really cares about Zhou Yang is the farmer and the Mohist school. These two sects.

Needless to say, farmers are raising the production of crops. In most of the worlds connected by Wanjielou, they are ancient worlds. Solving food and clothing is a problem.

Although there are some worlds where emperors come to Wanjielou, those high-yielding seeds purchased from the technological age must be repurchased once.

And in territorial countries outside these countries, these emperors may not have such a good heart to help those people.

These emperors prefer the inner sacred king, if the United States, to protect those countries, charge a fee.

Once the farmer has spread some advanced planting experience to various worlds, then they will gain far more than any other.

The same is true for Moh, which can increase production efficiency.

"Can't quit midway?"

I heard Zhou Yang say so, many people have retired.

Do not expose the identity of the Wanjie Building, do not quit halfway, they may be too big to die on the way.

Just like the Jewish Jesus, if you enter a world with World War II, then they must go to a big country like Germany to promote the doctrine.

If you can't complete the teachings that are spread, then all the people must stay in that world.

That is to say, these people, if there is no self-protection ability in these worlds, then it can only be unfortunate that death will die.

Wanjielou will not resurrect you, only re-send people.

As soon as Zhou Yang said that the weak monsters immediately scared back and forth.

They are still the demon of the demon body. Once they enter the human world, they are not being shouted and killed. There is no ability to resist at all.

If you enter a technology world, I am afraid it will be sliced.

Moreover, learning through is a long and long process.

These people only saw the merits of the heavens gained by the education, and did not see the time needed for this education.

Xuanzang went to Tianzhu to experience the classics for more than ten years. These people may be twenty years, maybe fifty years, or even longer.

Just when Zhou Yang considered the Buddhist candidates, in the spacious and bright hall of Wanjie Mall, many sectarian giants nodded one by one.

Because with the upgrade of Wanjielou, language is no longer a communication barrier in various worlds, and Chinese has become a unified language.

Some people who don't understand will also be translated into audible languages.

"Under Muhammad." Muhammad wrapped his head in white cloth, embraced the Qur'an, and walked to the middle-aged man who embraced the Bible, smiling.

This person looks good and should persuade him to join the teaching.

"Below Jesus." The man who embraced the Bible smiled slightly at Muhammad.

The two men had just had a good time to say hello, and they were opened by a group of people behind.

Nima, we have a feud of the world, and the two of you have a good come together.

"You Christians are really shameless!"

"Jesus is the Son of God? Is the Savior of all mankind? He is a mortal at all." The believer, pointing to Christ.

This is obviously a mortal who has no power to bind the chicken, and even nicknamed the son of God.

"Muhammad saint is the last messenger that God sent to mankind? Omnipotent Almighty? Who are you talking about?" Christian Christians glared.

For a time, two sects screamed at each other.

On the other side, it is also noisy.

"I have seen the leader." No matter how quarreling, the ancestors of every sect are regarded as the leader by the various sects.

As for the name of the saint, no one dares to call.

They now know that saints are a kind of cultivation, the kind of immortal existence, and today they call the ancestors a saint.

In the event of a day, another ancestor of the Xianxia world, what should they call?

And if one day this sect is called a saint, it is a world with saints.

In the world of Xian Xia, it is not a screaming, there is a big cause and effect, it may be just entering the world, it will be killed by people.

On the other side, Confucianism was isolated ~www.readwn.com~ and the internal opinions were chaotic, and the idea was difficult to unify.

Although the Confucian Confucius came, he could only get the true support of a small number of Confucian disciples.

Dong Zhongshu, who likes to admire the Confucianism, and Wang Yangming, who knows how to do it, and Zhu Xi, who founded the science, although Confucius is the Confucian.

But did not agree with Confucius's point of view.

These self-contained Confucian masters know that Confucius’s set of benevolence can have some political value in the era of peace.

However, in the actual state and chaotic countries, Confucius’s set of ideas has no effect at all.

The most important thing is one thing. There are more than one Confucius.

Since Dong Zhongshu’s exclusive Confucianism has stopped a hundred, the other hundred sects have entered the trough.

After countless generations of Confucianism, hundreds of Mohist, military, and legalists must be clothed with Confucian attire to be on the stage of the country.

Hundreds of families have existed in name only, and are similarly annexed by Confucianism.

There are even more grades of farmers and peasants, and even if the other hundred have survived, they will become the end of the rivers and lakes, and they will be pawned.

It is no longer possible to influence the influence of the temple like the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

In particular, in the pre-Qin period, the three religions refer to Confucianism, Mohism, and Taoism, but in the late Western Han Dynasty, they were replaced by Buddhism and died in the long river of history.

"The Confucian lord, do you know that the person's first nature is good? Or is it sexually evil?" Moh's Mozi smiled slightly to Confucius, and on the side of Confucius were Mencius and Scorpion.

Mencius and Xunzi heard the words and turned their heads to Confucius. After all, their doctrine was recognized by the founders, which is a great recognition.

"Confucius, you feel like you have a desire to destroy the human desire. How is this sentence?"

"Confucius, you think that knowing what you are doing, which one is more meaningful than your thoughts?"

To be continued.

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