History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 233: Go ahead! Sun Wukong

Go to chapter 233! Sun Wukong

"Dr. Zhou, I have to go." Wanjielou, Bouma held an arm of Zhouyang and swayed.

At the same time, her big eyes were smug and I looked at Essex.

Essex's ice blue eyes stunned, as if he did not feel Buma's ‘provocation, as a female war god, standing on the side of Zhou Yang.

For her, to be with the most powerful people, can become stronger.

As for the search for a spouse, she has not thought about it.

In her conception, powerful people should look for the other half, and Bumma is weak and not threatened at all.

"We are leaving, you can take turns on duty, other people go to the Pokémon world and capture their favorite Pokémon." Zhou Yang said to Gao Yao and others.

Gao wants them to be very curious and like Pokémon, even with a deep curiosity in the eyes of the ghost king.

This kind of magical baby that can be put into the baby ball can be said to be the most amazing creature that is currently appearing in Wanjielou.

Especially those magical baby beasts that resemble the legendary phoenix and dragon, the ghost king's eyes reveal a deep interest.

Pokémon World, Changyi City.

The size of Changyi City is not very large, and the size of the town where Zhou Yang is located in the world.

Zhou Yang and his entourage appeared at the entrance of Changyi City. They found that there was no police to check their identity. The identity certificate originally manufactured by the system was not used.

"We are going to the Pokémon Center first. The Pokémon Center can not only restore the healing of the elves, but also buy the baby ball." Zhou Yang pointed out that one of the most distinctive buildings in Changyi City looks like a supermarket.

A Pokémon Center like this, every city in the Pokémon world has it.

In the Pokémon world, Pokémon trainers are very popular, basically just like going to school, almost everyone is more or less exposed to Pokémon.

Whether you like it or not, Pokémon has something to do with their lives.

“Is anyone there?” Boma pushed the glass door of the Pokémon Center and walked in and whispered.

boom! boom! boom! ······

No one answered Bummer’s inquiry, only the construction of the Pokémon Center was constantly shaking, as if a slight earthquake occurred.

"Not so smart?" Zhou Yang is speechless.

Changyi City is the world's leading protagonist Xiaozhi, the first destination to reach after leaving Zhenxin Town.

If so, then the plot is just beginning here.

"Let's go see." Zhou Yang went quickly to the location of the vibration, and saw a combination of two people and one cat.

The member of the evil organization Rockets, Kojiro, Musashi and Yu.

Two people and one cat are exaggeratingly declining Xiaozhi.

In their eyes, Xiao Zhi, who only owns a common Pikachu, is not their opponent at all.

As for the Xiaoxia who joined the Xiaozhi wandering team, it is silent to release a unicorn goldfish Pokémon.

This kind of Pokémon, which is only suitable for fighting in the water, was put on land by her.

"Who are you?" Looking at the sudden appearance of Zhou Yang, Bouma, and Essex, Xiaoji Lang was alert.

The three people in front of you can all be adults, so their Pokémon should be very powerful, they may not be opponents.

"Miss, we want to buy some baby balls, don't know if they are sold here?" Zhou Yang asked the female nurse at the Pokémon Center.

In the Pokémon world, there is one Pokémon Center around, Miss Joy.

And they all have relatives, each looks very similar and very beautiful.

I have to be sighed, it is a very large and magical family.

The baby ball is dispensable to him, but Bouma and Essex need a baby ball.

After all, there is a baby ball, and the Pokémon carries a lot of aspects.

And Pokémon will be more comfortable in the baby ball, which is conducive to evolution.

"Yes! There!!······" Nurse Joey quickly responded to the channel.

"That troubles, take us to choose some Elf balls." Zhou Yang said, in the Pokémon world, there are many kinds of baby **** that capture wild Pokémon.

Different kinds of baby balls, capturing different Pokémon, suitable baby balls, can improve the capture rate.

"Do you dare to ignore us?" Xiaojilang is somewhat annoyed, even if he is a strong opponent, he has to look for it.

He wants to be a villain, but now someone dares to ignore him. "Put out your baby ball, go to the Abai snake and the gas bomb."

Xiaojilang and Musashi did not follow the Pokémon rules. After they finished, they ordered their own Pokémon to attack Zhou Yang, Bouma, and Essex.

Abai snake is like a purple snake. The yellow eyes are very round and the most large. There is a yellow ring pattern on the body near the head.

Other places have black pinstripes, tails like rattlesnakes, and the abdomen is yellow.

The gas bombs a strange pokemon that looks a bit ugly.

"A Bo snake bite!"

"Gas bombs!"

boom! boom!

Two crisp sounds fell to the ground.

The two Pokémons, Abo snake and gas bomb, have been frozen by the thick ice and fell to the ground.

"Your Pokémon?" Xiaojiro, Musashi and a talking cat, scared back and forth.

Even the other side's Pokémon did not see it, and his Pokémon was frozen.

The line of people in front of you is definitely the master of the Pokémon training master.

Looking at the two men and a cat looking around and looking nervous, Zhou Yang is speechless.

The combination of these two men and a cat is similar to that of the Big Big Wolf. Although it has failed countless times, it will not die.

However, just as they still wanted to take out the baby ball, they were frozen again by Acedes. The two men and one cat gleamed, and they could still see their baby **** in the ice.

"Your Pokémon is so powerful!" A Zhi and A Xia both looked at Zhou Yang and his party.

The Pokémon is so powerful that even if you don’t see the slightest trace, you will defeat the other’s Pokémon.

"You wait, one day I will defeat you." A Zhi once again idiot and **** in front of Zhou Yang vowed.

"Pikachu, are you interested in following me?" Zhou Yang did not care about the idiot-like wisdom in front of him, but went to Pikachu lying on the hospital bed, with a finger, a pale golden pure thunder, injected into Pikachu. .

The injury on the body of Pikachu was completely recovered.

Pikachu, in front of him, is the Pikachu who once entered the Wanjie Building and wants to participate in Wanjie.

For Zhou Yang's problem, Pikachu bowed his head and did not answer.

"Pikachu, hello, why should I grab my Pikachu, Pikachu and the wild dogs on the side of the road." Xiaozhi ran to Pikachu with a happy face, picked him up and asked Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang did not ask again, Pikachu apparently disagreed.

The talent of Pikachu is not good for Zhou Yang.

Even the talent of a pig, in the hands of Zhou Yang, grows faster than the beast.

In front of Pikachu, he only appreciates his character, a Pokémon who does not want to stay in the baby ball.

Although the baby ball can make the Pokémon evolve quickly, the small space is like a prison for a free-loving and proud Pokémon.


"Dr. Zhou, can you look at my Pikachu? Isn't it cute?" Zhou Yang and his group walked out of the Pokémon Center. Bumma held a cute Pikachu in his hand and asked Zhou Yang.

This cute and lovely Pikachu is very lethal to girls.

Zhou Yang and his party and Xiao Zhi, Xiao Xia, entered the journey together.

This strange world is still better with two people who are familiar with the world.

Although these two people do not seem to be reliable.

Chang Hao Forest.

The forests and trees of the evergreen forests are soaring and leafy. They are black and lacquered all day long, like the night, and are filled with various insects.

Zhou Yang and his team curiously looked at everything around them.

Bouma is not as afraid of insects as Axia.

Instead, relying on his own magical treasure Pikachu, he received an insect Pokémon.

However, at this time, Zhou Yang was in the grass in front and found three familiar figures.

"Wukong quickly put your Jenny turtle out~www.readwn.com~ The Naruto on the side reminded me, what should I do if this green caterpillar ran?

"Naruto, don't remind me, let Goku be ready to prepare." Luffy is also looking at the green caterpillar seriously, but the three of them first captured the Pokémon, and must not fail.

"Or do the three of them together!" Naruto took the baby ball in his hand and tried to test.

"No!" Naruto's proposal was instantly denied by Sun Wukong and Lu Fei. "Pokémon rules must be one-on-one."

"Go, Jenny Turtle!" Sun Wukong took a deep breath and shouted and threw the baby ball out.

A flash of light flashed, a blue tortoise appeared, its head was round and its eyes were purple.

The back of the turtle shell is brown, the inside is white, the tail is like a small wave, the front and rear limbs are three-toed, and it is very short.

"How did he climb so slowly!" Sun Wukong looked at the slow pace, and the Jenny turtle who climbed to the green caterpillar was a little nervous.

"Look at the insect Pokémon wants to run!" Naruto shouted.

"Quickly chase!" Luffy shouted.

Sun Wukong heard the words, a flash disappeared in place, like a monkey, jumping on the tree, holding a shivering green caterpillar.

Say good one-on-one?

How do you go up yourself?

Zhou Yang, "······". (To be continued.)

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