"New York City announced its departure from the United States!"

"The co-name of the 12 states in the southern United States is responsible for the nuclear bomb attack immediately, otherwise the 12 southern states will leave the United States!"

"The governor of the seven northern states declared a state of emergency. At the top of the government, there was no criminal punishment for the person in charge of the nuclear bomb attack. The northern seven states temporarily implemented full autonomy."


New York was attacked by two nuclear bombs, which not only scared the citizens of New York City, but even the citizens of other states in the United States were unbelievable.

New York City is one of the most developed cities in the United States. With a population of several million people, the top government officials have completely ignored the lives of millions of American citizens in order to eliminate several superhumans.

What a terrible, crazy behavior.

Today, the nuclear bomb attacks New York City. It may be Washington tomorrow. It is possible to have only Chicago the day after tomorrow.

American nationals only feel that they are shrouded in nuclear strikes, hundreds of times more serious than the cold war of that year.

During the Cold War, even if the former Soviet Union launched a nuclear strike against the United States, there were still American troops that effectively intercepted it.

Now it’s good. The top officials of the government have nuclear strikes against their own nationals. It can be said that there is no one to intercept.

As for the superhuman destruction theory explained by senior government officials, more than 90% of American nationals ignore it.

A few superhumans will cause a certain number of casualties, but it will never harm the entire city of New York.

Although the United States has been chaotic in recent days, no one has felt desperate.

Most people hide in the building, on the one hand to prevent the battle between Superman from affecting themselves, and on the other hand because most people are hiding at home to practice Loki's mind.


American superhero!

As long as you cultivate your own Loki mind, you can be like a superhero like Iron Man, Spiderman, and Captain America.

How many people can withstand the temptation?

In the psychology of most Americans, the universalization of Superman is more conducive to social harmony, just as every American national can hold a gun and become a superman, and Superman will disappear.

Therefore, the dissatisfaction of the American people with the US government has reached its peak. Even the United States, the world's hegemon-class, will face disintegration, making the world's heads of state stunned. It is too ridiculous.

How dare they put a nuclear bomb in New York?

It is not a small town of tens of thousands of people, but an international metropolis with a population of millions.

For a time, everyone’s eyes were drawn to the top of the US government, and Americans were waiting to deal with the top of the US government.

All the top Americans are shouting, and American nationals are full of distrust of the White House.

"Eagle Eye, are you okay?"

In a building, Zhou Yang looked at the eagle eye of the broken left arm that had been beaten, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The Gourd Brothers and Yu Mi Meiqin discovered that after some American practitioners were strong, they burned and looted everywhere, and they could not help but go to the martyrdom.

Zhou Yang did not care about them, let them take free activities with the members of the Huaxia Special Team.

Although the action is restricted during the execution of the mission, it is still allowed if the normal commodity transaction is carried out.

"Nothing!" The eagle's eyes shook his head, with a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

Under the siege of the superman under the evil spirits Loki, the members of the Avengers Alliance can only choose to temporarily zero out and temporarily avoid the edge.

This Chinese special team member appeared next to him, it was too sudden.


Behind the eagle's eye, a practitioner who uses a spear, throws a spear in his hand, flashing a spear of the cold light, like a sharp arrow piercing the eagle's chest.

"Cough, cough, ······" The eagle eye was so severely hit, the body was flying with a spear, flying to a dozen meters away, the blood in the mouth was mad.

However, the eagle eye was with a spear on his body, and he jumped downstairs and drilled into a room.

"Is it really okay?"

In the room, Zhou Yang went to the eagle eye that had been seriously injured, and his face was light. For the three practitioners who came after the killing, it seemed that they were not aware.

The eagle's eyes are deeply helpless. Is he still like nothing?

In a few minutes, he will not be killed by the practitioners who are chasing after him. I am afraid that he will die because of the blood of the whole body and shock.

"This has a bottle of intensive liquid...·" Zhou Yang took out a bottle of intensive liquid, and his face showed a trace of embarrassment. It seems that the eagle eye in front of him is a poor man, a powerful shooting talent, There is not much value.

But just left, a product has not been sold, is it a white run?

"This is a bottle of intensive liquid. After you take it, you can immediately kill the chasers in the back. You can exchange things with the same value on your body." Zhou Yang did not recover the intensive liquid, he could not think of the eagle. If there is anything of high value in the eye, then he can only rely on himself to think about it.

"Hurry up, I just saw the black widow on the road, his situation is worse than you." Zhou Yang looked pale, but did not move the eagle eye, smiled.

A calm-eyed eagle eye heard the lips, and his lips shook slightly. He was always obsessed with the delicate black widow. Now, when he hears that the black widow is in danger, how can he not be anxious?

Just to strengthen the value of the liquid is too high, I am afraid to use the secret information of the SHIELD in exchange for.

Although the US government regards them as abandoning, but the intelligence of selling their own country, the Hawkeye is still struggling.

"Life, talent, and treasures can all be traded." Zhou Yang did not know the tangled eagle eyes, slowly.

"Life!" Hawkeye quickly opened the door.

Although I feel a little nonsense about the trading life, the Hawkeye doesn't know how to feel it can be traded.


After the transaction was completed, Zhou Yang stayed in the air and flew directly from the eagle eye.

At the time of the transaction, Zhou Yang discovered that the American superhero turned out to be a poor man. There was no heavenly merit in his body.

Black widow intensifier, a poor man, excludes transactions.

The American captain ruled out that he is also a fortified person, and there is nothing baby on his body.

Hulk Hulk?

Zhou Yang still remembers when Baner became the Hulk Hulk, how violent and arrogant, trading the Hulk blood, can develop a weakened Hulk Hulk ~www.readwn.com~ Although there is no Hulk Hulk, That kind of infinitely powerful bug, but the power will instantly increase by a dozen times.

The deal with Hulk Hulk is very simple. After Zhou Hu found the Hulk Hulk, he sold the Bing Xin martial arts crystal to the Hulk Hulk, and Zhou Yang flew to the two local tyrants of the Avengers.

Iron Man relied on the ability of the armor to fly. He was the first to escape from danger and was enjoying it in a villa in the country.

As the largest arms dealer in the United States, Iron Man is also the top richest man in the United States. I don't know how many villas there are.

It was only the evil **** Loki who pursued them, and it was not arrested by the US government. Therefore, those chasers could not find a place where the Iron Man could hide.

"You are not the Huaxia Special Team? Do you drink a drink?" Iron Man saw the sudden appearance of Zhou Yang, just a slight glimpse, shaking a bottle of expensive red wine in his hand, powerless.

His interest is not very high, it should be said that it is somewhat low.

"The members of the Avengers League, the Rocky method you cultivated is the deepest. I don't know if I have a deeper cheat here. Are you interested in trading?" Zhou Yang waved his hand and he didn't like drinking.

"If you use arms and money to trade, just open a number." Iron Man will drink the wine, and there is no doubt about Zhou Yang's advanced practice.

He personally experienced the metamorphosis of the gourd brothers.

"Use the armor you invented, trade ten sets, and you may continue to trade in the future." Zhou Yang thought.

Iron Man shook his head and directly refused to trade armor.

Zhou Yang did not stay, and one turned and disappeared into the villa.

As for Raytheon, Zhou Yang did not go looking for it. When you are looking for your active trading, you are not willing to trade. It is still waiting for you to trade.

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