History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 422: What is this fighting style?

Zhou Yang took over the plan to be handed over, and took a cursory look.

Whether it is Qingyunmen or Qin, these plans are all in cooperation with Wanjielou.

Each party's forces hope to plant the most urgently needed plants in the Wanjie Building, and it is best to plant a short planting cycle.

Or a high-order monster with a short growth cycle.

"High, you want to list the most demanding or monsters in the Wanjie Building, list a list, and let Qingyunmen choose these forces." Zhou Yang put the cooperation book in his hand and told him.

"Yes, the owner." Gao wants to squat and retreat.

"The system goes into the world of Xianjian." Looking at the high point of departure, Zhou Yang meditation after a slight meditation.

He is a teacher of the month and he has not completed this task.

What most cares about him is the express channel of the system reward. What is the function of this express channel?


The world of fairy swords.

"Big snake pill, can't you do it?"

Uchiha took a look at the face with helplessness. After the three of them joined forces, the strength was comparable to that of the worshippers.

The two sides fought four or five times, and the truce of temporary force began an intellectual contest.

"You can rest assured that the bomber I studied this time can definitely blow the rudder of the moon to the ruins, and there will be no intact palace."

The big snake pill blinked with madness in his eyes. He learned the Wanjie technology from the big snake pill and could not abuse an indigenous person.

"You have already said this sentence a dozen times."

Uchiha did not shake the soil with the guarantee of the big snake pill, but it was full of doubts.

"You should pay attention to the big snake pill. The grenade that you studied last time, the bombing did not blow up to worship the moon, I don't know."

"But, the last time we stayed in the inn, but it was bombed up in the sky, and everything you studied was easily learned by the worshippers." Uchiha was also helpless, and could not help but remind him.

Obviously, he did not have any confidence in the guarantee of the big snake pill.

"You can rest assured that this time, the smog will be extinguished." On each of the five planes, there are ten hundred kilograms of explosives on each of them."

The big snake pill looks at the five semi-metallic bombers in front of him. The pale golden snake is full of ecstasy, as if it were a piece of art in front.

"What's the use? For a master like the Lord of the Moon, he can't hurt him."

Uchiha shook his head with earth. This kind of explosives, if you let them blow up on the ground now, can’t hurt yourself, let alone the kind of comprehension of the Lord.

"You don't understand, you don't understand."

The big snake pill sighed softly, and his eyes were falling, and the companion was hard to find.

The perfect container of Uchiha with soil is in his eyes, and it has dropped a grade.

"I never intended to invent with technology, hurting his body. I want to hurt is his spirit, and destroying is his inner world."

The big snake pill eyes reveal a strange smile and a deep confidence.

The cultivator who has the ‘high ideal’ of the moon, the physical injury, no matter how painful the injury, is a breeze for him, and he can’t beat him.

However, once he surpasses him in wisdom, it is the real blow to him. He is the best way to torture.

"You five come over."

The golden eye of the big snake pill exudes strange power, and the five karma monsters, under the watchful eyes of the big snake pill, have gone away.

"You can sacrifice yourself for science and technology, and you can wash away the sins of you."

The big snake pill looked solemnly and told the five monsters in front of him as if they were performing a noble ceremony.

The five monsters stood in front of the big snake pill for about a minute, walked onto the bomber, skilled operation, and the whole body was demon, but their eyes were still confused and fanatical.


The five bombers made a noise like a tractor and flew into the sky.

However, the five bombers are extremely fast and completely supersonic.

"With soil, today's illusion, has not been released, we should work."

Looking at the five fighters that left quickly, Uchiha stunned with a hint of exclamation in his eyes. He could fly through the machine and sighed a little, then turned his head and said to Yu Zhibo, who was slightly stunned.


Uchiha doesn't care if he has a face. Anyway, every time they are close to the worship of the moon, what is the evil, the moon, the star, and the comet will come back.

Looking at the figure of Uchiha with the soil and Uchiha 鼬 riding the flying dead birds, the big snake pill once again fell into a crazy study.

Nanzhao country, worship the headquarters of the moon, on the ruins.

"Teacher, are we changing places?"

The two guardians who worshiped the moon stood at the devastated headquarters of the moon, and carefully advised.

The headquarters of the monthly teaching headquarters covers an area of ​​several thousand mu. Apart from the hundreds of meters of houses around the main room of the moon, it is still intact, and all others are fragmented.

A few days ago, the moon was taught by a group of crazy humans, holding a bomb to rush into the headquarters of the worship.

If it is not the leader, invented an artifact that can detonate the bomb in advance, and the headquarters of the church will disappear completely.

Attacks like this, in different ways, or shelling, or throwing hands, or wearing bombs, have not gone a dozen times.

The teacher of the moon did not answer, but with a smile, his eyes focused on the ruined headquarters of the worship.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

At this time, hundreds of miles away from the headquarters of the headquarters, a towering mountain, shot three red signal flares.


The red bullets of the moon watching the moon, the big hand wave, the worshippers worshipping the moon, launched a door ‘anti-air cannon’, the mana of the body all gathered on the ‘anti-aircraft gun’, the barrel pointed forward.


A moment later, a burst of violent whistling sound, bursting from a distance, its voice is like a rolling anger, sweeping.


On the face of the moon, the teacher showed a hint of dignity and joy, and the big snake pill really used air attacks in his expectation.

However, he only took a cursory look and saw the speed of the bomber, about two or three times the speed of sound. He made the ‘air defense gun and could not stop all the bombers.


The worshippers looked at the five black spots that appeared in the sky and immediately waved the red flag in their hands.

Not far away, the worshippers quickly operated a cannon, and the mana of the whole body was poured in and bombarded the plane in the sky.



A battle of space and space was staged.

Nanzhao, the palace.

"Your Majesty, what is the national war against?"

Nanzhao Guoshao shivered and hid under the bookshelf~www.readwn.com~ Looking at the bomber in the sky, the shells and bombs bursting on the ground, the voice trembled.


The South Wu Kingdom Witch King had not had time to answer. A bomber fell from the sky and directly shattered the southeast corner of the palace of Nanzhao State, leaving a deep pit with a bottomlessness of nearly 100 meters.

The Witch King and the ministers of the Nanzhao Kingdom were all a beggar, hiding in the sturdy palace and watching the sky carefully.

"Is it the wrong place?"

When Zhou Yang stepped into the world of Xianjian, he felt the sound of guns rumble and the plane roared as if he had entered the hot weapon battlefield.

However, telling the system myself is the world of Xianjian.


The last fighter in the sky, under the siege of more than 30 ‘air defense cannons, could only fall unwillingly.

At the moment the last fighter fell, two black figures suddenly appeared.

"Monthly reading!"


"Don't be god!"


The two black figures are two rounds of writing round eyes, and a series of illusion strikes against the worship of the moon.

Under a series of illusion strikes, the Lord of the Gods is the guardian of the moon to guard the whole body, while alerting to possible sneak attacks around.

"Blasting stars!"

"God Luo Tianzheng!"

After seeing the Lord of the Moon resisting the illusion attack, the two black shadows of the reincarnation write the power of the eye and run wildly.

Under the explosion of the destruction of the earth, the worshippers of the moon came out from the inside, and the two black figures also quickly fled by the ferocious birds.

Uchiha with soil?


Zhou Yang, "...".

When is the way of fighting in the world of Xianjian, so strange.

Not only air defense warfare, but even the fight has become, leaving all the big moves and leaving? (To be continued.)

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