Three days, Zhou Yang and his party just disappeared in the world of Xianjian for three days, and they deliberately let the worshipper of the madness find it.

Because, Zhou Yang is afraid of delaying a few days to worship the Lord and become a neuropathy.

"Does the stars in the sky be a big planet?"

"Are there other races outside the starry sky?"

“How can I build a spaceship that can fly to the sky?”


The hair of the Lord's Lord is in a mess, and the eyes are blooming with endless brilliance, staring at the big snake pill, and I can't wait to absorb the snake's pill into the body and analyze the knowledge in his mind.

"Are you trying to fly to the sky?"

The big snake pill answered the question, looking at the ragged worshipper, his eyes revealed a hint of gratification and approval. It turned out that he was not only a stupid, but stupid flying to the sky.

As a result, there was no such thing as a hurricane, and nine days of hurricanes and thunders outside the area were seriously injured.

Although the strength of the Lord of the Moon is stronger than him, the Great Snake Pup knows that he will never enter the universe through the world barrier of the Fairy Sword world.


The worshipper of the moon is full of helplessness. When he recovers his injury, he immediately tries to fly outside the world of Xianjian.

It is a pity that if there is no success at all, he will be seriously injured and will return.

It is not the spirit of the science to show up to the Lord. He still has a deep nostalgia, and there are many unknowns to explore. You cannot die like this.

Therefore, he chose to find Zhou Yang and his party with a spaceship.

The wisdom of worshipping the Lord, it is obvious that the purpose of Zhou Yang and his party is to attract him.

It’s just that the way they recruited is very special, not to take the initiative, but to let him send his arms.

Although, knowing that these two kinds of recruitment are different, but the worship of the moon is waiting for a quarter of an hour.

The more you know, the more you see, the more you know your ignorance, your own smallness.

In the cosmic sky, countless alien races, different splendid civilizations, have already afflicted the death of the heart of the worship of the moon.

"This is our shopkeeper, everything is given to him."

The big snake pill refers to Zhou Yang. He already knows that Zhou Yang wants to recruit the worshippers to become the employees of Wanjielou.

"I have seen the owner and hope to join you in this sacred organization."

The worshipper of the moon is devoutly confronted with Zhou Yang’s body, and his eyes are full of fanaticism and curiosity.

His hot eyes seemed to melt the hardest ore in the world.

"Hey! I am obeying the mission of the Lord, the mission reward, the express delivery channel."

At the moment when the worshipper worshipped the moon, the system's mechanically cold tone was remembered in Zhou Yang's ear.

Zhou Yang feels the information of the express delivery channel from the system, and his face is more and more happy. This express channel is a very magical function.

"I have accepted you."

Zhou Yang suppressed the joy in his heart, and his voice was flat.

Then, directly with the big snake pill and a group of people, including the worship of the moon, returned to the Wanjie Building.

"The big snake pill, you are familiar with the Wanjie Building with the moon."

Zhou Yang said a hurriedly, and disappeared in front of the big snake pill and other people, appeared in the Wanjielou lounge.

“The express channel can be traded with the world above the system level, and the trading object has at least four stars of commercial value, or four stars of potential value.”

Looking at the tips in the system, Zhou Yang’s face showed a satisfactory look.

This system express channel function instantly expands the trading range, and he can trade with a few people in the higher world.

“The system screens the current order customers.” Zhou Yang’s face showed a smile.

"Orders, the vast world, Xiao Yu, refining for many years, once exhausted, hope to get the goods resolved, whether to send him an acceptance order notice?"

Zhou Yang looked at the information displayed on the system. His face was not soaked, only one customer, or the protagonist of the famous retired marriage and wastewood.

"Send it an acceptance order."

Zhou Yang opened the road.

At this time, the vast world, an ordinary room in a remote city.

A young boy in a black shirt and a tender and delicate face sat on the bed and practiced silently.

Just a little bit of vindictiveness in the body, a black ring in his hand, after a faint black light, disappeared again.

The juvenile face of the boy, some pale, his teeth giggling, his eyes filled with gloomy colors.

From the fascinating geniuses of all people to the squandering of firewood, the gap is not enough for outsiders.

“Xiao Wei, your order to Wanjielou has been accepted. Do you choose the right product?”

Xiao Yu, who sat quietly on the bed, only felt a mechanical cold voice coming from her ear, full of surprises.

"Do fighting king? Fighting the emperor?"

Xiao Yu perceives the surroundings and finds that there is no movement, the paler face is more and more pale, and his family may have an intersection with the masters of this level. He can't help but hold his hands tightly, and even his nails have been inserted into the palm of his hand.

After years of ridicule and the ups and downs of life, Xiao Yu was shocked, but still forced himself to calm down.

Because, he knows that this level of master is not a Xiao family can deal with.

"who are you?"

Xiao Yuqiang endured the chill in his heart and asked.

Xiao Yu’s voice just fell, and he received a message in his mind. His idea of ​​restoring the name of genius was searched by a shop called Wanjielou.

Moreover, Wanjielou accepts his request for his idea and can provide him with suitable goods, only he needs to pay a certain value point.


Xiao Yu digested the information in his mind, only to feel that this is nonsense, how can there be such a magical place in the world.

However, when I thought that I had come to the vast world with memories, the doubts in Xiao Yu’s heart were shaken.

Maybe there really is such a magical place.

"View the goods that match the order." Xiao Yu finally could not help but ask.

There is an image in his eyes, on the side of the image, marked with the price.

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar shopping model, Xiao Yu is slightly lost, which is too much like his online shopping model on the earth.

"Viewing meditation*, the method of spiritual cultivation, value: 50000 value points."

"Ghost Road, the Ghost Road Practice Collection, value: 80,000 value points."

"The soul wins *, value: 3000 value points."


"Broken soul, value: 2000 value point"

"Low-level soul crystallization, value: 1000 value points."

Xiao Yu looked at the pieces of goods in front of him and quickly discovered that they all have one thing in common, that is, they are all related to the soul.

When I saw the self-consideration*, Xiao Yu thought it was a problem with her own soul.

However, when you see the ghost road, the soul wins the house, and when you break the soul, Xiao Yu only feels chilling.

These sold goods seem to be prepared for a soul, kill this soul ~ ~ or grow this soul.

He still lives very well. Of course, these goods about the soul cannot be prepared for him. There is only one possibility.

“Do you have a soul in your body?”

Xiao Yu was shocked by this horrible speculation and was a cold sweat.

When I was born, I had memories. Then there is a weak soul in this body, but this soul is suppressed by his powerful soul.

As this weak soul grows, I can't suppress it?

"Kill him, just buy a broken soul, you can kill the soul inside."

"You have taken his body, do you want to kill him, are you worthy of your father? Can you afford your brother? They love you, but you kill their loved ones."


Xiao Yu only felt that the heavens and the people were fighting, and the cold sweat of the beans on the forehead continued to tremble.

"Buy a soul yuan!"

After Xiao Yu finished this sentence, it seemed to have exhausted the strength of the whole body and completely fell on the bed and breathed.

The information in his mind tells him that he now has a maximum of 10,000 value points.

And a broken soul, only need two thousand value points.

Kill yourself with the soul of the body, and there are still eight thousand value points. You can buy the elixir or cheats that suit your cultivation in the magical Wanjie Building.

In the end, Xiao Yu still insisted on his own heart, chose the soul of the highest purchase authority, a practice of practicing the soul.


Just a moment of sorrow, there was a **** hole in front of Xiao Yu, and a white jade slip was dropped in the black hole, floating quietly in front of him.

Put the white jade in his hand and look at the white jade in the blue of his eyes. Zhou Yang’s time is awkward and he stands on the spot.

This is not a dream! (To be continued.)

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