History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 427: Highest reward

"Get up, I agree with this."

Zhou Yang looked helpless and had a deeper understanding of Uchiha's illusion.

Because, thanks to the situation of the teacher of the moon, it is clear that the support of Uchiha’s brother-in-law is blessed.

“Thank you, the owner.”

The teacher of the moon heard a smile and slowly stood up.

"The shopkeeper, the scale of the battle outside is getting bigger and bigger, I don't know if I need to control it?"

The big snake pill looks at the worship teacher who has already fulfilled his wish. This is a step forward and opens.

In the future, the teacher of the month is the colleague of his laboratory. He does not want to worship the Lord all the time, and he can't play the ultimate in his talent.

"I know this, I know."

Zhou Yang gently nodded. "For the time being, let's wait and see."

The big snake pill heard Zhou Yang’s instructions, and there was no change in his face, and he slowly retired.

"The ambition of the big day is really big."

Looking at the big snake pill and the worshipper who had already withdrawn, Zhou Yang couldn’t see the anger on his face, and he whispered in his mouth and disappeared into the lounge of Wanjielou.

"Sweeping the floor is really daring." Some people were shocked.

"Who said no, he dared to challenge the big day." Some people ridiculed the floor.

"Perhaps sweeping the floor wants to win the big day on the Buddhist scriptures. After all, the big day has already traded the Buddhist sects on the body. I am afraid I don't know what a Buddha is." Some people laughed at the big day.


No one had thought that after the big day came to know the king of the demon king and the bet of the Eight-Power Allied Forces, he did not hesitate to agree to surrender the king of the demon king Sun Wukong.

However, the Eight-Power Allied Forces need to agree to let the big day come to the world in all parties.

This condition has just been put forward. The sweeping mantle took Buddhism and stood up to support the Eight-Power Allied Forces and jointly resist the great day that has entered the Magic Road.

Yes, it is the magic road.

If the big day wants to be manifested in the Eight-Power Allied Forces, and there will be a great day, the Buddhist faith in the Eight-Power Allied Forces will be transferred to the big day.

The Shaolin Temple, the most powerful of Buddhism, belongs to the world where the Eight-Power Allied Forces are located.

If the big day comes to the corner of the Eight-Power Allied Forces, I am afraid it is only the beginning.

Buddhism in the Wanjielou is his real goal.

Even the monks who appeared in the Wanjielou later wanted to be used for their own sake and became the Buddha of the universal world.

Sweeping the ground can not stand up, if the Eight-Power Allied Forces agree to the request of the big day, they will be attacked on three sides.

When the big day just showed this intention, most of the Shaolin Temples in the technology world have been shaken.

In the Shaolin Temple of the world of science and technology, few people actually cultivated Buddha.

He can pay more attention to the interests, compared to the Shaolin Temple Buddhism composed of the sweeping mantle, they are more likely to see this big mountain.

In addition to some Shaolin Temple fell to the big day, such as Panyu in the Western Region, there are many people who have fallen to the big day.

For a time, compared with the Shaolin Temple Buddhism in the new Buddhism, which was composed of the Great Day, it is not as good as the Shaolin Temple Buddhism except for the middle-level strength of Buddhism.

However, the strength and bottom-level strength of Buddhism are almost the same.

Even the top experts are far beyond the Shaolin Temple Buddhism.

Daejeon and Xuanzang are like two big mountains on the heads of sweeping the earth and other people. They are as heavy as a thousand, like a mountain top.

For a time, the forces of the mortal country looked at the cramped situation of Buddhism in Shaolin Temple, which was quite a feeling of sadness and sorrow.

"Your Majesty, how should we deal with it?"

Qin Guo resident, the prime minister Li Si looked grimly and looked at Qin Shihuang's administration, with a heavy tone in his tone.

Once the Eight-Power Allied Forces and the Shaolin Temple Buddhism have succumbed to the big day, then Qin’s end will not be good.

The great day to reach out to Shaolin Temple Buddhism is to set an example for the other forces of the world.

If it is, the big day is coming to the end of the miserable, the big forces of the Xianxia world may be carefully considered whether to intervene in the mortal country.

If it is, the Great Day will succeed in swearing the Eight-Power Allied Forces and the Shaolin Temple, then the mortal country will become the fat in the mouth of the Xianxia world.

If you have been hiding in the original world or Wanjielou, the big forces of the Xianxia world may not be able to take you.

However, in a world that is completely open, no mortal kingdom can compete with the big forces of the Xianxia world.

“You need to find someone to think about it.”

Qin Shihuang’s government was also frowning, slowly stood up and left the Daqin station.

Although the gods of the **** Zeus were killed, the Emperor Qin Shihuang’s government can be from the big to think that he can now kill the big day.

Because the gap between the two is not a quantitative gap, but a qualitative gap.

In the Greek mythological world, God is so flexible that it will not change much.

At the moment of their birth, they have already determined their strengths and weaknesses.

However, if the big day is different, it is a real master of the fit, or a top player in the fit.

For a time, some of the mortal kings who were worried about their hearts were involuntarily and quietly gathered in the residence of the Eight-Power Allied Forces.

Because Shaolin Temple Buddhism is the real goal of the big day.

The surveillance of the G8 military station is not easy to find.

The Eight-Power Allied Forces station is a spacious room with a few hundred square meters. At this time, it is densely packed and is full of the helm of the major forces.

There are Confucian Confucius, Taoist Laozi, Mojia Mozi, Qin Shihuang Zhengzheng, Han Wudi Liu Che, Tang Taizong Li Shimin·······

Some people want to resist, and naturally some people want to take advantage of it.

"Door, do we also accept one mortal power?"

Changshengtang resident, several elders of Changshengtang have advised the doorkeeper Yuyangzi.

"The doorkeeper is a great opportunity for us to dominate the magic door."

The elders of Changshengtang are excited.

Other disciples of Changshengtang heard the words of the elders and could not help but rejoicing.

However, they are not saying what they say to dominate the world of Zhu Xian.

Changshengtang is one of the four major factions of the world.

After the ghost king Wang Ghost King retired from the ghost king, the poisonous **** of the poisonous door was even more low-key, and the prestige of Changshengtang was always there.

However, they still have no arrogance to say what is the world.

Whether it is Changshengtang or Qingyunmen, they are very clear that they can dominate.

Once, there is an intention to unify the world of the fairy, whether it is the right martial art, or the magic door will work together to attack this side of the forces.

They will never allow, and any one will unify the world and break their roots.

The owner of the Changshengtang, Yuyangzi, has a pair of eyebrows and looks very handsome. When he looks like a person in his early thirties, he is actually a magician who has been practicing for hundreds of years.

"This matter needs to be carefully considered."

Yu Yangzi's eyes flashed a bit of inspiration. Since he knew that the Eight-Power Allied Forces could come up with three million worth points, he had the heart to intervene in the mortal kingdom.

In the eyes of the mortal world, in the eyes of the mortal kingdom, they are the immortals who are high above.

And in their eyes, mortals are small ants, and there is no intersection between the two.

However, Yu Yangzi found that the ants had a treasure that would make him tempted. How could his eyes not cast on the ants in his eyes?

It’s just that there was no cultivation of the sectarians before the mortal kingdom, and Yuyangzi did not know what kind of chain reaction would be caused~www.readwn.com~ Therefore, it was too late to make a decision. He wanted to see the harvest of the big day, and then make decision.

"The doorkeeper, the start is slow, and those mortal kingdoms can be divided up."

The elders of Changshengtang were heartbroken. "The Huanhua School, the Sulphur Blood Church, and even the low-key ghosts Wang Zong and Wan Duomen are ready to start."

"Changshengtang also········"

When Yuyangzi heard that the other three major factions were ready to be shot, Changshengtang certainly could not lag behind, but his words had not been finished yet, and he was interrupted by a Changshengtang disciple who hadtily rushed in.

"The door is slammed, the Wanjie Building is privately. · There is a small news message. Someone bids for 5 million. · The value of the point is to kill the big day. If you take the first level, you can get 5 million value points. The news has already been Confirmation is true."

The disciple of Changshengtang squatted on the ground and trembled.

Five million worth of points, such a huge number, completely shocked everyone in Changshengtang, and felt that the back was cold and bones, and even several people directly scared to fall to the ground.

"The longevity hall is also shot? How is it possible? Our Changshengtang is a famous decent, how can we bully the weak."

After Yu Yangzi stunned the gods, he quickly stood up and shouted loudly to the disciple of the Changshengtang below. His eyes sparkled with a trace of luck and fear.

It’s a day, a dog, and it’s going to be a big day.

Not to mention five million value points, I am afraid that one or two million value points, there are people to shoot.

"Hurry and find out where the big day is, have you left the Wanjie Building?"

Yu Yangzi’s disciple who lost his heart on the left side flew.

"And you, stupidly doing something, don't hurry to summon all the disciples elders, so slow, wait."

Yuyangzi was another slap, fanned to the disciples on the right side of the spirit, and snarled loudly. (To be continued.)

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