History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 576: Profiteering is in front of us

"Where are we going?"

Unlike the powerful forces of the mainland, the drug is old and leisurely, with Xiao Yu, Hong Yi, Lin Dong and Xiao Xiao, four people wandering around the mainland, Xiao Yu can not help but ask .

Even if the drug old newspaper has a good mood and wants to play, they can also go to places where there are many places in the world, while looking for heaven and earth, while enjoying the beauty and relaxing.

When I thought of the old soul of the medicine, I covered a mountain range, marked the position of the high-level heaven and earth spirits inside, and then they went to pick it up. Xiao Yu’s eyes suddenly became blurred, and even the saliva flowed out.

How much value does this earn?

"The little nephew is a bit more realistic. The soul of the emperor is not a panacea."

The old medicine, perhaps called the medicine holy, the battle of the soul hall, the fame of the first battle, the name of the medicine holy is not awkward, watching Xiao Yan's expression, who still do not know his mind, could not help but smile.

The heaven and earth spirits are not hidden in the thick trees, but hidden in the deep caves. In order to find the heavens and the earth inside, he must search for it little by little. In that case, it is better to use the eyes to find.

"First look for different fires."

The medicine is old, and there is a hint of helplessness on his face.

"The shopkeeper has already taken away two different fires, plus some different fires have already had the Lord, and there is no difference in the fire of the Lord. I am afraid that it will be the same."

"What is the number of palms?"

After Xiao Wei’s slight glimpse, he suddenly became stunned. There were a total of 23 in the list of different fires. The number one fire was excluded, and there were 22 left.

He originally thought that even if you removed the fire from the Wanjie Building and the fire that had the Lord, you should have half left. Now I heard that there are only about five left, and the scalp is not numb.

If the rest of the fire is taken away by the Wanshang Building, then he can only buy the fire by value.

"If you don't hurry to find, you will wait for the alchemy every day to make money and buy a different fire."

The old man shook his head. In fact, when he arrested Han Feng, he got a different fire, ranking the fifteenth sea heart flame.

However, once he remembered the tragic end of the refining and dissident fire that year, he could not help but shudder.

The bones were cold and fire, but ranked eleventh, and he was already the land of the battle, and almost burned to ashes.

The current Xiao Yu is the king of the fighting king, perhaps stronger than the fighting king, but definitely not the opponent of Douzong.

The fifteenth-ranked Haixinyan, now to come out and refine it, is a bit too early.

The old man hopes to find a different fire after the ranking of twenty to Xiao Xiao refining, so that he can grasp a lot of the big, and then refine the sea heart flame.

In addition to Danta, there is a ninth-ranked 3,000-year-old fire, relying on his old face, helping Xiao Yu to ask Danta for a chance to conquer 3,000 fires.

Moreover, once Xiao Yu successfully smelts these three kinds of different fires, he can help him refine his body.

Previously, the reason why he did not integrate a body in the Wanjie Building was because the Wanjie Building was a high-grade body and the price was too high.

Moreover, his soul has been materialized, and he will not feel uncomfortable. He does not care to wait a day or two.

However, now he succeeded in killing three fighting sacred, and there are two high-order fighting sacred sacred sacred horses. In addition to the two bodies being taken away by the Wanjie Building, he himself also left a body of fighting the Seven Stars. .

The high-order body is ready, and the Warcraft-level Warcraft blood can also be hunted.

Now only one low-ranking fire is ranked.

Xiao Yu can help him refine his body while also having a craft. In addition to refining the medicinal herbs, he can help others to refine their bodies.

"Then we hurry to find."

There is a strong anxious color on Xiao Yu’s face. Wanjielou has no words to collect the fire, so he still has a chance.

However, according to the strength of the Wanlian Building now supporting the alchemy division, it will soon collect the fires in the world.

By then, the forces of the entire ruthless mainland will surely send their own fires, or find a different fire without the Lord, in order to unite the Wanjie Building, and there will be opportunities for him.

"But don't worry, there is a fire in the pharmacy."

There is a hint of inexplicable meaning in the old eyes of the medicine. If he can't find the fire after the ranking of twenty, he wouldn't mind going to the pharmacy to see if there is any fire that meets the requirements.

Although he did not go to the drug family to inquire, but the drug can be determined, the drug family has at least two or three different fires.

Because, the fire of too much help for a refining pharmacist, as a race of refining, how could it be less fire?

"I don't know if I have the talent for alchemy?"

At this moment, Hong Yi, who had been looking at the scenery everywhere, couldn’t help but ask.

He now finds a very serious problem. He wants to stand at the Wanjie Building and must have a technology.

Alchemy, refining, arranging...·····

From the Wanjie Building now supporting the industry of alchemy, then it may also support the refiner in the future, the actor...

He has to make plans for his future.

If there is no talent for alchemy, Hong Yi is planning to learn about the refiner in the future.

On the side of Xiao Yan and Lin Dong, there was also a hint of inspiration in their eyes. The two of them would only cultivate. Although Xiao Yan would arrange some arrays, Wan Wan Lou did not have a complete system of law to learn from him.

“Wanjielou currently has three alchemy systems, one is the pharmacist in the mainland, who needs the fire attribute with a hint of wood, the other requires the root of the wood, and the last one is to reach the Taiqing sage, too Laojun’s realm has a certain understanding of Dan Dao and he has created an alchemy system that suits him."

The old medicine explained.

"Small scorpion is a demon, and blood is overbearing, and some are not suitable for alchemy."

"Lin has a lot of attributes, and his spiritual talent is very strong, but it is suitable for alchemy."

"Hung Yi, your understanding is very high, maybe you can consider the Taiqing saints and their Dandao."

The drug is analyzed one by one.

The Hong Yi trio listened to the analysis of the drug sage, bowed his head and pondered for a moment, nodded, and the advice given by the old drug was very pertinent.

"You are not going to be a small squad? Before you gathered the sages of the Taiqing sage, you should have seen that there is no Master in the whole world of the vast sky. There will be a lot of such a world in the future."

"You can consider considering a little more auxiliary methods, gathering, magic, and defensive methods."

The old doctor suggested.

I have never seen the Gathering of the Glitter before, and the old drug has not had much impression on the Gathering of the Ghost. However, after personally feeling the Gathering of the Canaan College, the drug sages know that any force on the mainland can’t refuse to gather. The temptation of the spirits.

"If you don't say that I have forgotten it, there is also a gathering method in the world of Qiankun, but it is far from the advanced gathering of Wanjielou."

Xiao Yan heard the old reminder of the medicine, his eyes slammed brightly. If he could skillfully arrange the high-level gathering, then he would not have to earn value in the future.

The vast world and the vast world of the Qiankun, these two worlds, one without a gathering of spirits, the effect of a cluster of spirits is very low, in the world where the Wanshang Building will open, there will certainly be many worlds without a spiritual array. In that case, learning to arrange the auxiliary array method is a promising career.

"When you talk about the Gathering, I think of another thing."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but patted his forehead, and after a flash of his eyes, he almost forgot a very important thing.

"what's up?"

A few people in the drug saw the nervous look of Xiao Xiao, all of them were slightly stunned.

"Hung Yi still remembers the high-end Qiankun bag I sent you?"

Xiao Yan explained, "You should have discovered that in addition to the fairy wares of the fairy tales in the Wanjielou, others have not even a low-level Qiankun bag."

“Wanjielou is now busy preparing for the refining pharmacists conference. It has not yet had time to acquire Qiankun Bag. If we do not monopolize the space magic weapon in time, then we will be earned by other forces.”

Xiaoyan’s eyes are like golden glitter, and Wanjielou is only buying space rings and Qiankun bags. As for the acquisition from whom, they don’t mind.

Then why do they not monopolize this profitable industry, they provide space magic to Wanjielou.

Especially in the absence of other worlds before the emergence of space magic treasure ~www.readwn.com~ Wanjielou, the current customers have to say tens of thousands of people.

Like the world of white snakes, this world rank is very high, but there is no low-level space magic weapon. Those magic weapons with space are nothing but high-level fairy.

I am afraid that only one Sanjie Mixing Group will buy a lot of space magic, plus the power of other parties in the world, and a few say that it sells 100,000 space magic weapons.

On average, a space magic weapon, how to sell thousands of value points, a little higher, perhaps still sell thousands of spiritual points.

Such a huge market, if eaten by them, may have a profit of more than one million points.

"Go, go to the Stars Court first, no, go to the pharmacy."

The drug was originally intended to pass the refining pharmacist meeting, and then accept the drug family. Now it seems that it must be advanced, and then rely on the power of the drug family and the Xingyige, quickly monopolize the space ring market of the entire vindictive mainland and sell it to Wanjielou.

At that time, they will be sent, and now it is a waste of time to find a different fire, and earn money to buy.

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