History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 595: Transaction

Wanjie Dancheng, Dange.

Zhou Yang opened the Tuo's ancient emperor's house for the vain, the soul, and the ancient Yuan. The heart couldn't help but smile. The Tuo's ancient emperor's house was empty and there was no legacy.

Those of them who entered the Tuogu Gudi Dongfu were just happy and could not get anything.

"The owner, the patriarch of the Jiuyoudi ancestors, demon whistling, he has already come to trade with the heavens and the earth and the fighting skills of the nine secluded Yi people."

"The shopkeeper, the patriarch of Tianluohuang, phoenix, he also came to trade the fairy tales with the heaven and earth spirits and exercises."

"The owner, Tang Zhen, the owner of the Valley of the Burning Valley, came to see him."


Outside the Dange, the fighting sages of the Taixu Gulong family quickly sue.

Those who know that they have no hope of gaining the inheritance of the Tuo's ancient emperor have brought all the treasures of the treasures from their respective ethnic groups.

"After the transaction, you can almost leave the vast world and let it develop."

Zhou Yang thought for a moment, this time, the forces of the various parties in the mainland, I am afraid that they will bring the celestial spirits and exercises of their own martial art, one without any left.

No one can resist the temptation in front of the powerful essence.

A little more scent of essence, it means breaking through to a higher level.

Zhou Yang stood up and walked out of Dange. He waved and let the Taixu Gulong people who came to inform the news to leave, and then disappeared into Dange.

Wanjie Dancheng, the trading area, all the goods traded with Wanjielou are all traded here.

"I have seen the owner."

The powers of the parties, such as the demon singer and the phoenix, and some lofty lords and fighting lords, all respectfully bowed to Zhou Yangxing, with excitement and embarrassment in their eyes.

The essence of Xianqi can help the breakthrough of the holy, and even help the strongest of the peak of the fighting, and break through to the Emperor, how can they not be excited?

However, they do not know how many celestial essences can be traded in the treasures and exercises of the treasures in their respective ethnic groups.

The more you trade, the stronger your strength will be.

Perhaps the absorption of the essence of Xianqi, the strength of the surge, can completely match the strength of the ancient eight ethnic clan chiefs such as Ancient Yuan, Soul Heaven, and Yan Yan.

"Please, please."

Zhou Yang's face is mild and the road.

"Everyone lined up and put the items you trade on this table."

Zhou Yang pointed to a pale gold square table with gold spar casting.

Zhou Yang’s voice just fell, and the lord and the lord of the second-rate and third-rate forces in the mainland rushed to the front with excitement.

Demon screaming, phoenix, those fighting strong people, but they are cold-eyed, they are all people with identity, not in a hurry.

Zhou Yang looked at the defending lords who did not speak. They did not speak. These people obviously wanted to trade in advance. As a result, they dismissed the positions of those who were fighting and fighting, and they had a light and leisurely expression.

"You should cry for a while."

Zhou Yang did not remind these people, but took over the Nayong who was handed over by the singer of the singer.

As a drug's old life and death, the drug naturally reminded him of some transactions.

Tianxuehuang, Jiuyoudi, and Danta, these arrogant mainland first-class forces and top forces self-sustaining identity, did not compete for position.

And as the leader of the Stars Club, which is the first-class force in the mainland, to compete for position, other forces will naturally give three points.

What's more, the new patriarch of the medicinal family is still the owner of the Xingyige. Other forces are extremely jealous of the wind lords, and naturally they will not compete with the wind lords for position.

Zhou Yang took over the Naduan, who was handed over by the wind lord. He looked at it and received it straight. Then he floated three white gas like a ribbon and fell into the hands of the wind lord.

Looking at the three immortal essences that fall in the hands, the wind lords did not feel the slightest weight, and the three scented essences were not as good as the weight of one hair.

It’s just that he uses his soul to perceive one of the celestial panic, but discovers the vast energy inside.

These energies are not only very pure, but also fatal to him. If you refine and refine the essence of three immortals, you may become semi-holy.

The Wind Supreme took a sigh of relief and shook his hands with the essence of these three immortals, carefully placed in the ring of his hand.

"so much?"

Demon screaming, phoenix, these fighting sages, looking at the three celestial essences of the wind sages to receive the ring, the pupils slammed.

In the eyes of the Xingyige, in this way, they can send out an elder to destroy the forces, and their treasures can be exchanged for the three essences.

If it is them, can you change to more fairy essences, ten? Still twenty?

The energy accumulated by the ten sacred celestial scent can make the strongest of the sacred peaks of the sacred sacred sacred.

If they can switch to the essence of twenty celestial spirits, they may be able to directly attack the peaks of the Doosan Jiuxing from the low-level fighting, and even hit the Emperor in a breath. It is also impossible.

Looking at the hot eyes, Zhou Yang could not bear to attack them.

In the Nayong of the Wind Supreme, in addition to the collections of the Xingyi Pavilion, there are also the martial arts and the heaven and earth spirits purchased by the Xingyige from the major auction houses in Zhongzhou.

There may not be a heavenly skill in this fight, but there are thousands of yellow-level and mysterious martial arts exercises, and there are many low-level Danfang and various heaven and earth spirits.

After the wind lord walked aside with excitement, the next transaction was Douzong and Dou Zun. Most people traded a fairy essence, but this fairy essence is not enough for the wind lord. One-third of the essence.

Although these people are confused, no one dares to question Zhou Yang’s decision.

“The shopkeeper, how is the trading gap between our Fenglei Pavilion and Xingyige?”

Finally, the wind and thunder cabinet owner, Lei Zun, cautiously asked the most people's doubts.

Fengleige and Xingyige are the same level of power. As a result, Xingyige changed the essence of three immortals. They only have one, and the gap is too big.

If the Xingyi Pavilion only has more than half of the essence of Fenglei Pavilion, Lei Zun will not say anything.

However, the essence of the fairy tales in exchange for the Stars Court is less than one-third of the Star Pavilion. It is not that the collection of the Fenglei Pavilion is less than one-third of the Star Pavilion.

This is totally unreasonable!

Facing the surrounding eyes full of doubts, Zhou Yang smiled and explained, "There is no limit to the trading of these items in the heavens and the earth, but the fighting skills and Dan Fang can only be traded once and some people have traded. The second transaction has no value."

"In addition to the heaven and earth spirits, your martial arts practice has only a few towns to send exercises, and has not been traded. Other combat techniques have been traded, and the value is certainly not as good as the stars. Court."

"This is a big loss."

When I heard Zhou Yang’s explanation, the crowd behind the team suddenly heard an exclamation, and each of them turned into a difficult look.

But soon everyone wants to understand that, just like the martial arts practice in the big auction houses in the mainland, they only recycle the martial arts that they don't have. If they repeatedly buy the martial arts they have, it is not a waste of money.

Feng Leige, Lei Zun's face is like a soil, and there is no doubt about what Zhou Yang said.

Feng Leige’s disciples are all over Zhongzhou, and some disciples will return to their families after studying in Fengleige for a while.

Through Feng Leige disciples affecting the major families of Zhongzhou ~www.readwn.com~ Feng Leige through these disciples to influence their respective families, this is also the way Feng Leige to expand its influence.

Among the parties involved in the transactions before him, many family disciples came from Fengleige.

These disciples naturally learned various fighting techniques from the Fenglei Pavilion.

"not good."

Demon whistling, phoenix, these fighting sages, one by one is also a gloomy face, in addition to the township exercises, they will not easily pass on the people.

However, other fighting techniques have spread throughout the family.

These fighting techniques are inevitably not possible to flow outside.

If these fighting techniques have already been traded, they are not a heavy loss.

At this moment, they did not care about their identity, and quickly squeezed into the back position, looking at the front, as if the trading team of hundreds of meters long, one by one keeps twitching.

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