History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 615: What is my name?

"Who is this person? Why is his momentum so strong?"

"His momentum is probably the sixth-order powerhouse. How can such a strong person come to participate in the big stomach king competition? It does not match his identity."

"This is a strong man with Jade Emperor and Taishang Laojun. How is it so strange? Is it a powerful person in the world of Xianxia?"


Suddenly a rough scream sounded, and suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

At this time, how can anyone still want to participate in the competition, and is still the sixth-order powerhouse?

The eyes of the people followed the sound, a tall man, with a huge pig head, black face short hair, long ears, wearing a blue, blue and blue shuttle cloth straight, tied with a flower cloth towel, brain After that, there was a slick licking, the body was rough and afraid of people, and the body was full of demon, and there was a powerful scorpion pig demon, and swaggered over.

If it weren't for his rough dress and a mouthful of drooling, it might look like a peerless demon.

Nowadays, it looks like a bandit big demon coming out of the barren hills.

"Name: Pig Gang.

Identity: Journey to the West, the original Tianting Tianhe Tianpeng Grand Marshal.

Realm: Dixian.

Business value: four stars. ”

"Pig Eight Rings?"

Zhou Yang looked at the ugly, drunken pigs, with a faint smile in his eyes, and it was really a greedy pig.

The former captain of the canopy was not greedy, Zhou Yang was not clear, but definitely not greedy now.

The reincarnation of the pig became a pig, not only the pig-like, but also the inheritance of the pig's attributes, one is not less.

Greedy, lazy, fat, and the disadvantages of collecting pigs.

"Of course, but you have to join the finals before the two of them finish the game, and the second round of roasted whole pigs will be replaced with chicken legs."

Zhou Yang said, he also wants to know how much the pigs can eat. In the world of the Journey to the West, the pigs have eaten the super-foods of Mishan and Mianshan.

The appearance of the pig's eight precepts, Zhou Yang guessed that he may have restored the memory of the captain of the canopy, with the realm of his immortals, for the weakened version of the peach and a real dragon, perhaps may not look.

His real purpose may be to eat only.

Especially in such a beautiful world of food, how can the Pig Bajie endure the temptation?

The purpose of his recent entry into the world of gourmet hunters may be just curiosity. After seeing the food in the world of gourmet hunters, he instantly changed his mind.

“Thank you, the owner.”

After the pig's eight rings heard Zhou Yang's answer, the slyness in his eyes turned into a deep joy. The obese body did not affect the speed of his body. A jump hit a chicken leg tree.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!..."

Compared with Sun Wukong, the eating of the pigs is even more horrible. One pig's mouth goes down, four of them are comparable to the thickness of the beef legs, and the golden roast chicken legs are eaten by him.

There is no difference between meat and bone in the pig's mouth, and both are food.

Two chicken legs, did not hold on for five minutes in his mouth.

"The shopkeeper I am going to the finals."

The pig had licked his lips and apparently had no fun. He and Zhou Yang said, and the scorpion ran to the chocolate juice river. The chocolate juice river in front of him was a kind of food he had never seen before.

How can he hold back?


The pig's eight rings fell into the chocolate juice river, and the splashing waves were like a shell exploding, smashing huge ripples.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!..."

The pigs are immersed in the chocolate juice river, and the bubbles floating on the river surface are comparable to the size of a football, and they are endless, and the huge sound seems to be constantly beaten.

“It’s not a sixth-order powerhouse, and its strength is unfathomable.”

Some people looked at the huge movement of the chocolate juice section of the pig's eight rings. The mouth sighed, but the heart was secretly stunned. "It's not a pig, it's a peerless pig, so you can eat."


Soon after the pigs jumped into the chocolate juice river, a figure jumped out of the chocolate juice river and looked satisfied.

"Soon Wukong actually came out?"

Some people looked at the short figure that jumped out of the chocolate juice river, and there was a trace of mistake in the eyes.

Is it possible for Sun Wukong, who has won eight consecutive championships, to go down the altar of eating goods?

"Soon Wukong is also a monster, but how can it be compared with the beast with blood vessels, powerful cockroaches can swallow the world, it is conceivable that their stomach is a bottomless pit."

"I heard that after the last loss to Sun Wukong, I made great efforts to make great efforts. I bought a good medicine that can be pure blood in the Wanjielou, and my blood has returned to my ancestors."

Have someone who knows you, analyze it.

"I don't think it's big to win."

Some people raised objections and stared at the river of chocolate juice that the pigs jumped into.

The section of the chocolate juice is still ringing and the sound is getting louder and louder.

When others enter the chocolate juice river, the bubbles that pop up are slower and smaller.

After the pigs jumped in, they were very different from other people's sights. The bubbles that popped out were getting bigger and bigger, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

"Is this the peerless monster of the sixth-order realm? Are the other sixth-order powers so horrible?"

The eyes of everyone are slowly moving away from the chocolate juice section where the pig is in the ring, and looking to other sixth-order powerhouses. Are these sixth-order powers so appetizing?

The more powerful people, the more they can eat?

"How can it be?"

The Jade Emperor and others greeted the eyes of the people, and they were expressionless, and they looked indifferent, but their hearts were twitching. How could they eat like this pig demon?

Ten gimmicks, they rely on their own powerful magical powers to directly refine.

Without the magical powers, their appetites may not be as much as one tenth of the pigs.


Another figure emerged from the chocolate juice river.

He is a middle-aged man with a burly body and a complex face. He is proud of his blood and the last time he lost to Sun Wukong, which caused a heavy blow to his self-esteem.

After returning to the original world, he will exercise his talents to devour the heavens and the earth every day, in order to reinvigorate the fame of their ancestors.

At this time, this burly big man, pale and red eyes, in order to overwhelm Sun Wukong, he can be said to challenge the limits of his limits.

"Sun Wukong this time I finally won you, and he is the hegemon of the swallowing world."

It’s awkward to talk, but the excitement in the eyes is hard to hide.

He finally won, the big stomach king of Wanjielou is him, they are a family, is the supreme hegemon of the swallowing world.

"I don't know if I am going to collapse."

It’s terrible to flash a glimmer of fear in my heart, and my tone is full of joy.

Can not use any technique, even the power of the blood can not be mobilized, is to rely on their stomach to naturally digest food.

The chocolate juice pouring into the abdomen is like a big wave of waves, and it continues to flow into the abdomen without any interruption.

How powerful is the stomach's digestive power to keep up with this fast eating speed.

He is a little bit to challenge his own limit, the feeling that the belly will be blasted in the next second, constantly impacting his mind, almost let his will collapse.

If it weren't for the glory of the family, I am afraid he had already given up the game.


After jumping out, I found that everyone’s eyes were not on him. He just wanted to ask a monster beside him, and he heard the sound of water waves coming from behind him.

"How is this going?"

He was pale and before the competition, he had already investigated the contestants. Apart from Sun Wukong, it is difficult for other people to be his opponents.

But nowadays, he defeated Sun Wukong and did not know where to come from a monster?

“The water level is falling rapidly!”

The stunned, chocolate juice river is rapidly falling at a speed seen by the naked eye.

"All things in heaven and earth are different in nature."

Taishang Laojun looked at the water level that was falling, and looked a little embarrassed, muttering to himself.

This is really terrible. A pig demon who does not use any supernatural powers can swallow a river.

He can be sure that there is no room in the belly of the pig, and it is incredible to swallow so much chocolate juice.

"The heavens are really unpredictable."

Taishang Laojun whispered, he had failed to join the road, and some lost.

Now he finds the inscrutable nature of heaven, food can form the world, the monster Wuwu, which was transformed by the big snake pill, now comes out with a pig demon, which can swallow a food of the same size as the mountain.

"It's too abnormal, too abnormal!"

The Jade Emperor, the Emperor of Heaven, and the Jade Emperor Tianzun, the masters of the three kingdoms, were also stunned by the horrible food of the pigs.

At the same time, there is a deep envy and hate in his eyes.

Such a greedy pig demon, but lived for thousands of years, can actually cultivate into a fairy, it is simply difficult to understand.

They stepped into the realm of immortality, and did not know how many disasters they had experienced and how many thousands of years of hard work.

Fortunately, their current fairyland is much higher than the pigs, otherwise they may collapse directly.

"In the future, this pig demon is the well-deserved hegemon of the food industry."

Some people sighed that even the Monkey King and the cockroaches in their eyes, the appetite is far worse than the pigs, perhaps not at one level, not to mention other people.

That is to say, for a long time, the hegemonic status of the Pig Bajie, I am afraid no one can shake, and no one can match.

"The pig just finished the game and you won."

Zhou Yang face with a bitter smile, I am afraid that the pigs have already drunk dozens of chocolate juice, and even more than enough.

This game is no longer meaningful.

"Yes ~ shop owner."

The pigs swallowed a bite of chocolate sauce and stood up slowly.

He was in charge of the 80,000 water army in Tianting, and he was in the position of Marshal of the canopy. He had never eaten such strange and delicious food.

He was worried that he still had a chance to eat such delicious chocolate sauce.

"Pig just?"

In the process of answering questions and answers from Zhou Yang and Zhu Bajie, several pigs in the crowd raised their heads subconsciously.

At the same time, the Jade Emperor, the Jade Emperor Tianzun, the Taiqing Sage, the Taishang Laojun, and the Sun Sheng, who returned to the world, all face these dramatic changes, with deep fear in their eyes.

If the pig is just the future pig, and how to get the world, then how high is the world he is in?


For a moment, the pig's eight rings that had just come out of the chocolate juice river were surrounded by a group of people.

"I have seen pig friends in the next Jade Emperor ~ www.readwn.com~"

Pig Ba Jie, "·······".

"In the next Shang Laojun, I have seen pig friends."

Pig Ba Jie, "·······".

"In the next day, the holy day of the Monkey King, I have seen pig friends."

Pig Ba Jie, "·······".


What is going on here, is it that the head is filled with chocolate juice, the spirit is paralyzed, and the pigs are blinded, and many of these people are in the legend of the Three Realms.

What Jade Emperor, Taishang Laojun, he will not care for the time being, but this time, there are two Sun Wukong to say hello to him, is Sun Wukong not being suppressed under the Five Elements Mountain?

Even more ridiculous, there are still three called pigs who just greeted him, what is his name?

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