History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 694: Conceited at your own risk

Zhou Yang slightly with a provocative discourse, gently echoing in Yaochi.

The ability of the glass water hyacinth is more likely to make people think of the purple gold red gourd of Taishang Laojun. When Sun Wukong of the Tianxiang realm faced the purple gold red gourd, they were all included.

The glass water hyacinth in Zhou Yang’s hand seems to be a bit stronger than the power of the purple gold gourd.

Don't say that Guanyin Bodhisattva has no confidence, that is, the jade emperor's heart is also a bit embarrassing. If this magic weapon can really hold the Guanyin Bodhisattva, then things will be troublesome.

Zhou Yang will not be included in the glass gourd.

If it is the supreme sanctuary, and is surrendered by a magic weapon, then his majesty will disappear, and even become the laughing stock of the three realms.

"Buddha does not want to take his tricks."

On the side of the net altar messenger pigs, repeatedly advised.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a trap.

How can I know the trap and drill it inside?

"As long as you can withstand the power of my magic weapon, I will give you the four kings, and later, the four kings may be dead."

Zhou Yang smiled and said slowly.

If the Goddess of Mercy should not go down, the four kings may have nothing to do with their lives, but the magic of the four of them is not to want to return.

"Amitabha, the donor also invited ·······"

The Goddess of Mercy has been indulging for a moment, intending to avoid talking about this problem, and wants to directly retrieve the four kings, but his words are only half, and he feels his body is locked by an invisible force.


The mana of Guanyin Bodhisattva came out and wanted to break free from bondage. Unfortunately, Zhou Yang would let him escape. He also fully urged the glass water hyacinth.

The glass water hyacinth smelt the Tianshi and Wulingzhu. How can it not change?

Zhou Yang only needs to call out the other person's name. As long as the other party responds, whether it is promised or not, it will be included in the gourd space by the glass water hyacinth.


Under the horrified expression of the crowd, Guanyin Bodhisattva was also included in the glass water hyacinth.

Guanyin Bodhisattva was actually suppressed?

"Hurry up and release the Bodhisattva."

The net altar messenger said that he was hiding behind the back of the Buddha and Wukong. He looked at the glazed water hyacinth in Zhou Yang’s hand in horror.

He didn't think of a small gourd, but he surrendered to the goddess of Buddhism in his eyes and the omnipotent.

"How long will you turn this bodhisattva into a pus?"

The net altar messenger pig eight can not help but ask again.

In his eyes, Zhou Yang’s magic weapon is too powerful. He must go to the rescue army. It is best to come to Buddha.

"Reassured, they are all fine."

Zhou Yang shook the treasure gourd in his hand and smiled.

The most fainted by the weak flood.

"Who else wants to catch me?"

Zhou Yang glanced at the heavenly generals who were still in a horrified expression.

The glazed water hyacinth on the side is full of colorful light, dazzling.

As his gaze moves, the gourd mouth moves, and whenever the bottle of the glass gourd is aimed at which god, it is scared to retreat.

"Well, I ask you, is it what you do for the Taoyuan and the Palace?"

The face of the Jade Emperor is not very good, and the power of the glass water hyacinth is beyond his expectations. Even Guanyin Bodhisattva can earn it.

Moreover, Guanyin Bodhisattva could not escape from it.

Now Jade Emperor can only expect a few major events in Tianting, and has nothing to do with Zhou Yang, otherwise the heavens do not know how many soldiers will be lost in order to calm the turmoil.

"I have nothing to do with me?"

Zhou Yang shook his head and opened the glass water hyacinth, releasing the four kings and the Goddess of Mercy.

The face of the Guanyin Bodhisattva was flooded, and the four kings were directly fainted.

Looking at Zhou Yang's casual movements, everyone around me is quickly stepping back.

What you poured out is not the water, but the four kings?

The four kings are the guardian of Buddhism, and they are still the confidants of the Queen Mother, and they are actually dumped out as garbage.

The other is Guanyin Bodhisattva, which has a prominent position in Buddhism.

It is one of the most powerful Bodhisattvas after the Buddha. It is also responsible for the Journey to learn from the West. The incense of the human world is extremely prosperous and its strength is unfathomable.

However, it was still poured out. There was no big difference, and there was no big difference between the one who left the passerby and the other.

"This matter is awkward, and people come to give you a seat."

The jade emperor brows slightly wrinkled, his face returned to calm, and the tone was peaceful.

There is also a sacred justice god, Yang Lan, who can only choose to deal with one and appease one.

Now it is the first to suppress the judicial **** Tian Yang who opened Huashan, and then wait for the Buddhism reinforcements to arrive, and then see the machine.

Zhou Yang was also polite and did it directly.

Because the Jade Emperor also put on the nectar and the peach, do not eat, white does not eat.

Now is the time for him to see the judicial **** Tian Yang.

"Yang Hao, as a judicial god, actually knows the law and breaks the law, and the sin is not forgiven. Totta Li Tianwang, you lead the singers to throw Yang Lan into the 18th floor of hell, and never reincarnate."

The jade emperor is angry and cold.

Yang Lan, the judicial god, did not look at him in the eyes. He even dared to release the Three Madonna. Even if he suppressed the judicial **** Yang Lan, it would become the laughing stock of the heavens.

Yang Lan’s judicial **** of heaven is sealed by him. Now the judicial **** Yang Lan is openly violating the Tianzhu. Isn’t this directly hitting his face?

Still the one that hits you.


The Three Great Seas and the Great Gods are holding the Tota Li Tianwang and not letting him go.

He learned from Yang Lan that the judicial **** Tian Yang’s work was done, and naturally he would not help the Jade Emperor.

"Where, this is the command of His Majesty."

Tota Li Tianwang is a stiff face. He is very cherished for the **** of Tota Li Tianwang.

If it is against the command of the Jade Emperor and loses the position of Tota Li Tianwang, that is the real regret.


When the cold screamed, standing in front of the judicial god, Yang Lan, did not fear the jade emperor's chilling eyes.

"Which brother, this matter can be solved by myself."

The judicial god, Yang Lan, stepped out and calmed down.

With a swallowing pot in his body, he has stood in an invincible position.


The judicial god, Yang Lan, manipulated the swallowing magic pot to kill all the surrounding Tianbing days and took away their weapons.

"My pagoda!"

Tota Li Wangtian saw his own pagoda, and he was suddenly suppressed by the swallowing pot. His face was awkward.

The reason why his Tota Li Tianwang was able to stand in the heavens was to rely on the pagoda in his hand. Now the pagoda is out of his control. I can imagine the mood of Tota Li Tianwang, and he is worried.

Losing the pagoda, he is an ordinary general, will lose the status of heaven today.

"My god!"

"My magic weapon!"

"My sword!"


All the gods who shot to the judicial **** Yang Lan were shocked and looked at the magic weapon that was suppressed by the swallowing pot. They did not think that a magic can could suppress so many magic weapons.


The swallowing magic pot swallowed a lot of scent, sucking all the magic weapons into the can, and then turned it into a black light and flew directly to the top of the jade.

"Your Majesty, is there a new day?"

Yang Hao, the judicial god, has a dull look. His strength is not afraid of the Jade Emperor. Therefore, he intends to use the tough means to directly force the Jade Emperor to agree.

Throwing the magic pot down a ray of black light, pressed against the jade emperor, like a round of black big day, crushed down, exudes a terrible wave.

Under such horrible fluctuations, no one can stop the strongest in the sixth-order realm.


Looking at the swallowing pot of the swallowing, the Jade Emperor's blood is rising and his face is red, which is the biggest humiliation he has suffered since he became the Supreme of the Three Realms, and he was suppressed by the usage of the treasure.

The jade of the Jade Emperor, the judicial **** Tian Yang did not seem to hear, just calmly looking at the Jade Emperor, while swallowing the black light on the magic pot, the bloom is even more embarrassing.

"His Majesty!"

The mother-in-law looked at the jade emperor who couldn’t move because of the swallowing of the magical can, and there was a horror in her eyes, and she shouted.

"If Yang Lan is a problem with his majesty, the three realms are bound to be ruined. Can you think that all the people in the three circles are caught in the heat of life?"

The mother-in-law is very vocal.

"You are the three worlds of disasters..."

The Queen Mother also wants to say that she was only glanced at by the judicial natural Yang Lan, and she immediately closed her mouth.

Because she read the eyes of the judicial **** Yang Lan, as long as she said the most, even she was suppressed.

The strength of the mother is not as good as that of the Jade Emperor. She naturally does not go back and try to escape from the pressure of the swallowing pot.

"Your Majesty, please make a decision early."

The judicial god, Yang Lan, once again increased the power of the swallowing magic pot, pressing the jade emperor has bent over, and even the knees are somewhat curved.

"The Jade Emperor has suffered such a large humiliation and will certainly not agree."

"I can't think of the strength of your majesty, hide so much"

"Er Lang is really the first master of heaven, and his mana is profound. Just don't know where his magic weapon was found from there?"



The jade emperor looked pale, and the voices of the surrounding gods were not heard at all. His mind was just squeaking and blank.

He knows that at most a dozen, he will be squatted by the magic weapon above.

Maintaining the majesty of the heavenly court, or protecting his face, the Jade Emperor tangled a bit. If it really fell down in Yaochi, his face was not left at all. He was planning to agree, but he felt the golden light of the sky. Into the Yaochi.

He is too familiar with this kind of light.

"If you come to Buddha, quickly suppress Yang Lan."

The jade emperor was ecstatic and shouted.

If the strength of the Buddha is unfathomable, even if his strength returns to its peak, it is not the opponent of Buddha.

In the same year, if Buddha came to Wuxingshan~www.readwn.com~ to suppress the scene of Sun Wukong, he was still vivid.

He believes that the Buddha can also suppress the rebellion of the judicial god, Yang Lan.

"Amitabha, the Jade Emperor is the supreme of the Three Realms, can you be humiliated?"

Above the sky, a huge golden Buddha shadow that occupies half of the sky, slowly opening.

Then he took a picture of the judicial god, Yang Lan, and also included Zhou Yang who had been eating and drinking.

Zhou Yang, "·······".

Looking at the giant hand that he had grasped, Zhou Yang looked helpless. What happened?

How to be the first to be jade emperor, now the Buddha is directly shot to him, is it today his unlucky day, not suitable for travel?

"Photographed, the consequences are conceited."

Zhou Yang stood up and looked at the huge Buddha shadow of the sky.

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