History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 715: Repression of the Lord God's Light Ball

"The shopkeeper, wait a minute."

Just then, a huge pale golden Buddha shadow rose in the Nanhai Zizhulin, covering the entire sky, a slightly anxious sound, echoing in the sky.

“A big day is coming? Seven levels of realm?”

Zhou Yang’s eyes flashed a little bit strangely, and the Lord God was really willing to pay for the training of the big day.

This is not the world of the Lotus Lantern, the Jade Emperor is the strongest who can enter the seventh-order realm, but the seventh-order powerhouse with a very strong foundation.

In addition to the customers from the Wanjie Building, the same realm can stabilize and stabilize the big day.

If it is a single world, relying on its own breakthrough of the seventh-order primary realm, I am afraid that few people can stabilize and stabilize the big day.

"The owner, can you change one of the conditions?"

A golden stream of light, across the sky, instantly fell in front of Zhou Yang, compared with the last time, the golden body of the big day has approached two feet.

At the time of the big day, there was no dignity and calmness in the Zizhulin. A look was dignified and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

He did not expect that the day came so fast, he was not ready yet.

"of course can."

Zhou Yang nodded and said.

“Thank you, the owner.”

Darius had a sigh of relief in his heart, and he could not determine the strength of the Lord God. He was even deeper, but the Wanjie Building was more powerful, but the pioneer of his main **** did not end well.

The last time he was the strongman of the Wanjielou, he was disabled.

"100 million reward points, the Lord God listened to me afterwards."

Zhou Yang’s face was filled with a faint smile.

As the day comes, "·······".

Still not a condition like this?

If the Lord God listens to you, is he still free? It is better to give you a source.

"The owner, I don't know if I can get along?"

The big day took a deep breath and tried again.

At the two ends of the Lord God and the Wanjie Building, he could not afford it.

The Lord God controls his life and death, and the strength of the owner of Wanjielou is even more unfathomable. When the two collide, what kind of shock will happen, it is impossible to imagine.

"I ask again, how many main points can I redeem for 100 million reward points?"

Zhou Yang did not take care of the big day, although the Lord God is only a procedure, but after all, it was a former partner, Zhou Yang still wants to hear his answer.

"The source of the Lord God is not in the exchange range."

The main god's light ball has no slight mood fluctuations, and the sound of the ancient well has no waves.

"The original agreement, but it shows that everything can be exchanged, and you have no wisdom, belonging to the goods."

Zhou Yang is faint.

If the Lord God has his own wisdom, it really can't be counted as an object. Unfortunately, the person who created him has already limited his possibility of possessing wisdom.

The Lord God is more like a mechanical strength training center.

The reincarnation will die if it does not change.

"According to the original agreement, the violators can exchange their own prices for exchange."

Zhou Yangwei smiled.

"I don't take you cheap, 100 million reward points are for you, you belong to me."

Zhou Yang gently lifted his right hand and headed for the void. A big hand that could not see the margins covered the sky and covered the sun and the moon.

At the same time, Zhou Yang’s 100 million bonus points were automatically transferred to the main god’s ball of light.

As the day comes, "·······".

It is worth doing business, this business is too cost-effective.

Zheng Yu and others, "·······".

I finally know why the Wanshang Building is getting bigger and bigger and getting stronger and stronger.

"Clear the Wanjielou characters, and reward each 10,000-best building for oo reward points."

At this moment, whether it is the reincarnation in the reincarnation world, the reincarnation in the space of the Lord God, or the reincarnation in the battlefield of life and death, the sound of mechanical and majestic sounds is heard in the ear.

"How to do?"

Zheng Xiao trembling.

He is also a customer of Wanjielou and a reincarnation. He is not very dangerous.


Chu Xuan did not hesitate to kill Zheng Yu, and the other members of the Zhongzhou team were all stunned.

Zheng Zheng is the captain of their Zhongzhou team.

"Chu Xuan, you·······"

Zheng Xiao was shocked and he did not think that Chu Xuan had betrayed him at this time.

"Zheng Zheng who makes you a customer of Wanjielou, let's die."

Chu Xuan was full of anger, no slightest to keep hands, every hit is a full blow.

It’s just that his strength is not as good as Zheng Zheng, and all of them are blocked by Zheng Hao.

However, Zheng Zheng seems to understand what he is, Chu Xuan is a calm person, his anger is not seen in color, and now he is attacking him with anger, although every move has tried his best, but the attack moves are somewhat intricate. .


This time, Zheng Zheng took the initiative to take a shot. A punch of a member of the Zhongzhou team, the vomiting blood of the cockroach, the ribs of the chest were almost broken.

"Zheng Hao, are you crazy?"

Some of the new members of the Zhongzhou team are full of anger.

"court death!"

Zhan Hao and others were brows and wrinkled and smashed the past toward Zheng.


The sound of a sound explosion rang in the battlefield of life and death, and the reincarnations that had not yet started after the 30th interest were all blasted.

At the same time, a powerful and devastating force shrouded Zhou Yang.

"Hands, okay, I haven't been active for a long time."

Zhou Yang is interested.

"The big day is perfect."

Zhou Yang stepped out, and there was a golden light shining in his right hand. It was like a day, and he took a picture towards the sky.

The golden light of the fist size blasted out and instantly turned into a golden ocean, shrouded in the sky and golden.

After the golden brilliance plunged over a hundred feet, it seemed as if it had touched an invisible wall and gradually melted away.

However, everyone also felt that a force that suppressed the heart disappeared.

"Fei Xian Yu!"

Zhou Yang flew out a golden figure, as if a **** of war, Jin Guangdou shot, patted the past to the light of the Lord God.

On the golden figure, there is a strong smashing atmosphere. Where the golden figure passes, the surrounding void seems to be crushed by a powerful momentum, and the black cracks of a long rule are densely covered.


The golden figure is coming, but the degree of the light of the Lord God is not slow. It is directly turned into a stream of light and worn through the void, appearing thousands of feet away.


The light on the ball of the Lord God shines, and a burst of spring thunder sounds above the sky, and a black vortex with a radius of hundreds of feet appears above the sky.

A figure from the space channel ~www.readwn.com~ step out.

“This is Zheng Zheng? Chu Xuan? Replica Zheng Zheng?········”

Zhou Yang glanced at the figure that came out of the space channel, a slight glimpse.

The people inside are very similar.

However, the body of these people is full of blood, the blood of the dragon and the blood of the cattle, the blood of the Buddha...······

These blood vessels are all from the battlefield of life and death.

"so much!"

Zhou Yang looked at hundreds of figures in the space channel. The strength of each figure was once different, strong comparable to the sixth-order high-level realm, and weaker also entered the fifth-order realm.

"I am afraid that killing will not kill."

Zhou Yang shook his head and there was a special time control in the space of the Lord God. The blood of the strong collected by the Lord God was more than that.

The strongest of the seven-order realm may be only one big day, but the strongman of the sixth-order realm is absolutely quite a lot.

"Forget it, you can't make you alive again."

Zhou Yang has some helplessness. He still wants to play a **** battle. As a result, the Lord God has created so many lives in large quantities. He does not want to satisfy himself with killing.

"The system erases the program of the Lord God."

Zhou Yang reached out and pointed, a golden beam of light, pierced through time and space, and directly fell on the light ball of the Lord God.


Zhou Yang reached for a moment, and the main god's light ball floated up and fell into his hands.


A big day with a struggling color, I took a cold breath.

The task that the Lord God gave him was to finally suppress Zhou Yang. Now he has not shot, and the Lord God himself hangs first.

"The shopkeeper, I surrender."

The big day did not hesitate to kneel down and shouted. The powerful **** is full of fascinating figure! WeChat public: (long press for three seconds to copy) You know I understand!

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