History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 73: The Forbidden City

After two o'clock, waiting for everyone to vote for Sanjiang, oh yeah!



Zhou Yang lightly coughed, lively and extraordinary, the constant sound of Wanjielou, quietly quiet, quiet.

"If you participate in the plane agent, please continue to submit your resume. I will definitely select the appropriate agent as soon as possible to inform everyone. In addition, we can leave the people who participated in the Ye Gucheng and Ximen blowing snow competitions." Zhou Yang said.

It is already at dusk, and the game between Ye Gucheng and Ximen Blowing Snow is already near.

As for the problem of being difficult to enter in the palace ban, Zhou Yang has already solved it. At the time of Bouma’s departure, Zhou Yang has left the code with two aircraft.

A small aircraft, about four or five people, a medium-sized aircraft, can take about 20 people.

However, I am afraid that even the aircraft can not be used. In addition to Wan Yanlie, each of them is a peerless master of every world. Although the walls are high, it is difficult to resist the footwork of these people.

Li Xunhuan is holding a wine gourd in a drunken drink. His face is refreshed and his face is intoxicated. For those who love wine, the wine of Wanjielou is indeed rare in the world, making people forget to return.

Feng Qingyang also took a look of excitement, Yue Buqun, walked down from the second floor of Wanjielou. Yuebuqun’s heart was so excited that he could watch the match of the peerless swordsman. It was definitely a good thing for him. Opportunity, he also used a sword.

In a smug look, Wan Yanlie despised Song Huizong Zhao Yi, and also walked over. The Jin Ren is a good man. For the competition of the top swordsman, he is also a yearning for the heart.

After the four people, there was a fascinating return to the sea, a face of a frowning Yang with a **** of eagle, followed by many masters such as cliffs, also came, added a dozen people.

Looking at the number of people, Zhou Yang did not wait any longer.

"Let's go!"

In the heart of Zhou Yang’s heart, he appeared in a bustling city. At this time, the wide city can be described as a crowd of people, and it seems that it has been unable to accommodate such a large number of people.

Above the rivers and lakes, whether it is a martial arts person or a literati, they are swarming in the capital, and they are eager to see.

This battle is the match between the main city of Baiyun City and the snow of Ximen. It can be said that it is a contest between the ultimate swordsman. Whoever wins is probably the first swordsman in the world, and even the world's first master.

Although the night is near, the Beijing is brightly lit, endless noise, and more and more loud, and the whole city will be completely exploded.

Zhou Yang took a group of people along the crowd and walked to the palace. The army gathered around the palace. The soldiers were strong in their hands, flashing the forest, facing the crowds around them, but the hearts of these soldiers. Some instigations, occasionally, could not help but look back and look at the highest point in the palace.

"This decisive battle does not know who wins and who loses?" A river and lake person shook his head and sighed, because the two men were born and went into the rivers and lakes, never lost, like a born born sword, born a peerless swordsman.

"I think that the main city of Baiyun City will win in the lonely city. Listening to who is flying in the sky, it is the sword of the world. Although the Ximen blowing snow is powerful, I am afraid it is difficult to be an adversary."

"One nonsense, the world's martial arts will not break, the sword of Ximen blowing snow, is the fastest sword in the world, the sword can be broken, so fast."

Along the way, no matter martial arts people, literati, or even a pawn, they are arguing. They are all supporting their favorite swordsmen. They are red-faced and angry, and many people directly smashed.

The moon is gradually sinking, but it looks more round, and the moonlight of the bright, pouring down, like frost like snow.

- The round moon, as if hanging under the flying raft of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, has already stood a lot of people under the flying scorpion, but there is no human voice. Zhou Yang and his party naturally come in easily and easily, even if the aircraft is not used, they will leap. Come in.

At this moment, all the people are quiet, they have closed their mouths, because they can also feel the pressure of two compelling pressures, slowly rising.

The two figures suddenly became like ghosts, and they seemed to be dreamlike. They suddenly appeared in the Forbidden City. A white coat is like a cloud, and a white dress wins the snow.


The audience who can see the two figures instantly boiled, and until now, they finally waited for the confrontation between the two top swordsmen.

It is no exaggeration to say that the confrontation between the two is the confrontation of the first swordsman in the world. Who wins, who is the first swordsman in the world, is Ye Gucheng? Is Ximen blowing snow?

Baiyun City, the main leaf of the lonely city, since childhood, to the sword, and the talent is extremely high, I realized that the superior martial arts, the creation of brilliant brilliant swords to fly outside the sky, proud of the world, the name of the earthquake.

Ximen Blowing Snow is based on swordsmanship and is based on the rivers and lakes. The people are not ridiculous, and the swords are like life. They take life between the electric and the flint, and regard killing as art.

The confrontation between the two top swordsmen does not have to be thought of and is thrilling. After all, the swordsmen are different from the warriors. Their attacks are known for their quickness and quickness. If they are wrong, they may die under the sword, especially for the top swordsmen.

The curfew of the Forbidden City.

The two figures stood a hundred steps apart.

Ye Gucheng’s eyes are cold and his waist is straight. He gently pulls the sword out of the scabbard and strokes the flying sword in his hand. It is cold and cold. “This sword is an overseas chilling elite, blowing hair and breaking hair, and the sword is three feet and seven inches. The net weight is six pounds and four."

Suddenly, a dragon screamed and the sword rushed.

Ye Gucheng sword has been sheathed.

The sword seems to be pale in the moonlight.

Pale moon, pale sword, pale face.

"This sword is a weapon of the world. The sword is three feet seven inches, and the net weight is seven pounds and three." Ximen blows snow and stands upright, white clothes like snow, but the sword in his hand is black, dark, narrow and ancient.

The next moment, the sword of Ximen blowing snow has been sheathed, faster than the streamer, better than lightning, quiet.

The sword seems to be cold in the moonlight.

Cold moon, cold sword, cold face~www.readwn.com~ Their lives are not heavy, whether they are the lives of others or their own, they are exactly the same.

Their shots are never merciless, because their swordsmanship is a fatal trick.

They all like to wear white clothes.

People can't help but create a feeling of both life and beauty. Both of them are too good. The excellent one is like the big sky of the sky. This world can only accommodate one person.


The sword just slammed together, the figures interlaced, the Mars splashed, and the eye-catching, like two small suns, burning and shining.

"How do I feel trembling!" Under the eaves, a half-step innate warrior stunned and shivered.

"Me too, I only feel that a crisis has come from all sides, and there is a feeling of being assassinated."

"I am afraid that these two people have already mastered the sword, the sword is cold, and the sharpness is unmatched. Today, I saw it, it is extraordinary."

"Their swords are really horrible." Under the eaves, Li Xunhuan took a sip of wine and smiled. He actually felt his blood burning and couldn't help but want to go to World War I.

"It seems that the last time I went to fight with me, Ye Gucheng has not yet made every effort." The wind and the clear side of the side are more bitter, Nima, how old you are, this sword method is already terrible.

Under the eaves, all the people's eyes were fixed, and their eyes moved with the movement of the two on the eaves. The two men's competitions have entered a white-hot state.


Swords are vertical and horizontal, staggered, chilly, cold and fierce.


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