History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 719: Team assembly

"Picking the Heaven and Earth Spirits squad requires the refining pharmacist to accompany the pharmacist who has the ability to survive in the wild. r?anw?e?n?`"

"To explore the treasures of ancient tombs, you need to be a professional in the bucket, Feng Shui."

"Mining, you need a powerful demon, the monster with the skill of the earth is preferred, and the accompanying team has a large monk with a fit."

Wanjie Mall, full of anxious and excited customers everywhere, shouted loudly.

This minute is a value point.

If you are lucky enough to find a treasure with a low risk factor and a high treasure value, they will make a fortune.

“Small hurriedly came over and there was a major action in Wanjielou, gathering in front of the Zhonghua Building.”

"Hong Yi will come back soon, we will wait for you in front of Zhonghua Building"

In front of the Zhonghua Building, Xiao Yu and Lin Dong each took a magic mobile phone, shouting loudly, and their voices shook slightly.

The treasure-seeking activities carried out by Wanjielou are simply a platform for harvesting value points.

As long as you are careful and don't rush, you can definitely get a lot of value points in this treasure discovery activity.

And this treasure-seeking activity is not temporary, but long-lasting.

This road is flat and flat.

Dry Kun big world.

"Don't take advantage of that resource. As long as it is a clerk who can refine the dry kun bag, it is necessary to cultivate the family secretly. If they have significant contributions, they can go in."

Tian Yao 貂 地 land, Xiao 貂 domineering.

"Even in the family treasures, you can also reward them."

Xiao Yan talked to someone Pepe.

In front of him stood six people of the reincarnation and more than a dozen runners.

Because of the frequent entry into the Wanjie Building, Xiaoyan is in order to maintain the absolute hegemony of the Tianhuo people in the dry world.

The strongmen of these enchanting Yi people in front of him are all cultivated by using the resources of Wanjielou.

Many of the enchanting scorpions in front of Xiao Yan are respectful and nodded.

These strong people who have been trained by Xiaoyan are his absolute confidants.

In addition to this reason, it is also because of the strength of Xiaoyan, it has also reached the ancestral environment, in the dry world is absolutely invincible.

"Quickly use my nunchaku, hip hop"

At this moment, Xiao Yan’s body was filled with a strange hip-hop sound, a piece of music that was different from that of Qian Kun’s world music.

Such a strange voice sounded in front of the Tian Yao and the tyrants, and they still did not change their faces.

If they were not with their hands on their backs, their palms were white, and they really thought they were calm.

Although it was not the first time I heard Xiaoqi’s strange voice, the strong people of the Tianluo still couldn’t help but feel a strange color.

Xiao Yan’s face changed, and one hand opened the void, and disappeared directly into the Tian Yao’s land.

"Don't you say that you are not allowed to play music?"

Xiao Yan shouted at the intelligence in the magic phone, and connected to the magic phone.

“Small hurriedly came over and there was a major action in Wanjielou, gathering in front of the Zhonghua Building.”

In the magic mobile phone, the forest trembled and rushed.

Xiao Yan’s face changed dramatically. He knew that Lin Dong was a calm and calm person. Now he is so anxious and excited, indicating that there is something significant happening in Wanjielou.

He did not return to the Tianxuan Dais, and he entered the Wanjielou.

The world of the wind, the holy Confucian star.

Since the sale of the planet in Wanjielou, Confucianism has also purchased a natural planet, green mountains and green waters, and a small river, which is an original planet.

This planet became the headquarters of Confucianism.

Confucius Institute is naturally located in the Saint Confucianism. There are many rich second generations, the second generation of the immortals, and the second generation of the demon are reading and literacy at Confucius Institute.

No matter which world, there is no illiterate person who can become a strong person.

Because you don't even know the word, how do you go to see the cheats?

If you don't know the ligature, how to read the meaning of the cheats, what to hold the martial arts, and the unity of mind, there is no certain writing skills, how to understand the cheats in the cheats.

What's more, if you develop awe-inspiring temperament, you will not be enchanted when you practice.

Therefore, Kong Sheng College is not lacking students.

The Confucius Institute is also a source of income for Confucianism to earn value.

"Teacher, I have a stomachache and take a step."

"Teacher, my stomach hurts, I have to take a break."

"Teacher, my kidney pain, the students retire first."

At the Confucius Institute, who was in class, suddenly, the students in the class yelled one by one, and ran away more than a dozen times. Mencius, who stood on the high platform, was looking at the class, and his palms shook slightly.

If one or two students have physical problems, he can understand.

But all of a dozen students ran away, and even without his approval, they all ran away.

Really, he is a fool, can come to Kong Sheng College to study, which one is not a practitioner.

You said that you will be enchanted, I will still believe in one or two, and now I have a stomachache and stomachache.

You want to go, at least for a suitable reason.

For example, your realm is breaking through, and the real gas in your body is going to be ruined.

"It really is"

Sitting under the Hong Yi, gently sigh, although he knows what may happen in Wanjielou, just something needs to be so anxious.

"Hong Yi will come back soon, we will wait for you in front of Zhonghua Building"

Hong Yi listened to the screaming voice of Xiao Yu, who was in a hurry. It was also a slight glimpse. He knew that something really happened.

Otherwise, Xiao Yu will not call him so urgently.

However, looking at the face of Mencius Tieqing, Hong Yi took a sigh of relief and he planned to make a suitable reason and leave.

Because ~www.readwn.com~ He knows that if nothing is happening, Xiao Yu can't call him when he is in class.

Just as Hong Yi planned to stand up and ask for a leave of absence from Mencius, Mencius showed a hint of doubt in his face and took out his magic mobile phone.

"Wanjie Building, speed!"

Mencius looked at a text message on the phone, but couldn't help but cough a few times.

The message was sent to him by Confucius, which means he has to leave.

"Since the cough and cough, most of the students have physical problems, then today's class will not be."

After Mencius finished speaking, he disappeared directly into Kong Sheng College.

Hong Yi, "".

Wanjie Mall.

"Hong Yi, Xiao Yan, you are finally here. We are going to the Wanjie Building to receive the treasure watch."

In front of the Zhonghua Building, Xiao Yu saw Hong Yi and Xiao Yan, who walked quickly, and looked loose, and said quickly.

"You two first understand some treasure exploration activities, I have already selected the treasure mission, Jiuding remembers the world's big treasures, a Samsung treasure mission, we try the difficulty of the mission first, and then challenge the more difficult. ”

The old man said to Xiao Yi and Hong Yi who had just arrived for you.

"And, our team of treasures is called the king team."

Xiao Yu solemnly announced on the side.

Obviously the name of this team is from him.

"Our dragon's treasure squad is called Long Aotian squad."

Not far away, the dragon in the world of Fengyun, announced to the newly-received younger brother behind him.

"We are called the Three Little Squad."

In the Wanjielou, Jiyun, who received the good treasure watch world of Dionysus, said to the dragon in the world of the gods, and the ice of the world of ice and fire. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly ticket, your support, is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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