History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 742: 1 punch Superman VS empty hand to pick the white blade?

Wanjie Mall, the competition.

In the early days of Wanjielou, the contest was a very hot event. Every day, there was a strong match on the stage.

However, with the continuous development of the Wanjie Building, there is also the emergence of the battlefield of life and death, and the popularity of the contest has rapidly declined.

After the battlefield of life and death was sealed, the contest was once again hot.

As usual, the contests of Wanjie Mall are mostly battles with strong players below the fourth order.

"No one can pick me up?"

The bald man squatted on the ring and squandered the road, as if the essence of the whole body was taken.

Although his voice is very small, it is clear to everyone around the ring.

Looking at the decadent expression of the bald man, the people around him are full of horror, they have never seen such a arrogant person.

Isn't it a dozen punches and dozens of third-order fourth-order powerhouses?

There are too many people in Wanjielou to be able to do it.

Even with a sigh of relief, you can blow away the strongmen of the fourth-order fifth-order realm.

"Saitama down, come down!"

Under the stage, Yue Buqun was full of black lines. When he first saw Saitama, he thought that the shape of Saitama was strange. People were still very modest and very honest.

I don’t understand anything, but I also ask him humbly.

However, when he heard the martial arts, the whole person of Saitama was excited. Even the original plan to find a job in Wanjielou was forgotten, and he rushed to the stage.

At the beginning, Yue Buqun was only slightly surprised by the strength of Saitama. A monk who had a great foundation in the foundation period would not be blown up by Saitama if it was not because of the dangerous protection of the platform itself. That is to say, Saitama is at least three circles. The strongest in the realm.

The second monk was a great magician, a magician in the realm of the three realms. The five-magic magic used in the fire was pure, and the result was on the body of Saitama, without causing any harm.

In the end, it fell under the punch of Saitama.

After this magician, there are monks in the Golden Age, the big demon in the Yuanshen period, the fourth-order peaks in the Wuxian double repairs, and the strong ones against Saitama. The results fell on the sword of Saitama. under.

In just one hour, Saitama almost experienced a hundred rounds of fighting, and did not show any exhaustion.

“Is it the strongest in the fifth-order realm?”

Yue Buqun saw Saitama crying in the ring and shouting. When he heard his cry, he did not come down from the competition. He had to jump on the platform to pull Qiyu down.

The top masters of the Wanjie Building went to another world with the owner.

Saitama is so arrogant now that it is easy to offend people.

There is a saying in the Wanjie Building that there are no invincible customers in the Wanjie Building.

The Wanjie Building, which is hit by iron, is the peak of the flowing water.

Today, you are the strongest person in the Wanjie Building. Tomorrow, you may become the strongest of the next step in the Wanjie Building.

Only Wanjielou, the stronger and stronger, the standing of the world, the people who have bad intentions for Wanjielou are all suppressed by life.

The people who are arrogant, Yue Buqun see more.

What is the king of the universe, the king of the gods, and the emperor of the emperor, when they came, they all belonged to Long Aotian. It didn't take long for them to die, or to be disabled, and more people went bankrupt.

“Why can't anyone pick me up?”

Saitama hugged Yue Buqun and cried, he was the real invincible loneliness.

When others become strong, there is always a long period of escalation, and there is a weak and strong experience.

Taishang deputy strong, now is the seventh-order realm.

However, before he entered the Wanjie Building, he was only a strong sixth-order realm. Was the vice president of Taishang always a strong sixth-order realm before entering Wanjielou?

He is also a strongman from the first-order realm to the second-order realm, and then the third-order realm.

In the process of Tai Shang’s deputy practice, he also encountered strong enemies and suffered a crisis of life and death.

Different from Saitama, he exercised for three years and became an invincible strongman.

In addition to three years ago, when he met a crab man, he fought a battle.

But after three years, I don’t know how he is invincible, or that kind of real invincibility.

In the world of punching Superman, no one can really block the punch of Saitama.

This is the invincible strongman from the beginning.

For a young man who is eager for blood, this is a torture.

Originally, I heard the strong people gathered here in the heavens and the real world. Qi Yu’s heart ignited hope, but the master here is still no one can block his punch.

This is a cruel fact.

Is it difficult for him to meet a strong man in the heavens?

Can't you let him experience a **** battle?

"The real masters of Wanjielou are not there."

Yue Buqun is full of smiles. It’s true that all the heavens and the world are not strange. Even Qi Qiyu can exist.

He can feel that Saitama is not pretending, the loneliness in his eyes is also true, and he is truly eager for the existence of an adversary.

This kind of look has also been seen in the eyes of the Devil Respect House, but the devil respects the loneliness in the eyes of the building, not as good as Saitama.

There are memories in the eyes of the devil respecting the building, and recollections of the past rivals.

However, there is only endless loneliness and loss in Saitama's eyes, as if in his growing up, he never encountered an opponent who could resist his punch.

"And master?"

The interest of Saitama is not high, and some are powerless.

Before that, he said that Wanjielou, a master like a cloud, now he even won a Lien Chan winning streak, effortless, the only comfort to him is that he can not break the defense of the martial arts.

Perhaps the mysterious shopkeeper of Wanshang Building, powerful, can let him fight hard.

However, this is his only hope. If the owner of the Wanjie Building is defeated again, his future is really desperate.

"Hey, this person is so arrogant, let him teach him well."

Just then, a very crisp and soft voice rang in the ears of everyone.

When everyone heard this voice, their eyes were slightly bright, and such a nice voice was definitely a brilliant fairy.

Everyone couldn’t help but look for the sound, and they wanted to see the beauty of this beautiful fairy.

But when everyone's eyes shifted to the owner of the sound, the eyes were slightly brighter~www.readwn.com~ It was a very cute soft girl, but it was a bit taller, and it was more than two feet.

However, when the eyes of the people looked down to the so-called soft sister's appearance, they suddenly stopped, and even a few people almost screamed.

Is this the ultimate metamorphosis in the legend, the appearance of Mengmeizi, the body that is more burly than the fitness instructor, how is such a ghost, how is it born?

"Where are you still small, let you come."

A middle-aged man wearing a lilac robes, a waist with a sword, a head inserted in a jade, and a very rigorous look, walked to the front of the burly, and his face was dignified.

Saitama is a master worthy of a battle.

Everyone, "········".

Where is it still small? Which is small?

What is this person actually?

Where is the maintenance of law and order in the Wanwan Building? What is going on?

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