History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 757: Who is your nephew?

"Name: Erlang God.

Identity: The world of Tiangong, the guardian of Nantianmen. ”

Erlang’s mouth was slightly tilted, and his eyes looked at the air in his “Dahua Freedom” and it showed a strong heat and unwillingness.

This time, the discount sales activity, all the copy goods can be purchased with value points and spirit points. The only limitation is that this fairy law is still a barter.


If he has a magic weapon, or a practice can be compared with "He is free," how could he be a keeper of Nantianmen.

The entire Lingxiao Hall is his, how can it be the turn of the Jade Emperor, sitting in the throne of the Three Realms?

This time I borrowed 100,000 spirit points. He is planning to buy the invincible Tiangong. This can be used to smelt the world's holy blood. It is very suitable for him.

Based on his strength, it is easy to collect the essence of all the sacred buddhas in the entire Three Realms. Once he is refined into eternal power, he will sit in the Lingbao Hall and take charge of the Three Realms.

He became a Jade Emperor. Isn't it easy to separate a god?

"The jade emperor's nephew?"

Li Qiang’s words were slightly shocked. The Jade Emperor commanded the Three Realms and dominated the Qiang Kun and Erlang God’s nephews. There should be no problem in recommending a god.

If there is a **** in heaven, it is a fairy class. Can you live forever, and what kind of fairy?

"Jade Emperor? Is his identity very prominent?"

Hua Yunfei and Lu Yun heard Li Qiang’s amazement and were curious.

Only need the Jade Emperor Zhangkou to seal a god, you can live forever, this is too bad.

In the world of the seven worlds, countless days of pride in the pursuit of the path of longevity, after all the hardships, eventually turned into a loess.

Covering the world, suppressing the emperor of an era, but also the life span of tens of thousands of years, perhaps only the legendary immortal, can live forever.

Now, if you want to get a long life, you only need someone else's words. The strength of the Jade Emperor may have reached an incredible level.

"The Jade Emperor leads the human world, the land and the heavens. Anyone who is in the Xianban can get a longevity."

Li Qiang thought about it.

His speech may be different from the heavens that Erlang God said, but it will not be too far apart.

At this moment, Hua Yunfei and Lu Yun have flashed a hint of intent, but this thought was quickly cut off by them.

What about their immortality?

If there is no strong strength, it is just a death in the heavens.

Instead of borrowing value points to give Erlang God, it is better to strengthen yourself.

What's more, they don't have a hundred thousand spirits to lend to Erlang.

However, the two of them still have some envy of the identity of Erlang God, the nephew of the Three Realms, I am afraid that the Wanjielou is also a prominent person.

With the identity of the Jade Emperor, you can easily stand on the heels at Wanjielou.

"Is he a nephew?"

The white snake spreads the jade of the world, and glances at the Jade Emperor Tianzun who is returning to the world.

The look of this Erlang **** in front of him is similar to the Jade Emperor Tianzun who returned to the world.

"You are almost like a nephew!"

The Jade Emperor Tianzun, who returned to the world from the Great St., showed a hint of anger on his face. If he was not scrupulous, he almost screamed.

This jade always knows what to ask, can he not see the strength of Erlang God?

The strength of Erlang God is a high-level sixth-order realm. He is similar to his strength. He relied on the resources of Wanjielou to accumulate so quickly. His nephews are against the sky and cannot be so strong.

Jade always said that it is a matter of heart.

"Don't look at me, I am alone, where is the nephew?"

The Emperor of Heaven in the Three Worlds of Xianjian, waved his hand and explained.

"I am outside there."

The jade emperor of the world, who was preaching to the world, smiled at Yang Lan, who was not far away, but his heart was gnashing his teeth and anger.

He hates it!

Yang Lan actually succeeded in practicing the three bodies, and the strength soared and became unfathomable.

He had a thousand plans to deal with Yang Lan, and all of them had been ruined. Now, when Yang Hao is seen, he still faces his face and laughs. He is afraid that Yang Lan will be angry and kill him.

"Marshal of the canopy, do you know the Erlang **** in front of you?"

Yu always asked.

"do not know."

Standing on the pig's eight rings behind the Taiqing saints, he glanced at Erlang and shook his head.

The Jiro of the Journey to the West, that is the real prestige, the heart is proud, and his mouth will never say the words of value.

Not to mention the light of the Jade Emperor, in order to borrow value points.

"Jade always, is this Erlang **** in front of you?"

Just then, a hearty sound sounded.

The cow demon king in the world of Tiangong, a black and black armor, and two horns on his head, exudes the radiance of Ling Xiao, and smiles to Yu Yu and others.

His demon king has already regarded the heavens as his own imprisonment, and Erlang God entered the Wanjielou, which became a hindrance to his unification and three realms, a stumbling block.

There is no way to kill it now, but he also wants to suppress the Erlang God.

"Jade always?"

The three people of Huayunfei heard the words of the demon king, all of which were slightly stunned. Now they are talking about the nephews of the Jade Emperor and the Jade Emperor.

Jade always cattle, but also Jade Emperor?

Jade Emperor is the supreme leader of the Three Realms, the first of all the immortals, and immortality.

“Jade is the Jade Emperor, the Three Realms, the Wanfang Building is now the largest commercial group, and the Sanjie Mixing Group is controlled by Jade.”

I don’t know when the fire unicorn appeared, the face worshipped, and a pair of red eyes, almost turned into a sparking Venus.

In the eyes of the fire unicorn, Jade is the successful person in the Wanjie Building. The incarnation of the local tyrant, the synonym of the value point, is the goal and life teacher of his fire unicorn.

"Jade always?"

Hua Yunfei three people are all a stunned face, almost did not respond, the three-zone supreme, how to become a business?

"The Bull Devil?"

Erlang God's eyes are cold and the eyes are cold, and the eyes are filled with cold murder.

He did not think that he was the only customer who entered Wanjielou, but he did not think of the demon king, but he also entered the Wanjielou.

When the demon wars of the year, the Mozu retreated and was deported to the Flame Mountain, but the strength of the Niu Dewang was enough to fight the Jade Emperor.

He is only the goalkeeper of Lingxiaobao Temple, but the demon king is the leader of the entire Mozu. The whole Mozu is the demon king, and the demon king has far more than him.

The demon king is likely to become the enemy of his unification and three realms.

"The demon king, are you the dog of the family, is it enough to live in the flames?"

Erlang's mouth smirked a sneer, his eyes were deep and cold, and he sarcastically decided that he would decide to return to the world of Heavenly Palace, and he would destroy the Mozu.

"It is still the noble character of Erlang God, the jade emperor is outside, the mana is boundless, and he guards Nantianmen all the year round."

The cow demon king heard the words, the smile on his face was not reduced, and his eyes were calm and terrible.

Erlang God heard that the demon king said his pain, his eyes were slightly stunned, and he revealed the killing machine. He was a stalwart god, and his mana was boundless. He was sent by the Jade Emperor to Nantianmen to be the gatekeeper, which is overkill.

With his strength, the official worship of the Lingbao Hall, to be a heavenly general who holds a million soldiers, is more than enough.

Everything he deserves~www.readwn.com~ He has to get it back.

"These eight are the Jade Emperors who lead the Three Realms. Which one is yours?"

The smile on the face of the demon king is more intense, pointing to the jade and others, laughing.

Hua Yunfei, "·········".

Li Qiang, "···········".

Lu Yun "········".

Eight jade emperors, eight three realms, according to this rhythm, the jade emperor's nephew, the feeling is also very common.

However, Hua Yunfei’s three hearts are also secretly decided. From now on, they must be low-key. They can’t be forced to look at the identity of the Jade Emperor’s nephew, let alone them.

Erlang God, "········".

How come there are so many jade emperors?

There are so many jade emperors, who still manages the jade emperor?

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