History’s Strongest Shopkeeper

Chapter 768: Yang Pan and Broom Star

Yang Pan is only one emperor of the ruling party. The strength has not yet reached the sixth-order realm. Fliesa is the cosmic emperor who ruled countless stars. The strength is the sixth-order realm. The two are not at all a level.

Fliesa thinks that the gap between him and Yang Pan is like the gap between him and Yu. His Fliesa is not weak and can be bullied. His low-key is only in front of the strong, like the weak Yang Pan. Has not yet qualified him for a low profile.

What Keihan wanted to say, but after seeing the face of Fliesa Tieqing, she consciously closed her mouth.

Fliesa was so anxious to retaliate, with anger, and did not know that Fliesa went to avenge his father, the Kurdish king.

The terrible consequences of doing so, Keinen thought about the scalp numb, Fliesa is likely to also offend the two forces of the Wanjielou.

But he did not dare to say that Fliesa was on the spur of the moment, he is now organized, and regardless of Flissa, he will have a great murder to him.

Although his strength has increased, more than one million combat power has reached the point he could not have imagined before, but more than one million combat forces are in front of Fliesa, a cockroach ant, a weak, Fliesa 瞪A locust that can be killed at a glance.

If Fliesa is destroyed, he may replace Fliesa and become the new cosmic emperor.

At the thought of becoming the emperor of the universe, the last thought that Keihan intended to say was also passed away, but the endless fiery and boundless ambitions in his heart.

Wanjie Mall.

"I have already spent nine thunders, reaching the realm of flesh and blood, and even touching the ever-changing realm, not far from the sun."

"Once I become a god, then I will unify the whole world, rebuild the glory of the ancient emperor, and live forever."

Yang Pan will be the best stone spirit in the Qiankun bag, the body is slightly trembling, and the heart is excited.

In order to achieve the realm of smashing the vacuum, he has always been in a state of retreat, and there has been no external expedition. Otherwise, how can these countries exist in Yunmengguo and Yuantuo.

Everything waits for him to become a **** of yang, the whole world will become the territory of the Dagan dynasty, and even he will become the first sacred emperor since ancient times, enjoying the pilgrimage of the people and making great achievements.

"Where did the broom star go?"

Yang Pan’s eyes flashed a trace of cold mang, and he was very dissatisfied with the efficiency of the broomstick in controlling the original world.

They entered the Wanjie Building for so long, and the broom star brought back two fairy tales from the seven heavenly world of Huan Tianxi, and they also traded the broom star.

He barely got any benefit from the broom star, but instead posted a lot.


Yang Pan’s mind couldn’t help but think of a secret technique that he had seen in Wanjielou before, and his eyes flashed coldly.

The broom star is too disobedient. He used to worry that he used the very means to control the broom star. When the broom star returned to the original world, he would be found by the strongest of the original world that the broom star was controlled.

Maybe the broom star will be exposed, completely severing the possibility that he controls the other side of the fairy world.

However, it can't be managed so much now.

The broomstick controls the progress of the original world, and there is no progress, and he is soon becoming a god. When he is in a unified world, his strength will once again leap.

If he unifies one world, he may be able to cooperate with the super-class strength of the Sanjie Mixing Group, without having to rely on the sweeping star.

If he controls the broomstick and is found by the strongest in the world where the broom star is located, then he will waste a flag.

If no one discovers it, then he can successfully control the broomstick while he is becoming a god, and lay a solid foundation for him to control the resources of a fairyland.

“How can I successfully enslave the broom star?”

Yang Pan has a slight frown. Although his strength is stronger than the sweeping star, there are certain limits.

Moreover, the broomstick has lived for thousands of years, is a god, and he is not more than one hundred years old.

The broomstick has no means of controlling what is against the sky, he is completely ignorant.

If he is not careful, he is likely to overturn the ship in the gutter.

He must think of a good way to trick the broomstick into a completely open world, and then let the broom star lose its combat power, and then he will perform slavery before he can achieve a foolproof situation.

"Dissipate the immortal!"

Yang Pan's mouth is slightly twitching. If you don't eat it, you can become a medicinal herb. However, you can temporarily disperse the medicinal power of the fairy.

After the discount of this medicinal herb, there are more than 30,000 points.

More than 30,000 points, he can buy a golden dragon to add a hundred years of repair.

The enslavement and the addition of a scattered immortal, the cost of paying for four or five thousand spiritual points, so high the price, so that Yang Pan's heart is bleeding.

He prepared a total of 80,000 spirit points, and took advantage of the Wanjielou discount to purchase items that broke through the realm of Yangshen.

Now in order to completely control the broomstick, it is necessary to spend more than half of it. The remaining value points may only allow him to reach the ever-changing martial arts realm. As for the realm of smashing the vacuum, there may be no point at all.

"But it's all worth it."

The eyes of Yang Pan have completely turned red, as if the brain is full of blood and red eyes, revealing a deep madness.

He is now a customer of Wanjielou, one step at a time, and one day will become the peak powerhouse.

If it is to control the broom star, to be countered, and to die of death, it is the night of regret.

The cost of spending now is large, but it is safe.

A broomstick star that completely loses its ability, how could it be that he has earned himself a stronger self than him?

Steady, he must be more secure.

The time to break through the sun can be delayed, but the plan to control the sweeping star must be foolproof.

Once you successfully control the broomstick, the rewards are simply unimaginable.

A resource contained in a fairy world, how many value points can be traded, few people can estimate clearly,

If it fails, even if it is unlucky, break through the plan of Yangshen and delay it for a while.

"Yang Pan, this time I bought a Jiu Dan, and I bought one for you."

Yang Pan carefully bought the slaves and scattered Xiandan into the Qiankun bag, and heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Where did you go to the broom star?"

Yang Pan was slightly shocked and turned away. He looked at the star of the broom and flashed a trace of unnaturalness.

Fortunately, I immediately put away the two items I just purchased. Otherwise, I was found by the broom star to buy slavery and scattered Xiandan, which will definitely cause the suspicion of the broom star.

Because these two items, at first glance, they are used by others.

The broom star is stupid, and the heart will be raised with a little caution, and then he will not be able to start.

However, soon Yang Pan's gaze was transferred to a crystal bottle handed over by the broom star.

"Jiuzhong Dan can renew his soul, improve his qualifications, and improve his training."

Yang Pan instantly communicated his membership card, and got the information of Jiu Dan Dan ~www.readwn.com~ Jiu Dan Dan for the weaker practitioners, the stronger the effect, with the growth of cultivation, the efficacy is weakened.

However, for the strongest of the fifth-order realm, it still has a small role.

Yang Pan naturally did not hesitate, he received Jiu Dan, in his eyes, the sweeping star is his, not to mention a Jiu Dan.

"I can rest assured that."

There was a smile on the face of the broom star, and the heart was dark.

Yang Pan gave him a pot, and he also gave Yang Pan benefits, which is a fair deal.

"Broom star, Kurdish king?"

Fliesa hadn't found it yet, but Xiao Xiao went to the broom star in front of him and asked.

King Kurd is the father of Flissa, and I am afraid that he has ruled many planets. Keeping him is a trouble, they must be eradicated.

However, they also got the news that the Kurdish king was actually taken over by the broom star.

"what happened?"

Yang Pan flashed a trace of horror, how the broom star blended with the Kurdish king, the Kurdish king offended so many people, is already a dead body.

Now who has a relationship with the Kurdish king, there is no good end.

If the broom star has also implicated him, is there any room for him to live in Wanjielou?

"Yang Pan, why are you saving the Kurdish king?"

Not far away, Fliesa also rushed over, only to see Xiao Yan three people, when they reached the mouth, it suddenly changed.

He had intended to question Yang Pan, why did he catch the food and **** his imprisonment?

However, when I saw Xiao Yu’s three people, Fliesa jumped in the heart and instantly understood the relationship.

Yang Pan, "········".

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