"Guo Lianchang, find a soldier who is familiar with Area A."

Zhou Yang shouted to Guo Mingyong, who was watching the safety around the door.

With Bai Xiaofei team, there are only two kinds of people who can survive. One is his preparatory harem, and the other is his good base-friend.

From Bai Xiaofei's way to find Xiaowei's road, I don't know how many teammates died, even his base-friends are somewhat unsafe, and several people died along the way.

Let Bai Xiaofei accompany the iron sorrowful **** Zhu to ignore it. Zhou Yang is really not assured, complete, can not come back completely, is a very worthy consideration.

"General, the C zone stationed in the defense company, the superior soldier Li Daniu reported to you." The burly soldier named Daniel, shouted excitedly.

"You and the gods go to the A area, save a person no problem." Zhou Yang asked.

"Guaranteed to complete the task." Li Daniu respected a military ceremony with a serious look, but he looked at the eyes of the iron sorrowful **** Zhu, ignoring the deep worship, and the iron fist **** Zhu ignored the fighting style too much for their appetite. It is.

Lord! Domineering! Rolling all the way!

After sending away the iron bile, Zhu Zhu ignored Zhu Wushi and Li Daniu, Zhou Yang turned to look at Bai Xiaofei, and wondered, "Why don't you go?"

"General, you see if I can join the Yanhuang team?" Bai Xiaofei smirked and smiled. When he thought of entering a special department, he caused the attention of countless beautiful women, and his otaku soul broke out again.

Zhou Yang nodded. "Of course, you can go to Guo Lianchang to report your name first, and write that you are a genetically-enhanced person."

Looking at Bai Xiaofei, who was excited to go to Guo Mingyong, Zhou Yang just smiled slightly. As the protagonist of the corpse brother world, Bai Xiaofei’s ability to join the Yanhuang team may be minimal. Even if he rescued Xiao Wei, he would help Xiaohui and help. Deer looking for her mother, I wonder how many strangers are waiting for him to brush?


Suddenly, a huge embarrassment, in the silent night, cut through the sky, breaking the quiet of the H City University.

Zhou Yang's brows are slightly wrinkled. This iron bile, Zhu, has just left, and these mutant zombies have begun to riot. It seems that the wisdom of these mutant zombies is not low.

Quickly walked to the room, Zhou Yang looked at the crowd that was only a slight commotion, and even a few people looked forward to it, suddenly relieved, it seems that this impact is not once or twice, and, the iron sorrow their Strength, let these survivors feel full security.

Otherwise, these people are running around, and Zhou Yang can't protect them.

"To cross the border, to robbery, to cross the hardships, the three of you are here to protect the safety of these people." Zhou Yang opposes the three gods who have been sitting around and closing their eyes, relying on the heavens and dragons to remember the world, and ordered.

In normal times, he naturally does not call it this way, but in the battle, he must maintain the absolute authority of the owner.

The three gods closed their eyes and slowly opened, stood up, and quickly separated around, the three sitting in three corners, guarding the safe area.

Three black cords, lying quietly on the ground, cold and swaying.

"You 18 copper people protect and leave Sandu and the masses." Zhou Yang said to the eighteen bronze people in the world of Swordsman.

These people, the defense has not yet become a big success, entering the corpse is too easy to be attacked, because the vitality of those mutant zombies is very tenacious, I do not know when, there will be a smashed body, a tentacle sneak up.

The first generation of eighteen copper people, the first one, said, "The shopkeeper, please rest assured."

"Guo Lianchang opened the lights of the entire campus." Guo Mingyong, who looked at the machine gun and prepared to fight, Zhou Yang said.

The night may have little effect on the mutant zombies, but the impact on them is still great. Even though, Zhou Yang is affected by the battle in the dark, not to mention these eighteen copper people.

Soon, the entire campus was brightly lit, like a day.

However, these mutant zombies are not stupid, destroying the street lights along the way, the light of the campus, and the moment is half dark.

Fortunately, there are a lot of lights on the roof, and the mutant zombies can't be destroyed for a while.

Looking at the black pressure, like the raging zombies, Zhou Yang does not have much fluctuations. The only thing that cares about them is the two huge mutant monsters.

One is a black skull-shaped mutant zombie that is more than ten meters long. Each movement is tens of meters away, and the speed is very fast. The black armor looks very strong.

The other is a super-large variant humanoid zombie composed of countless college students. It looks horrible. Although it moves slowly, it is very destructive. All the obstacles along the way are crushed or eaten by him.

"Wang Xiaoer, the mutant humanoid zombie is handed over to you." Zhou Yang pointed to the super large variant humanoid zombie, said.

Wang Xiao nodded and his face was a little dignified and angry. He flashed blue light and smashed into a super-large variant humanoid zombie.

"Zhang Daochang, the other one is handed over to you." Zhou Yang said to Zhang Sanfeng on the side.

Zhang Sanfeng naturally will not refuse, directly jump to kill the zigzag variant zombies.


Suddenly the two battlefields fought directly.

Zhou Yang gently waved his hand, and the 18-copper people in the world of Tianlong Baji, who had already been swaying in the back, rushed into the corpse, and the 18-copper people in the world of the gods and heroes were naturally unwilling to fall behind.


Zhou Yang looked a little dazed, some speechless, some amazed, the eighteen bronze people in the world of Tianlong Ba, just rushed into the corpse tide, directly remembered the burst of the brain shell burst, these monks have already made the headshot, artistic.


Another burst of sound, the 18-copper of the Condor Heroes is not a fool. They know that the 18 bronze people of the Tianlong Babu world come first, and they have rich natural experience. They also chose the same fighting style as them.

"Oh, Mom! Run!" In the corpse, I don't know which variant zombie exclaimed. The two bosses were directly blocked, and these younger brothers were not being headshot.

The corpse that had been swarming swiftly retreated quickly. Although they were afraid of the ignorance of the iron scorpion, Zhu, they were even more afraid of the monks of the iron bars. Their scalp was numb.

It was called a quick quasi-squatting, and the raging corpse quickly retreated. When it came, it was several times faster.

"You can't chase out the lights." Zhou Yang said loudly, whether this darkness hides the higher variability zombies, he is not clear, can not let these monks send their lives in order to kill a few mutant zombies.

Like the mutant gourd zombie that was encountered before Bai Xiaofei, the wisdom is already high enough to know that there is meat eating with Bai Xiaofei. It has been hidden behind Bai Xiaofei, and slowly devours the mutant zombies killed by Bai Xiaofei. It has the potential to grow into a boss. .

Zhou Yang did not join the battle, quietly paying attention to the battlefield, only when he was in danger, he would take a shot.

There was nothing unexpected about the result. After the corpse retreat, the entire campus could only hear the mourning of large mutant zombies. The screaming screams really made people feel pity.


Every large variant zombie has to face their opponents at the same time ~www.readwn.com~ also bear the arrogance of eighteen copper people.

After all, the large-scale mutant zombies are not small zombies. The eighteen bronzes must be handled with care. However, after the great attacks were stopped by Zhang Sanfeng and Wang Xiaoer, these bronzers suffered little attack and could play.

After the two large variant zombies were severely wounded by Zhang Sanfeng and Wang Xiaoer, it was their real tragic beginning.

Exiting the corpse tide outside the campus, it is a retreat, listening to the roar of the "squeaky", they are all sympathetic, there are already three super large variant zombies during the day, that is, a stick and a stick Sudden death.

"Otherwise, you go, you go." One variant zombie looked sympathetic, but the speed of the retreat did not slow down.

Those survivors on campus, excited to take out the mobile phone to take pictures, those who pay attention to the big forces of H City University, silent for a moment.

When I think of myself fighting these people, the monks who hold the iron bars, the mammoths with one stick and one stick, feel cold.

Too violent - force! Too **** - hey!

After the loud noise of "砰砰", Zhou Yang asked Guo Mingyong to burn all the bodies of these mutant zombies. The mutant zombies can completely devour the evolution of similar corpses. If so, the mutant zombies on campus, which variant zombies Devouring, I don’t know what horrible monsters will appear.

"General, Commander Yan Huang wants to talk to you." Thinking about where to go tomorrow, Zhou Yang saw Guo Mingyong holding a computer and rushing to the road.

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