Hit by Rolls-Royce at the Start

107. The popular circle of friends [2 for subscription]

Brother Chen Zheng!"

"Brother Chen Zheng, help me get it! It's so heavy!"

"I can't stand it, Brother Chen Zheng!!!"

Chen Zheng just put the rice and noodles in the kitchen, and when he came out, he saw Yang Tiantian following closely.

Holding the fruit box looks very labored.

He kept blinking at Chen Zheng and gritted his teeth anxiously.

But Chen Zheng didn't go up to pick it up directly.

Instead, he glanced at Yang Tiantian's arms and legs, not shaking at all, very comfortable.

Looking at Yang Tiantian's eyes again, they kept secretly opening them when they were crying for help.

Chen Zheng pouted helplessly.

Sighing, he went up and took it.

"Little sister, this fruit is less than ten kilograms in total."


Yang Tiantian pretended to wipe her sweat.

Then he pouted his mouth and pretended to be cute.

"People are so small and their strength is small!"

"People don't have the strength, shouldn't you, a big brother, help them?"

The tone of this pinched throat is very different from Yang Tiantian's usual tone.

Chen Zheng instantly got goosebumps all over the floor.

"Do my fault, little sister is tired!"

Having said that, Chen Zheng nodded to Grandma Yang on the sofa.

"Grandma, everything has been delivered, and the money has been sent to WeChat, so I'll go first!"

Grandma Yang smiled and nodded.

"The child has worked hard, drink some water and go!"

Yang Tiantian also nodded again and again!

"Yeah! Little brother drink some water!!!"

Chen Zheng waved his hand subconsciously.

"No need, no need!"

"I still have goods to deliver at home, I'm leaving first!!!"

After speaking, Chen Zheng seemed to be frightened.

Run downstairs quickly!

Yang Tiantian is stunned!

I was stunned for ten seconds!

Then he looked at his grandmother with a sad face.

"Grandma, what did I do wrong!"

"Am I not cute? Why is he so afraid of me?"

"Woooooo I'm dead!"

Grandma Yang rolled her eyes.

"You girl, you are so pretty, you have to hold your throat and speak!"

"The way you looked just now, grandma wanted to hit you!"

"You looked so real before, what's going on today!"

Yang Tiantian was startled, her mouth shriveled.

"I...I don't think I want to make a good impression on others!"

"You always say I'm not a lady, like a lunatic, but today I'm a lady and you say it's scary!"

"Woooooo... I'm so hard!"

Community gate.

Chen Zheng breathed a sigh of relief when he got into the car, and greeted the security guard again when he went out.

It was obvious that the security guard was much more enthusiastic.

"Xiao Chen, walk slowly! Remember to say hello to your dad for me1"

"Okay big brother! Let's go!"

Going up to the window, Chen Zheng went out and turned left to go home.

At the same moment, on the road on the right, a girl turned into the community on a shared bicycle.

Before coming in, he stared at Chen Zheng's rear for a long time.

"Strange, there are still Rolls-Royce in this community, are you here to visit relatives?"

Then he entered the neighborhood suspiciously.

After a while, the girl went upstairs and went to Yang Tiantian's house.

"Grandma, I'm here to see you!"

"Oh, it's Yang Xue, you got off work so early today?"

"This Saturday, we don't go to work!"

"Oh so that's the case, Tiantian is in the room, you can go and play with her."

"Good grandma."

The girl's name is Yang Xue.

That's right, it's Chen Zheng's high school monitor Yang Xue, and Yang Xue who pursued Chen Zheng at the beginning, and Yang Xue, the best friend of Zhang Dabao's daughter-in-law Li Na.

Yang Xue is Yang Tiantian's cousin, so Grandma Yang is their grandma.

The more you look forward to meeting, the easier it is to pass by.

Yang Xue didn't even think about it, the owner of the Rolls-Royce luxury car that she had been looking at for a long time was actually Chen Zheng.

"Sweet, what are you doing, I'm in?"

Saying that, Yang Xue pushed open the door.

I saw Yang Tiantian sitting in front of the dressing table at this moment, looking at herself in the mirror in a daze.

She didn't respond much when Yang Xue came in.

"What's wrong with our sweet family? Are you studying your own unique appearance?"

"Wait, it's not love, is it?"

"I heard that women who are in love will instantly become stupid!"

Yang Xue sat down beside Yang Tiantian while teasing.

The next second, Yang Tiantian suddenly turned her head.

He stared at Yang Xue with wide eyes.

"Sister, I may really be in love!!!"

"No, it's love at first sight!"

Yang Xue was dumbfounded, but she didn't expect to say it casually and she was right.

"Love at first sight? Is it so romantic? Tell my sister about the situation!"

Yang Tiantian's expression was complicated.

Then, with a light in his eyes, he began to recall what happened just now!

"It's like this, just now, the little brother from the canteen came to deliver goods to grandma..."


"at last......"

At the beginning, Yang Tiantian was still elated, but in the end, she was extremely disappointed.

Yang Xue's dull face was stunned for a long time.

Suddenly burst into laughter in the next second!

"Pfft! Hahahaha..."

"You...you said you fell in love at first sight just now, and then planned to leave a good impression!"

"As a result, I held my throat and spoke, and made people..."

"Scared... scared away?"

"Pfft! Hahahahahahaha..."

Yang Tiantian blushed directly, and looked at Yang Xue with resentful eyes.

"Sister! Are you still my sister!"

"Can you be a little serious, stop laughing!!!"

Yang Xue smiled out of breath and raised her hand tremblingly.

"I can't do it anymore, I'm going to die laughing! Hahahaha..."

"You...you wait for me to finish laughing! Hahahaha..."

After a few minutes.

Yang Xue wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

He rubbed the corners of his stiff lips as he smiled.

"So, little brother was really scared away by you?"

"Wait, you said the little brother came by car? What kind of car are you driving?"

Yang Tiantian was startled, but unexpectedly, the topic suddenly turned to the car.

She thought about it and frowned.

"What's that car called!"

"A good car anyway, it shouldn't be cheap!"

"It's over, it's over! Intermittent amnesia!"

"The name of the car is on my lips, I just can't remember it!!!"

"Aah! I'm going crazy!!!"

Looking at Yang Tiantian's appearance, Yang Xue couldn't help laughing and crying.

But in the next second, Yang Xue subconsciously thought of the Rolls-Royce who just left the community!

"Is the car you're talking about black with a little golden figure in front of it?"

"Yes! It's black!"

"Little Golden Man? It seems like there is..."

"I was patronizing my little brother at the time, and I didn't pay much attention."

Yang Xue opened his mouth directly.

"Rolls-Royce, isn't it Rolls-Royce!"

"That black Rolls-Royce just now was delivered to grandma??? A supermarket car???"

Yang Tiantian touched her chin.

"Rolls-Royce...is that a million-dollar car? Oh yes yes! It seems like a Rolls Royce!"

"Brother Chen Zheng seems to be driving a Rolls Royce!"

Yang Xue is stupid!

“A Rolls Royce for supermarket delivery???”

"and many more!"

"You said brother Chen Zheng???"

"Yes, he said that his name is Chen Zheng, and he is just two corners away from the community. It's that small supermarket!"

Yang Tiantian looked strange.

I don't understand why Yang Xue reacted this way.

"Sister, do you know each other?"

Yang Xue's face suddenly became complicated.

"If it's the Chen Zheng I know, that's right!"

"But, Rolls-Royce, Chen Zheng drives a Rolls-Royce?"

Yang Xue fell into deep self-doubt.

At the same time, a terrifying possibility has also been discovered!

If it's really Chen Zheng!

Doesn't that mean that the two sisters fell in love with the same person!!!



"Mom, do you have any more this time? I'll give it away together!"

I've sent it twice, and both have encountered embarrassing things.

Chen Zheng also thought about it.

If this happens again...

No, if you are sending it, no matter who the other party is, put down your things and turn your head away!

So, Chen Zheng sent a few more orders.

Unsurprisingly, it doesn't matter who you meet, whether it's a man or a woman.

Anyone who sees Chen Zheng is mainly after seeing him drive a Rolls-Royce.

The first sentence of age is: young man, do you have a partner?

The first sentence of a young girl: Little brother, do you have a girlfriend?

The young man's first sentence: FUCK! Are all the delivery items so high-profile now???


On this day, many people have the same person in their circle of friends.

"A handsome little brother from a supermarket, drives a Rolls-Royce Cullinan for delivery!"

Either that.

"It's decided, I quit my job, I'm going to the supermarket to be a delivery man! I'm going to drive a Rolls Royce too!!!"

Moments like this have exploded all circles in Jiangyuan County in an instant.

A person's circle of friends is not large.

But after the circle was set, Chen Zheng became a celebrity in various circles of friends in just half a day.

Some people nearby even went directly to Chen Zheng's house to buy things.

But no one saw Chen Zheng.

Because after lunch, Chen Zheng went out.

He made an appointment to meet his newly married cousin.

"Second brother, you are back!"

"Fuck! Second brother! I really drove a luxury car back for my brother???"

"Rolls-Royce? Is this a Cullinan? I've seen it online once, but it's the first time I've seen a real car!"

Chen Zheng nodded, Chen Xiaofeng was so excited!

Stand in front of the car and touch it!

"Wait, the little brother who drives Rolls-Royce delivery I just swiped in the circle of friends, isn't it you?"

As soon as the two met, Chen Xiaofeng froze.

Then he took out his phone and opened his circle of friends.

"Look, look! This car is shot from the side!"

"But it looks like it's your car!"

Chen Zheng glanced at it, a little dumbfounded.

"It's my car, I didn't expect it to be photographed."

"However, this person is quite a face. He didn't take my license plate, and he didn't take my face."

"Okay, it's too hot, don't stand here, sit and chat inside."

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