Hit by Rolls-Royce at the Start

130、Come on, take me home! 【3, please order】

State Guest House.

In the room of Chen Zheng's classmates reunion.

At this moment, the two bosses, along with a group of younger brothers, stood by the side blankly, looking at Chen Zheng opposite, with a blank expression on their faces.

"So, what I said should be very clear?"

"Just come here today, I don't want to talk about business in the long river of our class reunion."

"What's more, I think both of them are very sincere."

"So if I made a hasty decision to cooperate with one of them now, I would be irresponsible to the other."

"So, when I return to Jianghai City, I'll ask the two to meet individually?"

Hear from Chen Zheng.

Zhou Zhenshan and Nie Zhiyuan looked at each other.

He could only helplessly nodded.

Chen Zheng is reluctant to talk about it here, and there is nothing they can do.

In fact, Nie Zhiyuan is actually quite good.

Mainly Zhou Zhenshan, when he heard Chen Zheng's decision to eat shit, he died of discomfort.

It was not easy to get the news through an informant.

I wanted to take this opportunity to win it in one fell swoop!

I never thought people wouldn't talk about it here.

Are you saying it's hard or not?

Chen Zheng didn't care what the two thought.

In fact, even if he went to find Nie Zhiyuan alone today, this would still be the result.

Nie Zhiyuan was right in thinking, he was just deliberately trying to whet his appetite.

No matter what the two think.

Chen Zheng continued.

"Of course, I hope that the two companies will be ready to cooperate fully at that time. I don't want to see the two of you next time, and I will still argue with the two companies about the sincerity of cooperation."

"Although Zhou's Real Estate and Nie's family are absolute leaders in Jianghai City, it does not mean that we are Zhengda Real Estate, and we must cooperate with one of the two. I hope you understand this."

beat us?

Nie Zhiyuan and Zhou Zhenshan instantly understood.

At the same time, I felt a little uncomfortable.

Unexpectedly, he has been in the business world for so many years, and today he was threatened by a young hairy boy.

But think of the strength Chen Zheng has shown so far.

The two big bosses in Jianghai City have no temper at all.

No way, the young world is real.

But it's true that people are arrogant.

Chen Zheng didn't panic at all.

The initiative is in my hands.

What's the use of you being so arrogant?

No matter how awesome, as long as you want to cooperate with me, you have to listen to me!

Otherwise, don't eat this piece of fat!

If you want to eat, be a good boy!

"Okay, Mr. Chen, when it comes to this, I, Zhou Zhenshan, didn't make a trip in vain."

"If that's the case, then we won't bother you for now."

Zhou Zhenshan took the lead.

"Mr. Chen, see you in Jianghai another day!"

"When the time comes, let's see the attitude and sincerity of our Zhou Real Estate!"

After speaking, Zhou Zhenshan resigned and left.

Li Changsheng looked confused, and some didn't dare to look at Chen Zheng anymore.

But looking at Zhou Zhenshan and the others, they subconsciously followed.

After Zhou Zhenshan left, Nie Zhiyuan took a deep look at Chen Zheng.

A look of helplessness appeared.

"You kid, you don't give me face at all!"

"I thought on Cher's face, I could get some privileges."

"Looks like I'm thinking too much!"

Nie Zhiyuan shook his head with a wry smile.

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Mr. Nie can't think like that."

"We have such a relationship with Cher, how can we be a little bit shy."

"However, I just saw the sincerity of your Nie Sect. After all, this is business."

"If Nie's sincerity is no less than Zhou's, I will definitely see Xue'er's face and give priority to Nie's."

Hearing this, Nie Zhiyuan felt better.


"It's almost there!"

"You kid still talk a little bit affectionately!"

"Okay, we won't bother anymore, you can continue to eat!"


Without any delay, after speaking, Nie Zhiyuan turned around and took Lao Li away.

"Boss, Chen Zheng is really a ghost!"

"He's trying to maximize his interests."

after leaving.

Old Li couldn't help but say.

"Pfft, do you think this kid is a fool?"

"People who can have such skills can't use ordinary theories."

"If anyone treats him as an ordinary young man, it will be a big loss."

"Oh, there's no way, go back and prepare a plan."


"Mr. Zhou! Young Master Zhou!"

"Wait for me, Mr. Zhou!"

After leaving, Li Changsheng took a deep breath.

But he was still thinking about his reward.

Although it doesn't seem to be helpful today, Chen Zheng is his classmate!

If so, is there a reward for it?

Zhou Zhenshan and others stopped.

After seeing Li Changsheng, there was a touch of irritability on his face.

"Why are you still following us?"

"Any thing else?"

Zhou Xiaotian was also a little unhappy.

First of all, he knew Chen Zheng!

The first two meetings were not very pleasant. The first time was with Chen Zheng and Su Xiaorou. The second time was at the gate of Jinshuiwan and was run over by three luxury cars of Chen Zheng. At that time, Zhou Xiaotian decided that he would not meet Chen Zheng if he had nothing to do. .

We met unexpectedly, and Chen Zheng turned into a big boss.

Not only can you not offend people.

My own father must respect Chen Zheng.

What the hell is this called!

Let's talk about Li Changsheng.

At that time, Li Changsheng showed Zhou Xiaotian a circle of friends of Chen Zheng, and Chen Zheng sent a photo of Jindi, and the accompanying text was a bit pretentious.

At that time, Zhou Xiaotian thought it was just the same name.

In Li Changsheng's mouth, this Chen Zheng is a poor boy who likes to pretend.

The second time was Chen Zheng taking a helicopter and flying over Jianghai City.

Li Changsheng said that it was a video that Chen Zheng pretended to force again and stole it.

Even the comments satirized Chen Zheng for pretending.

See you now.

Zhou Xiaotian still doesn't understand!

Obviously two Chen Zhengs are one person!

But this person is Li Changsheng's mouth, the poor ghost!

Needless to say, Li Changsheng must have spoken ill of Chen Zheng before.

That's it, still expect him to have a good relationship with him?

When we talked about that land just now, Li Changsheng didn't dare to speak from beginning to end.

Chen Zheng also looked like he didn't bother to look at him from beginning to end.

Li Changsheng, in vain!

But he doesn't think so himself!

"Mr. Zhou, although I didn't say anything just now!"

"Although there is a little misunderstanding between me and Chen Zheng, the relationship between our classmates is right!"

"I feel that if I try hard and admit my mistake, maybe Chen Zheng can give me a face?"

"So, is your reward still counted?"

Hearing this, Zhou Zhenshan became interested.

"Does it really work for you to apologize?"

Li Changsheng was about to continue speaking.

Zhou Xiaotian laughed.

"Fuck it!"

"You don't know yet, do you?"

"Chen Zheng has a close relationship with Nie Zhiyuan's daughter Nie Xueer!"

"I feel that Chen Zheng and Nie Xueer are almost like a couple."

"Last time there was a lot of trouble, you know about the two white Fumei giving a guy a luxury car?"

Li Changsheng nodded blankly.

"I know, a battery car that sends hundreds of thousands of dollars1"

"Another Lamborghini Maverick supercar giving away millions!"

"Wait, Zhou Shao, you said, that person is Chen Zheng?"

Zhou Xiaotian snorted softly.

"Of course it's Chen Zheng, it can't be wrong!"

"And the one who gave the Lamborghini calf was Nie Zhiyuan's daughter! Nie Xueer!"

Upon hearing this.

Zhou Zhenshan was almost in despair.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at Li Changsheng.

"Little Li, it's not that I don't believe you 1"

"Nie Zhiyuan's trump card seems to be tougher than yours?"

"Well, as long as you can help Zhou Shi to turn the tide, we can still count on what we talked about earlier."

"Go, go hard, boy."

After speaking, Zhou Zhenshan and the others left.

Li Changsheng stood there dumbfounded.

"Chen Zheng is about to become Nie Zhiyuan's son-in-law?"

"I'm still working hard??"

"I'm still trying my best..."



in the room.

"I said, can you stop staring at me like this?"

"I'm scared!"

"You don't have any special hobbies, do you?"

Look at the way everyone looks at you.

They all shone brightly, as if they had found their prey.

Chen Zheng almost left without turning his head.

If I hadn't been very sure that they were healthy, I would have thought that these people were going to become zombies.

Zhang Dabao opened his mouth.

Gudong, swallowed.

"Old Chen, this shock is a bit too scary."

"I can't control myself now, my eyes can't recover anymore"

"I feel like my eyes are bigger today!"

"My darling, 30 billion land!"


"CP Real Estate Group, yours?"

Several other people did not speak.

But Zhang Dabao's words seem to represent everyone's doubts.

Chen Zheng looked helpless.

The reason why he planned to go out to talk to Nie Zhiyuan just now.

I just don't want to cause too much of a stir.

It's hard to explain in this case.

Chen Zheng smiled helplessly.

"Actually not, I just have a little share, hehe..."

"Don't look at me like that! Just a little stake, really!"

After Chen Zheng finished speaking, he couldn't believe it.

Let's talk nonsense first, believe it or not.

Zhang Dabao: I believe in you!

Everyone else was in disbelief.

But looking at Chen Zheng at this time, there is no contempt or disdain from before.

At this time, Li Changsheng came back.

Then, he sat down in his seat awkwardly.

Seeing Li Changsheng, Zhang Dabao wanted to laugh.

He burst out laughing.

"Cough, old Li, didn't you say you want to arrange a job for Chen Zheng?"

"What are you going to do?"

"Oh, by the way, help you keep an eye on the construction site?"

"Management workers?"

"Cough, I have to say, this job is still pretty good, I'm so excited!"

"Pfft! Hahahahaha..."

Zhang Dabao's ridicule made Li Changsheng look embarrassed.

"Well, I'm joking, Chen Zheng, don't take it seriously!"

"I don't know about you either..."

Chen Zheng smiled lightly and said nothing.

From beginning to end, Chen Zheng treated Li Changsheng's pretense with a joking attitude.

It's okay to pretend, but it's best not to touch yourself.

Otherwise, you will die miserably.

Like this situation now.

Li Changsheng can't wait to get into the cracks in the ground.

Looking at Yang Xue again, the alcohol blushed and looked at Chen Zheng stupidly.

A look of bewilderment.

Chen Zheng was sitting beside her, and it was uncomfortable to be watched.

"I said squad leader, you are looking at me, I will be peeled off by you!"

"How about I go home with you and let you take a good look?"

uh, suddenly driving?

If Li Changsheng heard it before, he would definitely be very angry.

But now he just pretended not to hear it.

Yang Xue frowned.


"send me home!"

uh, is it over?

Is this girl getting drunk?

"Everyone hasn't finished eating yet, what's the hurry to go home?"

Li Changsheng quickly raised his hand!

"I'm done! I'm done!"

When Sun Youcai saw this, they could only raise their hands quickly.

For fear of delaying Chen Zheng's good deeds!

"It's over, it's over, hehe!"

"Yeah, we're done eating too!"

“It was really good to eat today!”

Chen Zheng looked confused and glanced at Zhang Dabao.

Zhang Dabao looked strange, then got up.,

"Cough, then let's go."

"Chen Zheng, you are responsible for sending our monitor home."

Chen Zheng was dumbfounded.

"Okay, then go home."

Helping Yang Xue, who was dizzy, went out and went downstairs.

Passing by the front desk, Li Changsheng went to checkout.

"Room 888, swipe your card."

I still felt pain in the flesh before, but after such a fuss.

Li Changsheng was no longer in the mood for pain.

However, after the card is handed over.

The waiter handed over the card again.

"Hello sir, someone has already paid for you in room 888."

"Has someone paid for it?"


Chen Zheng asked suspiciously.

But when I think about Chen Zheng, I understand, it is estimated that Zhou Zhenshan and Nie Zhiyuan don't know who bought the order, right?

The waiter said.

"It was bought by a lady wearing a mask."

"Women bought it???"

This time Chen Zheng was stunned.

Or did the lady with the mask buy it?

wait, is it...

At this time, Yang Xiaomi chased up with a mask.

"You are walking so fast, I went to find you but found no one!"

"I bought it!"

"Just like thank you for helping me today!"

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