Hit by Rolls-Royce at the Start

335、2 father and son

Chapter 335 The two fathers and sons living on the streets felt that the whole person seemed to be empty.

He also felt at the moment that maybe he and Chen Zheng were the real fate.

Otherwise, the things that the eight poles can't fight together can make the two of them together.

Thinking about it, it seems that I have fallen asleep here too.


three days later.

At this moment, the Song family is completely over.

Not only did Wen Bitao act quickly and accurately, but he soon acquired nearly 70% of the property in the Song family, and immediately transferred it to Chen Zheng's name.

This is done very quickly.

However, the two father and son of the Song family had a direct villa and were mortgaged to repay their debts, so they were kicked out of the Song family villa.

The two of them also looked lonely at the moment, and the autumn wind blew across their faces.

It can be seen that Song Jiangming has some vicissitudes, more like 10 years old.

When I touched my pocket, I didn't even have a penny.

The two were also a little hungry, but they had no choice but to sit in the park.

"Father, are we really over like this? I'm not reconciled!"

At this moment, Song Ke also said with a look of grievance.

In his previous identity as the eldest young master, he had never suffered such hardships, but now he can only crouch in the park and starve, shivering, this is something he has never thought about.

Song Jiangming didn't speak, only to see his body trembling slightly.

"Father, why don't you speak?"

Seeing that his father didn't respond for a long time, Song Ke also turned his head to look.

As a result, he found that his father was standing still, staring into the distance.

Yet he didn't even blink.

When I have time to see off guests, I am a little scared.

He hurriedly shook his hand twice in front of his father.

As a result, Song Jiangming didn't react at all, which made Song Ke feel even more scared.

So he also reached out to try to see if Song Jiangming still had a heartbeat.

As a result, this touch was also doing something, which startled him.

His father was touched by himself, so he fell down and fell to the ground with a bang.

"This." Song Ke didn't have time to feel his father Song Jiangming's heartbeat for a while, but he collapsed like this.


Song Ke, who suddenly reacted, immediately helped Song Jiangming up. But she found that Song Jiangming had long since lost his breath.

His face was extremely pale, and he couldn't even feel his heartbeat at all when he put his hand on his heart.

This time, Song Ke was a little panicked.

He hurriedly pinched Song Jiangming, but no matter what, after changing various methods, his father Song Jiangming still showed no sign of recovery.

Without hesitation, he called 120, and the ambulance came over immediately.

After Song Jiangming was lifted into the car, Song Ke naturally followed in the ambulance.

When I came to the hospital, I waited anxiously outside for more than three hours.

Finally, the door to the operating room was finally opened.

Song Ke stood up nervously, looked at the doctor who operated on his father and asked, "Doctor, what's wrong with my father? What's wrong?"

At this moment, Song Ke still didn't understand how serious his father was.

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