Hit by Rolls-Royce at the Start

464、The trivial matter

Chapter 464 Group Trivia At the moment, Chen Zheng is a little curious, what is Wen Bitao's urgent matter, so she is willing to leave the old man alone and go back to Suzhou for the time being.

"Haha, in fact, there is no big deal. Now this group is slowly growing up under the management of her daughter Wen Biting, and it has become more stable. In fact, there is nothing to do with my old man. Guys, seeing that I haven't gone back for so long, and I didn't reveal my whereabouts when I came out, so they still have some opinions on Biting's management, and I'm just going back to deter me."

At this time, Wen Bitao also continued to explain.

After listening to it, the crowd suddenly realized.

That's true, Wen Biting is just a little girl under 20 years old anyway, it's still a little unconvincing that you let him run the Nuoda group.

Presumably, Wen Bitao, you know this, so because the people on the board have some opinions, it is normal to rush back to deal with it.

"Well, if uncle has anything, you can call us in time. We have already treated you as one of our own, so if you have anything, try not to be polite, just order it directly."

Chen Zheng is naturally grateful to Wen Bitao.

Therefore, if Wen Bitao has anything to do, he will never stand idly by, but will help immediately.

"This is natural and I will not be polite to you."

Just as he was talking, the food was served the same way.

Sure enough, it is also a star-rated hotel, and even the speed of serving the food is amazing. It only took a few minutes to order it. It is estimated that it will be less than 10 minutes. Almost all the dishes ordered are almost ready.

Since I was a little hungry myself, this dish was fragrant, but all of them picked up chopsticks and ate them.

This meal was also eaten for more than half an hour, and Wen Bitao was in a hurry to go back to deal with some things, so he said goodbye to the three immediately and rushed back to Suzhou.

The remaining three were driving their cars and preparing to go back to their previous house. Anyway, they were going to move soon, so it was right to go back and clean up.

After returning, Crazy Blade was already at home.

However, it was a shock for a few days, because the crazy knife almost cleaned up everything in the living room.

The only one left in everyone's room. The other is the room, so the Crazy Blade didn't move.

After all, everyone has their own privacy, and the etiquette of Crazy Blade is still understood.

"Master, you are back!"

Crazy Blade also greeted with a smile.

Chen Zheng nodded in praise and said, "It seems that your kid is getting smarter and smarter. You have already cleaned up everything before we come back, but you may have to sleep here for the night, and we will talk about the room tomorrow for the time being. Bar."

Because almost all the large items were moved before, and they were ready to work on the small items when they arrived.

Although the place has been cleaned up and can be moved in at any time, I still have some feelings for this house anyway.

Chen Zheng will plan to stay for one more night and then go.

Actually there is no other opinion.

At this moment, Li Yanran said hello to the old man and others, and then dragged Chen Zheng into the room.

Looking at Li Yanran's hurried expression, this made Chen Zheng feel a little strange.

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