Hitsugi no Maou

Two Stories: The Owl Knight

The gray clouds flow.

Winds blowing over the sky create complex aircurrents, driving even winged birds crazy down their path and falling to the ground.

In front of the gray-haired young man standing on the prairie, there was a large owl in sight of what caused it.

The young man folds his knee and reaches out his right hand to a chunk of feathers that is closing his eyes while sitting between the grasses. On his left hand was a box of rust iron, and a thin iron plate lid (lid) was windy, and he was shaking.

Owls don't even move.

Touching the beak is not responding.

When he put his fingers close to his eyes, even if he was no longer dead, the owl finally kept his eyes closed and feathered wide with a claw.

As it hits the young man's chest, he flies over with grass in a massively rampant phrase (give).

Looking at the bird fleeing in a low-altitude flight on the ground, the young man paid for his coat by hand, and, uh, pinched one feather with his finger that was caught on his forehead.

Muddy colored, owl feathers. Almost at the same time as I put it in the sky, the lightning ran behind the clouds and the whole sky dashed brightly.

In a flash of light, a huge shadow lingers. The silhouette floating in the clouds has wings and a long neck dripping towards the ground.

"A storm is coming...... Sky Dragon Morg, patron saint of Coffin"

A young man crushed with a windswept voice narrows his eyes to the shadow of a dragon that disappears in an instant.

Then, when he let go of the owl feathers, the wind immediately rolled it up and took it over the sky.

Feathers flying high everywhere. Clouds shine again, and the sound of rain falling from far ahead looms.

"The myth of Snoba drives away the pride of the land. Destroy the Coffins' beloved worldview and try to change everything"

A rain poured upon the body of the young man, who quietly snapped his soliloquy, as he drew the grass apart.

Rain and wind blowing through the groceries. Sprouts of ripped young grass and green flowers of the same colour rise in the air.

The youth dropped a voice in the wind that would never reach anyone as they searched for owl feathers in the chaotic sky.

"King Coffin, Lugassa. The warriors under its command. The first sacrifice was already when it melted away in the stomach of God... the next one to be targeted... perhaps a vagrant knight who lives with the people"

The eyes of the youth are poured into the small village, visible in the western direction.

"A hero for the people, stripping his fangs of all calamities (whispers). Anonymous Legend......" The Owl Knight "or"

Troops march through the wind.

Quiet, quick, night meadows with minimal pine lights and infantry armed with swords and spears.

At the heart of those two hundred armies were Snoba generals and three executives on white horses, and Lucina, the princess of Coffin, and Galore the warrior.

There were no horses in Coffin, and wearing and riding a hami on a giant fox (tight) named Doo had become a habit, but most of Doo had been killed and (hinged) in danger of extinction under Snoba's occupation.

Lucina and Gallol whisper, stealing the generals' eyes as they struggle to control the appreciated white horse.

"Gallor, this army is headed for the village of Horpo to the west... why are we being beaten up in the middle of the night and pulled out to the village on the border?

"I don't know. However, Snoba defeated Coffin and occupied the King's Capital, but he had not yet interfered directly with the war-torn villages on the edge of the country. There, recently, the inhabitants of the Wang capital have fled to the border one after the other. Maybe he's going to stab the nails against the villages so that more people don't make strange moves."

"Stab the nail..."

"It would be nice to use soldiers to the point of threatening them... but then there is no reason to get too close to the village in the shade of the night (yay). Let me show you something. I think we're gonna put some people up for a blood festival."

Lucina clenched her teeth in the back of her helmet at Garroll's words and saw the surrounding infantry.

Unlike Lucina and the others, who put together boneless iron armor, the soldiers of Snoba put together a silver plate armor and an iron mask that mimics (also) the face of the general, all the way to the end.

Lucina has never seen them talking or coughing. From behind the iron mask only intense killings were released, and there were no signs of humane emotions there.

"We can't allow the massacre of the people over this period. Gallol, can't you stop it somehow"

"... as far as that face goes, I thought it was hopeless"

Following Gallor's gaze, the general on the horse set his right arm on his cheek cane (cheeks) and stared at Lucina funny.

Lucina, whose blood rises slightly on her head and drops her eyes on her hips dagger. But at that moment, one of the executives of the snobber army came across the white horse.

Another female executive, separate from the Divine Caller girl. All I can think of is insanity, a woman with long swords down her waist that are more than the back length of a big man, long black hair bundled (if) in the back of her head, and sharp eyes.

The woman, with her shoulders on top of a red flashy coat, said in a chilling (leitan) tone as she manipulated the horse alongside Lucina.

"What are we talking about?"

"... has your general forgotten the treaty? I just told you I guarantee the lives of my people."

"The rebels are the exception, that's what the general thinks."

"You think he's a traitor?

When the woman glances at Lucina's helmet, she refers to a village floating in the darkness ahead with a hand wearing leather gloves with an embroidered eagle.

Slight lights leaking from the house. The woman's chilling voice is quenched against the breath of people's lives.

"That village is tearing up dangerous people. There have been reports of the Royal Kofin minister (Shin), known as the Owl Knight, fanning villagers for the assassination of a general."

"Owl Knight!? Say what! That man is just a runner! Instead of a royal minister, he's not even a Coffin! You're just a wanderer who showed up on this land ten years ago and wandered around the meadows and villages at will!

"It's called a 'legend' among your people, I heard? Why would a vagabond be a legend?

Lucina accidentally backed (sommed) her face to a woman's needle-like gaze.

A woman's low voice pierces Lucina's ear, which bites her lips.

"The investigation is on. I don't want to be a bad liar, but it's for me."

"I'm not lying. He said that the Owl Knight... is a national guest of Coffin's..."

To the woman frowning, Lucina continues in a slow tone as she is swung by a white horse waving her head.

"Coffin had temporarily been in a state of war with his southern neighbor 'Separca'. Now making peace, the Owl Knight volunteered for Coffin's side as a prostitute in the battle of the day, taking over all three of Separca's brave men.

Moreover, during the pageant, the king of Separca calls the owl knight to his seat in his name, speaking brilliantly and admirably (soo.) with his enemies. As a recognized hero of both Coffin and Separca, he has been awarded the title of Coffin Knight and has become a legend. "

"So you have a man in your own country who can't be the bone of any horse."

In return for the woman, Lucina snorts roughly behind her helmet.

It was an intolerable insult (Bujku) to be called to the bones of a hero of my own country by a woman who lowered a ridiculous sword that might be too long to shake properly.

"I hear he came from a country at the end of the east in exile, but it's not about his origins or anything else. The Coffins are not inferior enough to make a man who worked for his country for his life."

"It's a fine thing. But today, the Owl Knight dies."

Immediately after the woman snapped with a cold bottom voice, the infantry in the front row of the army reached the village.

Screaming as the young general unleashes the treasure sword on his back to the infantry who kicks down the low wooden fence and enters.

"Drag all the villagers out to the square! Interrogate each and every one of them and bring out the Owl Knight! Don't let either one of the girls get away with it!

The executives repeat the general's orders, and the infantry enters the house, into the livestock shed.

When Lucina rode the white horse into the village square, she sandwiched herself and Gallor (scissors) and stared at the snobbers who would stop the horse.

One small village is attacked, but the generals and executives purposefully pull out Lucina, the princess of the defeated nation, in total.

If you're going to show your own people being slaughtered in front of you and laugh at how they wolf, it's too childish an act.

After all, he's the kid he looks like. Lucina stares at the general of the past empowered child himself and puts his teeth to pieces.

But in front of Lucina and Gallol, who anticipate the tragedy, the infantry who stepped into the house comes out loose.

Raise your voice to the General who frowns as the man in charge of the battle axe jerks off his red copper hair upside down with oil.

"Nobody... looks like you. Villagers, have you escaped one foot?"

"No, you're not, Makito! Behind you!"

In the words of the General, the gaze of everyone on the spot is poured behind a man with a battle axe.

The infantry made a noise and retreated to edge (two) the square, putting up a blade.

Right in front of the snobber army executives who round their eyes and return their horses. In the middle of the square, there was a knight in the middle of nowhere.

Non-defensive equipment similar to Lucina's iron armor. Until a few years before the Coffin Army, old-fashioned equipment. Overall rounded, iron clothing.

The cloak stretching from its rusty floating shoulders is a testament to a muddy hero, who consolidates and connects countless owl feathers with wax.

Countless owl feathers are also plugged into streamlined iron helmets with peepholes in a straight line in the eye area, as if they were crowns.

A man who is an exile, but who exercises martial arts with one arm of the sword and is specially awarded the title of knight, which is inherently only allowed by the noble royalty.

Coffin's vagrant hero, the Owl Knight, was there.

A group of infantry floats in a razor-sharp pine light, and a man with an axe of war behind him is blamed as if he had been worked disrespect.

Stepping out of the white horse and pressing his reins against the woman of the long sword, he walks on the dirt ground in the square to confront his enemies (often).

The owl knight, in a slightly nagging position, points the blade tip of the sword of the stripper in his right hand to the ground. On his left hand was a small shield united in his hand, awarded by Lucina's father, King Coffin, as a medal of battle.

On the crest of the owl engraved there, Lucina happens to hold the wrist of the neighboring Gallol.

A hero whose late father had fought with him on the battlefield and had expressed his friendship beyond his identity will now be executed.

At that time, more so, I was helplessly ashamed of myself being mixed up in a group on the executioner's side and spanning the white horses given to them.

In front of Lucina laying down her eyes, the man in charge of the battle axe raised his voice carelessly as he jerked off his hair.

"You the owl? And the villagers?"

"I left the village. They chose pride over slaves. I will not yield to the enemy."

"You look great for running away with your tail on. Fine, you'll cry and twitch instead, won't you? Seems like he's willing to fight something... but it's no use."

At the same time that the man with the battle axe was finished, the general moaned his chin toward Lucina. Moments, a long and sharp blade without sound is lifted to the gap between Lucina's helmet and armor, the throat.

To a little Lucina, a woman holding a long sword snorted silently.

How the hell did you instantly pull out the great sword that had fitted in your sheath?

Immediately Gallol said, "Do what!" Pull out the dagger, "but some of the infantry still surrounded the Lucina and the others without a voice, poking their swords and spears.

Lucina finally figured out why she had been brought here with a blade and a white throat, turning her anger at the General on the horse.

"Coward! How dare you take me hostage to an owl knight... surrounded by so many people and still scared of him!!

"Oh, the princess knight is infinitely retarded. You ate too much weed and your brain was clogged with dirt?

Lucina and Gallor teeth at the same time to the words of a general who slaps the treasure sword with his hands as if he were wearing an instrument.

The general laughed in a high voice, pointing to the owl knight with a treasure sword.

"With the secret art of divine calling and numerous artifacts, there's no way we can be afraid of every one of these rogues. Princess Knight, this is a ritual to break your heart. What do you think it's for to keep you from killing the last royalty left to the Coffins, the leader's bloodline? We snobbers don't want to kill all the Coffins."


"Take whatever it takes for Coffin to be a Coffin. Eliminate all legends that the king, heroes, and Coffins are proud of. And before the extinction of that pride, you, the princess, will suffer, and you will eventually plead (cancer) with me. 'Stop it now' and 'Forgive me'.

The top of the country not only shapes, but sincerely yields before me and takes off its armor. Princess Knight...... No, Her Royal Highness Princess Lucina. You put on your dress in front of all the Coffins and take my vows and those of my Lord. Get your ass out and press the slave burn mark (yaki) yourself.

The Coffins will weep at the sight and the scream of the princess, and understand it with all their spirits. that Coffin has truly become a snobber country. Your subjugation becomes the subjugation of Coffin. "

Do you say not to kill the people of Coffin, but to crush their hearts and enslave them?

Lucina looked at the Owl Knight with her eyelids dripping in sweat as she dazzled by the fear (oozing) of running all over her body.

He doesn't let it be slight, he points his sword at the ground in the same position.

I wanted to speak to him. But I can't think of a word. Don't worry about me? Forgive me? I can't tell you to help me or anything, even if I'm wrong.

A battle-axe man, confronted by an owl knight, slowly opened his legs as he was about to distract himself from the words around his head.

The battle axe lifts and darkens the night.

"Well, that's what I'm talking about. I'm not willing to fight you, am I? If you don't shut up and die, you'll ruin the princess's face.

Lucina's throat stuck all the time. In this way, a hero is murdered! If we at least let him fight fully, there won't be too much salvation!

I've decided what words to throw up. Don't worry about me, fight! If you don't scream like that, you don't deserve to be the daughter of King Lugassa!

It was at the same time that Lucina opened her mouth and the battle axe swung down.

- Iron cleaves iron, a deafening sound sounded.

Dancing in the air, iron fragments. Blood mixed with it.

The man who waved down the battle axe strained the end of his mouth and stepped back on the bump.

Peeling his eyes. As he dropped his gaze, the breastplate worn over the hemp clothes was slit open and the stretched wound was tearing his left arm apart. Blood is gushing out of the open wound.

Not waving his sword in an instant. An owl knight said in a low, horrible voice, letting his feather cloak hang in the night breeze.

"The only thing you can lose is the beauty on the outside of Princess Lucina. I can't even get my soul dirty. We are."

I won't give in.

That's what I said, an owl knight raises a growl (like this) and hits the man with the battle axe.

An owl knight hits a man who receives a blade that is shaken down by a battle axe pattern.

He is struck in the cheek, and the man who curled him, his sword cut down the sky over and over again and waved down. The pattern of the battle axe that defended the sword strike gradually dropped, and each time blood dripped from the man's left arm.

A sword chased the man who was trying to escape, piercing his left wrist.

A man with a battle axe who raises his voice and kneels.

To the overwhelming difference in combat skills, Gallol, who had remained silent until then, shook up his fist with his blade poked at him.

"Strong! Still strong! Yeah, but he's one of Coffin's strongest! If the king had been defeated and the Senate hadn't decided to surrender early, he would have gone to war again! The enemy you were supposed to fight!

"You have an excuse, my princess's servant. Who says you're strong?

Shortly after the general said with white eyes, the owl knight's cloak made a noise and tore, and the muddy feathers splashed.

An owl knight kneels in front of the stalling Lucina and the others.

Instead the man with the battle axe rose up and took a deep breath with the heavens in the air.

From that torn wound, something glowing red is stretched out.

A woman with a long sword quietly opened her mouth to Lucina.

"We are also Snobba's 'strongest', Snoba Sanjie. His name is Makito the Brave. A man who was given a single scale (helium) of the power of 'God'. Blessed is its flesh, which shall not decay with any wound. Because the" holy serpent "that dwells in you immediately connects the flesh."

A red twirl, a holy serpent, turns the torn flesh of the war-axe man, Makito, and returns to his body.

In front of Makito, breathing as if nothing had happened, the owl knight grabbed and pulled out a snake eating his armor in a grumpy belly.

The snake falling to the ground raises its voice like a baby and spreads mist in the air. Makito snorted and tongued at his constant enemies.

"I wonder if you'll stop. I told you it was no use."

"... a monster, or..."

Makito kicked the little crushed owl knight to power. The sword rolls down the ground and falls at the feet of Lucina's spanning horses.

When Makito shook the battle axe overhead high, he said to the fowl knight, leaning back (Amu) with his trashy eyes.

"It's not a monster, it's a saint. Fundamental making is different from ordinary people (Boonjin) who have only been strengthened by efforts like yours.... at the end of the day. What if I said something to the princess?

The Owl Knight takes a glance (the best) at Gallol, who is shaking his face as if he were going to throw up fire, and Lucina, who looks wet from the back of his helmet.

But as soon as I glanced back at Makito in front of me, I laughed low and bruised.


Makito, at the same time as the words, waves down the battle axe.

The iron broke with the roar, and the feathers and the helmet danced through the universe.

Lucina holding herself up in a short voice. Gallol gets groans of hate from his eaten teeth.

Snobba's general took the heads of the flying owl knights as he watched them with pleasure.

Raising it high, the infantrymen stab the sky silently with swords and spears.

To the sounding general's laughter (this is the way), Lucina was blocking both ears over her helmet and screaming close to crying.

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