Chapter 255 Utopia (11)

On the day that martial law was declared, Yu-min’s officetel.

“Brother, did you see this?”

What Yu-Min handed out to Hyunmoo was one of the documents Song Yeo-Woon and Seo Ji-Hoo brought while escaping from Cheongpyeong Hospital.

Seo Ji-hoo sorted out the documents he needed to carry even in an urgent situation and brought it with him.

It would take time to organically link the contents of the documents, but they were meaningful tasks.

“Well, I see. Why is that?”

The document that Yu-min brought out was about a hunter who was ‘discarded’ at Cheongpyeong Hospital.

Although there may be procedural problems, Hyunmoo felt no regrets at the fact that he was already dead because the criminal record was clear.

“I saw this hunter’s record in other documents, but it’s slightly wrong. When he was transferred, he said he was imprisoned for mental illness. But did you have a criminal record that didn’t exist in the hospital?”


As Hyunmoo picked up the documents, Yu-min held out a bunch of other documents at once.

“Similarly, this is a list of people who are suspected of tampering with documents. There are hunters who were hospitalized, discharged, or disappeared even though they had no record of death.

“The last three months.”

Hyunmoo muttered as he looked through the documents.

To be precise, after the North Expedition was successful.

Most of them were hunters belonging to Taeseong. Was the government trying to contain Taeseong? Hyunmoo thought so, but then shook his head.

Taeseong is a good listener. He is still faithful to that role.

‘What if not the government?’

Looking at it from another point of view, Korean talented people are disappearing.

Just like what is happening publicly in Korea right now.


“You think the plot is deeper than you think?”

The data found at the Cheongpyeong Hospital were not just at the level where some of the government workers were selling off the talented.

There was a series of movements that were eating the roots of the Korean hunter industry.

I wondered if Park Kyu had the guts to do this, but it was clear that he had a bigger background.

“And this is the information we got through our acquaintances.”

Yu-min showed another document.

“It’s a document about where the talented people who were sold through brokers went. Japan, Russia, Southeast Asia, South China… They seem to be scattered all over the place, but they are actually heading to one place.”

Hyunmoo was speechless.

It was information that could not be found at the level of a single civilian.

At least, it was a document that could only be known when a state agency was mobilized.

The phrase ‘top secret’ written at the top of the document and the unusual texture in the hand indicated that it was an authentic copy that could not be copied.

Hyunmoo looked at Yu-min, who said that he ‘got this document through an acquaintance’, as if it were ridiculous.

Yumin shrugged his shoulders.

“I told you. You can’t do rebellion alone.”

“Did the friend you met in the second year of middle school even join the National Intelligence Service?”

“It’s a little better than the National Intelligence Service, and we’ve only known each other for a while. But it’s reliable. Anyway, this is a list of government officials involved in this case, obtained through an acquaintance…”

Yumin flipped through the documents.

Seeing the names, Hyunmoo gave a bewildered expression.

The list was quite long.

Among them, Hyunmoo had first seen him on TV. What surprised Hyunmoo was that every government collaborator in this case was on the list.”Anyway, there is only one name for Maekukno that can be derived from this document…”

Yumin pointed to one of the names mentioned in the document.

It was an unexpected name. But it was no less surprising than Yu-min found out all this.

“Who is an acquaintance who knows all these things?”

In response to Hyunmoo’s words, Yumin smiled brightly in response.

“Your brother is among the people I will meet today.”

Yumin whispered his name into Hyunmoo’s ear.

When Hyunmoo heard the name, he realized that it was impossible to fail by failing this time.


The scenery of Seoul, where martial law was imposed, was still and bloody.

Water and electricity were cut off everywhere, and the media delivered only the bleak facts with restrained expression.

There were no gunfire or bombardment, but it looked like a war. In Gwanghwamun Square, the military was installing barricades and checkpoints in various places, centered on the Blue House.

People wondered what had happened, but little was known.

However, there were only speculations about the rumors about the Flood and rumors about the group hospitalization of Hunters.

A huge monster appeared, or a flood exploded in a 5-star dungeon of Baekdu dungeon.

None of this was just conjecture.

at sunset.

The Gwanghwamun area was closed early, making it difficult to find passersby.

Therefore, the soldier guarding the Gwanghwamun checkpoint was bewildered when he saw a person approaching him.

If you are passing by, you can inform that the area is closed, but I did not expect the situation where civilians were approaching this way.

Besides, even though it’s summer, you said you walked as if you were taking a walk under martial law?

“I’m sorry, but you’re not allowed here…”

Then the soldier felt something strange.

It was a face he had seen somewhere.

Then the soldier looked straight into the man’s face. his mouth was wide open.

“Go, Kang Hyunmoo…….”

It was Kang Hyunmoo, who was known to have disappeared.

Even if he was indifferent to Hunter, he couldn’t have known Kang Hyunmoo’s name.

Because he was the strongest person who had no choice but to admire if he was a hunter, and he was a person who fought for that title.

The other soldiers who were on the alert later also noticed the incident and were bewildered. Hyunmoo stood still and looked at them.

“Can I pass?”

“Now, wait a minute. This place is closed, ah, no. Did you receive an invitation?”

As usual, no one can enter. However, they were only ordered to be vigilant, and they did not know who the enemy was or who the allies were.

Soldiers have ears too, so I’ve heard rumors about the Flood. It was believed that Kang Hyunmoo’s appearance in the midst of this was no coincidence.

“… let me in.”

In the meantime, as if the commander of the guards had made a quick contact with him, he gave me permission to enter.

The soldier let Hyunmoo in as if possessed. I wonder if all the contacts spread, and Hyunmoo was sent in naturally from other checkpoints.

No one stopped Hyunmoo until he entered the main entrance of the Blue House.

The soldiers, or those who belonged to the military, carefully moved Hyunmoo out of the way.

When I passed the main gate of the Blue House, no one was in sight.

The Blue House was visible at the end of the road.

Hyunmoo walked leisurely as if taking a walk. Of course, there was really no one there. At least twenty snipers were aiming at him, and countless tanks and soldiers were watching him.

Hyunmoo passed through the flood of gazes leisurely and stood in front of the Blue House.

Someone was sitting on the stairs.

Martial law commander, it was a civil complaint.

Hyunmoo remembered the North Expedition with Min So-ha.

She was a very good soldier with a flexible mind.

It was thanks to her that her capable men and soldiers were able to proceed with the North Expedition with ease without any conflict.

She ended up being a good fit for Hyunmoo, but she eventually succeeded in defending her military strength, so she was also the next beneficiary of Hyunmoo’s in the Northern Expedition.

She lit her cigarette with a sullen look and rubbed it out on the floor as Hyunmoo stood in front of her.

“Kang Hyunmoo.”

“Are Commander Min So-ha only responsible for guarding the entrance?”

“No way.”

As Min So-ha raised her head, numerous laser sites tickled Hyunmoo’s body.

She usually aims with invisible light, but she was meant to warn her to show the laser sight.

But she was just wondering about Hyunmoo.

“This is probably not going to be enough. Where is Taeseong? I heard that the new general manager there is pretty good.”

“Taeseong withdrew.”

Come to think of it, Hyunmoo didn’t see a single hunter of Taeseong on the way.

But Taeseong’s movements were as expected.

At the time when Hyunmoo destroyed Taeseong’s power, you would have noticed that there was no one who could match Hyunmoo among the talented in Korea.

A situation in which, if possible, a considerable amount of damage is to be endured.

Now, the only thing that could stop Hyunmoo was the state.

“Park Gyu is not here.”

Hyunmoo understood why he could come in so easily.

Traps are also traps, but the opponent Hyunmoo had been targeting from the beginning is not here.

It was natural. With martial law in place, he would have already fled to his hiding place.

“Man is a social animal. Kang Hyunmoo.”

Minsoha put the cigarette in her mouth again. Hyunmoo took the lighter from her hand and lit her on fire.

Minsoha looked at him again and said.

“No matter how strong and talented you are, once you leave society, you are nothing. What do you think would happen if you subdue the country with blood and blood? Are you going to go into the mountains like beasts, cook meat, dig a burrow and sleep? It’s not like that.”


“Or will you knock them all down and rule like a king? If you don’t listen, you kill them, if you want them, they take them away, and so on? Is that what you want to be?”

“I can’t.”

“If people don’t follow you, you will eventually fall apart. Whether you like it or not, if you don’t want to live like an animal, you have no choice but to get along with people.”

Hyunmoo might be able to kill Min So-ha in one breath, shatter her army, and turn the Blue House upside down.

But what’s next? South Korea enters anarchy, and Hyunmoo is criticized under global attention.

Murderers, outlaws, terrorists, and titles to describe him have piled up like a mountain.

But Hyunmoo didn’t want a role that was so insulting.

Even if you don’t, you can win.

“It’s not bad, but I don’t really want to be a ruler.”


“I’m fine with a simpler life. If I’m dissatisfied, I punish, and if I want, I have what I want. Power is a means, not an end. To me, this situation was unnecessary.

Hyunmoo raised his head and looked at the blue roof of the Blue House.

“I want to pick a star.”

“…picking stars?””If you bring the stars down and put them under your feet, you can feel how far I’ve come. And then I’ll bring the stars down again. Until there are no more stars to win.”

Hyunmoo said with a big smile.

“How far can I go, starting from the gutter?”

He frowned. He didn’t seem to like Hyunmoo’s answer. She sighed and mumbled something of hers into the walkie-talkie.

Because it was conveyed in her secret language, Hyunmoo did not understand. When Min So-ha was about to give her one last order, suddenly another voice came out through her voice.

[ Kang Hyunmoo!]

It was Park Kyu.

Min So-ha looked down at her walkie-talkie as if it was ridiculous, then she handed it over to Hyunmoo.

Hyunmoo, who had already learned how to handle a walkie-talkie while proceeding with the North Expedition, skillfully received Park Gyu’s message.

“Park Gyu, long time no see. How have you been?”

[This is the end of being arrogant. Dare to be cocky about the subject of one talented person? I’ll show you that everything you loved is shattered to pieces. The Almighty, the wealth you raked in, and your lover!]

“It’s okay to touch me, but you’d better not touch my lover.”

[Are you scared now? Still, it seems that there is something called affection in your feelings, right?]

“No, it’s not, I think it might be a little more dangerous that way than me. It’s okay if I just punish myself in moderation, but if my lover starts to focus on something, it’s just going to destroy the whole country……. ”

[What kind of work is it?]

Despite Hyunmoo’s concerns, Park Gyu didn’t seem to understand.

Hyunmoo shook his head, feeling that somehow he was suppressing the sealed demon king.

Then Min So-ha took her walkie-talkie again. Park Gyu’s paroxysmal commands were still coming out of the radio.

[Commander Min So-ha! Kill him right now! He is a traitor to the nation!]

Min So-ha glared at Hyunmoo with a displeased expression.

“It’s 3 out of 10. Kang Hyunmoo. If it’s normal, it’s a failure.”

“That’s a humiliating score.”

“Yeah. But Taeseong also stepped out, and there doesn’t seem to be anyone who can replace you in this country. So, it’s passed through the opponent’s evaluation.”

Minsoha sighed and gave the order to the radio.

“End the entire army situation. End the vigilance and return the designated gunners.”

[Good reception.][Good.]

The officers didn’t say a word, as expected. The laser sight disappeared from Hyunmoo’s body in an instant.

And soon there was an explosive response from the radio.

[What? Min So-ha! what are you doing! Why are you withdrawing the military? Hey!]

Minsoha handed the radio to Hyunmoo without answering.

Hyunmoo asked Min So-ha with a curious expression.

“What the hell did Yu-min say?”

“He didn’t say anything.”

Minsoha replied as if she was annoyed.

“He just told me where to find some data. I was able to guess the background and conspiracy of this incident. In the meantime, I met Hunter Oh Dae-seong and was convinced that the story was true to some extent.”

Min So-ha brought Oh Dae-seong to his residence and talked to him when a flood occurred at Cheongpyeong Hospital.

Min So-ha, who knew his human nature, was convinced that unnatural things were happening everywhere, including in Cheongpyeong Hospital.

But there was nothing Min So-ha could do. Aiming a gun at the government as a soldier was also not a good thing to do.

“…So it’s a shortcut, but I’ll close my eyes for a moment from now on what’s happening in the Blue House. We should make it clear that this is spraying pesticides, not living with pesticides on your head.”

Hyunmoo smiled and pulled a caramel out of his pocket.

“Of course it is.”

As always, the best strategy is to win before you fight.

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