Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 6 Chapter 58: Neville's Invincibility

"Damn, who is that guy?"

Clark looked at his magic pet, being ridden by another person, that feeling was like a child was robbed of his favorite toy by another child, not to mention how angry.

"Let him go!"

He roared, and more spiritual power was supplied to [Charming Monster], [Psychic Link] and [Domination Technique], in order to compete with the mysterious man in black robe for control of Norberta.

Under the scramble between the two sides, Norberta roared in pain and spewed out large groups of fireballs from his mouth.

Some of these fireballs fell into the werewolf camp, and directly burned two or three werewolves into torches running around. lit.

The adult wizards in the park weren't vegetarian either, and they were quick to fend off the fireballs and prevent even more damage from happening.

In the process of fighting for control, Clark also became more and more familiar with this mysterious man in black robe, and felt more and more that something was wrong.

Suddenly, he seemed to notice something, the output of spiritual energy slowed down, and the spell he cast was interrupted immediately.

After getting rid of the scramble, Norberta roared happily in the sky, and while the long tail swung, several werewolves were unlucky again.

Then, under the terrified eyes of everyone, he fluttered his wings and flew to the distant forest with the mysterious man in black robe.

Clark looked at Norberta who flew away with a gloomy expression on his face, as if he had seen something unbelievable.

But in the end, he gritted his teeth and ran up the mountain not far away.

At this time, on the top of the mountain, a silver-white lightning slashed through the dim sky. It was a sword that Neville slashed with all his strength.

The fairy's sword was so sharp, it flew towards Greyback with a light that could sting people's eyes.

Greyback did not dodge or evade, and rushed towards the sword light.

In the state of transforming into a werewolf and taking medicine, his sanity has been almost completely lost. Apart from killing, he has no emotion, not even a sense of pain.

Neville's sword slashed across his body, extending from his neck to his navel, slashing horizontally from his left chest to his right chest, creating a very standard "cross"-shaped wound.

This is the most orthodox knight swordsmanship ultimate move - cross slash!

Greyback, who had completely swallowed this move, took a step back, and his hard fur was split into a huge wound under the combined action of Neville's powerful slash and the sharp blade of the fairy sword. Blood spurted out, and even the intestines flowed out and fell to the ground.

A trace of joy in Neville's heart just rose, and then sank immediately.

After all, he was only inaugurated as a [Australian Knight], not a [Paladin], and this cross slash is not designed to deal with the evil camp [Evil Slash].

The battered Greyback didn't even frown, no, you couldn't even find an eyebrow on his big, furry face.

Anyway, in the next moment, this huge wound began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye. The only troublesome piece of intestine, Greyback slashed it with a claws and threw it on the ground at will.

The itching, stinging pain and the pungent **** smell from the wound further stimulated Greyback in the werewolf state. He jumped directly and rushed towards Neville with the evil wind.

Thick black smoke followed behind him, like a pair of huge bat wings, covering the sky and making him a little faster.

Neville hurriedly dodged to the side, but was still a step behind.

Seeing that his right hand was about to fail, a good Neville actually took the initiative to send out a sword to save himself.

Greyback grabbed Neville's sword and felt that it didn't feel right. He took a look at it and threw it on the ground in disgust.

At this time, Neville had already rolled and climbed to hide in the work shed on the top of the mountain.

He looked around and saw that the entire shed was huge, with a light height of nearly ten meters.

In the center of the shed was a huge open space, piled with a thick layer of soft fur and hay, and next to the wall, there were many mops, brushes, towels, buckets and so on.

In the farthest corner of the shed, there was also a pile of black dirt with an unpleasant smell.

Obviously, this is the place where the staff in the dragon farm is responsible for cleaning up the body of the dragon.

Neville looked outside through the gap in the wall panel again, and found that Greyback was standing at the door of the shed, and the scar on his chest that was originally very terrifying was now only a light red cross-shaped scar.

He remembered a description of werewolves he had seen in the Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook, Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Defense:

As we all know, werewolves are famous for their transformation from man to wolf on full moon night.

When they are not transformed, they can communicate with people normally like ordinary wizards, and many of them are as gentle and rational as Professor Lupin.

But after transforming, they are one of the most dangerous magical creatures in the wizarding world.

In "Where are the Fantastic Beasts" edited by Newt Scamander, their classification level is xxxxx, and their degree of danger is similar to that of fire dragons, basilisks, man-headed manticores, five-legged monsters, Chimera beasts, etc. biological.

Of course, this does not mean that werewolves are really as powerful as these magical creatures.

Although they also have strong physique, speed, strength and explosive power after transformation, their attack power is far beyond ordinary people.

It has amazing vitality, ordinary magic spells and weapons, and wounds caused to werewolves often heal completely within one to two seconds.

But the most terrifying and desperate thing that makes them dangerous is the curse of wolf poison they carry.

It is a very vicious and highly contagious curse. Every person bitten by a werewolf will turn into a werewolf on the night of the full moon, and no one is spared, and there is currently no cure.

About this, Neville was able to remember thanks to the fact that Snape gave Professor Lupin homework in this area when he gave them a substitute class.

Anyway, a transformed werewolf is a very terrifying existence, and they can often fight against several well-trained Aurors at the same time.

What's more, as the werewolf leader, Greyback, he is the most ferocious and powerful of the werewolves. With the enhancement of the bottle of alchemy potion, a little wizard of Neville's age cannot be his opponent at all.

That is to say, he has a professional template and is stronger than a normal little wizard, so he can repeatedly escape from the opponent's hands.


"That **** Clark! Why haven't you come yet?" Neville was so angry that he almost yelled.

However, he also found a strange place. The transformed Greyback hesitated for a while in front of the wooden shed, and did not dare to go forward for a long time.

"Hey~ what's the situation?" Neville glanced around the shed in confusion, and found that there was nothing special about it. The only thing was that the smell was really unpleasant—

odor? Is it!

Under the threat of his life, his brain was racing, he successfully pushed the limit, and he felt so smart.

I see…

At this time, Greyback, who was stagnant at the door, expanded further, and the momentum on his body became stronger and stronger, and even began to emit scorching blood-red air waves, as if blazing flames were burning all over his body.

It is really cooking oil on fire, with flowers and brocade, reaching the peak of wolf life.

With the support of great strength, he finally roared, waved his hand to tear the huge wooden door, and broke into the work shed.

Just after coming in, he looked around suspiciously, but he didn't find a single figure.

"What about the little one?"

The werewolf Greyback tilted his head, and his head was overwhelmed by the killing intent, so that he had no extra brain capacity to think about problems, and he could only rely on violent means.


A scarlet whirlwind began to swept through the entire work shed. The fur, hay on the ground, mops, towels, wooden buckets, and brushes on the walls were all swept in by the whirlwind, and then torn into pieces.

But even so, there was still no sign of Neville.

This made Greyback have to wonder if the little guy had slipped away from somewhere.

Just as he was about to leave the shed, relying on his sense of smell outside to confirm, another figure suddenly broke into the shed.


Clark looked embarrassedly at the messy shed, a huge two-meter-tall werewolf with thick hair and ferocious claws was standing there, staring at him.

"I'm sorry, I may have found the wrong person, you continue-"


The wooden floor was torn apart, and Clark rolled, relying on the psionic ability of [Forged Sensation], distorting the werewolf's vision, and will avoid the opponent's powerful claws.

During this process, Clark also tried to use psionic powers such as [Charm Monster], [Charm Human], and [Domination] to control the opponent.

However, this time, he found that his psychic ability was not working, and the other party's mind was completely filled with killing intent, and he couldn't hold other thoughts at all.

Also at this time, a loud shout came from not far away.

"Clark, run away!"

The next moment, a black rain hit Clark and the werewolf Greyback.

Clark instantly recognized what the flying black "raindrops" were, and where he dared to let that thing fall on his body, he quickly raised his hand and used [Control Small Objects] to put a wall of air above his head to resist.

And the werewolf Greyback was not so lucky, and was directly covered with black rain.

Taking advantage of this moment, Clark also found Neville's voice, and ran to his side quickly, the place was in the black soil in the corner of the wall.

"No, why did you hide here?" Clark covered his nose and looked at Neville.

I saw that he was covered with black mud all over his body, and only had a head, because he was wearing a wooden barrel, and it was still clean.

"What else can I do, why don't you try to face that guy by yourself?" Neville struggled to climb out of the black mud.

He shook his body, black mud was scattered all over the place, Clark took a step back intentionally, to prevent the other party from getting this thing on himself.

Neville glared at him dissatisfied, "What are you doing? Isn't it just a little dragon dung, and as for all the fuss, it's not that we didn't use dragon dung in our herbal medicine class."

Clark almost couldn't help but want to say, we use dragon manure in herbal class, we all wear gloves and use shovels, but we don't bury our whole body in the dragon manure heap, can it be the same.

Of course, he didn't say this, and he also knew that Neville did it all because of the werewolf.

Unlike intelligent and rational humans, beasts are naturally controlled by animal instincts, and werewolves are no exception.

In nature, powerful carnivores rely on urine and feces to delineate their hunting ranges, as a warning to other predators not to cross them.

Those predators will also use this information to judge whether the owner of the territory is strong or not, and whether it is worth their risk to expand their hunting range.

In front of Clark, the black dirt on Neville's body was the excrement left by one of nature's top predators - dragon dung.

Yes, that's right, this is the dragon dung that is usually drawn by Norberta, which is piled here by the staff of the dragon farm to prepare dragon dung.

It was an excellent fertilizer, rich in all kinds of nutrients needed by magical plants, and Professor Sprout, the dean of Hufflepuff, specifically instructed Charlie to help her collect it.

This is why the werewolf Greyback stagnated in front of the greenhouse just now. His strong sense of smell and keen intuition were telling him that this was the territory of a powerful existence.

The restraint handed down from his blood made him not dare to act rashly, and it was precisely this point that Neville buried himself in the dragon dung, so that Greyback, who did not dare to look for the dragon dung, ignored him.

In fact, this trick is sometimes used by many human adventurers.

When they go on camping expeditions in the wild, they often smear irritating liquids and the excrement of powerful carnivores around the camp and on their bodies to prevent being bitten by insects and snakes or attacked by wild animals.

If it wasn't for Clark's sudden appearance, Neville had to get up to save him, and he would even be able to hide until the end of the world.

At this time, the werewolf Greyback also recovered from the baptism of the dragon dung rain. His scarlet eyes stared at the two children not far away, especially Clark.

The appearance of the other party that he had seen in the photos successfully inspired the part of his reason that belongs to human beings, and the momentum of his body began to decline at this time, and the burning blood subsided, reminding him of his trip. task.


Neville sensed the danger first, and blocked in front of Clark first, a dung rake in his hand danced, sweeping up waves of dragon dung, covering the rushing werewolf, quite a kind of broom sticking with shit, with a Pick ten courageous momentum.

In the face of such a disgusting (wolf) attack, even Greyback had to deal with it carefully. The thick black cloud behind him wrapped him first, like a flat boat, helping him break through the waves of dung.

He is a werewolf, not a kobold, and he is not interested in this dragon dung.


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