Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 5: give a sweet date

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Bellatrix shook her head a few times, but Clark's words shattered her fantasy like a hammer.

"Hehe, Voldemort is inferior and arrogant, with his arrogant personality, he will definitely not choose ordinary things as his Horcrux.

Only those with special meaning, or those with powerful magic power and a long history, can be seen by him.

So, this first piece is the Slytherin locket passed down from generation to generation in their family - which Voldemort kept in the seaside cavern he discovered when he was young, and protected it with evil black magic.

The second piece, also the ring of Marvolo Gaunt inherited from their family - was hidden in the Gaunt family's old house.

The third piece, the crown of Ravenclaw, one of the four founders of Hogwarts - which Voldemort brought back from a forest in Romania, is now in my hands.

Fourth, Nagini the Serpent - still with Voldemort.

As for the fifth item, Hufflepuff's golden cup, which was given to you by Voldemort - his most trusted Death Eater. "

Clark lowered his head, took a deep look at Bellatrix, and said to her.

Just this sight made Bellatrix's heart feel as if it had fallen into an ice cave. She even felt that under Clark's eyes, she seemed to be stripped naked and exposed to the cold wind.

"And the sixth, of course - Harry Potter, our famous savior, who is now at Hogwarts, under Dumbledore's nose."

Every time Clark said the whereabouts of a Horcrux, the Death Eaters present felt a little bit of fear, and Bellatrix's struggle became more intense.

And in the end, when Harry Potter's name came out of Clark's mouth, most of these Death Eaters were at a loss, but a small half of the really smart ones were only shocked.

They did not think that Voldemort himself did not know this Horcrux, but took it for granted that this was the arrangement before Voldemort's death, in order to hide the last Horcrux in the most unlikely place, and no one told it.

However, this also brought them deep questions. How did this guy in front of him know about these secret things?

Soon, Clark answered their doubts.

He stretched out his hands and bent his fingers into claws, palms up, and continued:

"And Tom Riddle's diary when he was young, which he gave to one of his most important men, Lucius Malfoy, as a reward. Now, this diary is here with me."

Following his words, a thin black mist emerged from Clark's palm and gathered into a ball.

With Clark's power supply, a young man who looked very young, even handsome, appeared in front of everyone like this.

The young man's body is very small, even a little pocket-sized, and at the same time, due to the surrounding airflow, it fluctuates from time to time, as if he is very fragile.

But all the Death Eaters didn't dare to underestimate him because they could feel the waves of black magic that everyone present was very familiar with was constantly flowing from the pocket boy in the red-robed man's claws. Personal upload.

Can't go wrong!

All the Death Eaters were shocked, even after so long, they still couldn't forget the fluctuation that left a deep memory on them.

Some even rolled up their sleeves and ripped their necklines to reveal their dark magic marks branded into their skin.

And with the close contact with the black magic fluctuations, bursts of tingling sensations also came from those black magic marks at the same time.

This time, everyone already had the answer in their hearts, and even Bellatrix, who had been reluctant to believe, seemed to give up struggling.

"Honestly, I would like to thank that Mr. Lucius Malfoy. Without him, I could not have swallowed the Dark Lord and completely possessed his power and memory."

A smug smile appeared on Clark's face, "I even know the whereabouts of his remaining Horcruxes."

He walked up to Bellatrix and looked down at her.

"You can't get Hufflepuff's gold cup from me!" Bellatrix stared at him fiercely. "I'm not going to give it to you."

"You came back," Clark said confidently.

At this moment, Bellatrix, who had been crawling on the ground, suddenly bounced from the ground, and her right hand was bent like a hook, and her sharp five fingers waved with dark red magic, like a It was five sharp knives, from bottom to top, trying to disembowel Clark.

Faced with this sudden attack, some of the surrounding Death Eaters were taken aback, while others had already guessed the result.

But no matter what their thoughts were, they had no intention of getting involved.

Clark certainly didn't count on them, he even knew that the test was officially started at this time.

For these wicked people, they are fearful but not virtuous. Just relying on their mouths is like subduing them. It is simply wishful thinking. Only by showing their powerful strength and muscles can they be deterred.

So in the face of Bellatrix's sudden attack, Clark did not back down, but raised his foot and kicked out fiercely.

Seeing Clark's response, Bellatrix was overjoyed, secretly pleased with the other party's arrogance.

You know, this move of hers is not ordinary.

Perhaps most wizards today can't cast spells without a wand, but that doesn't include members of the pure-blood wizarding family.

Like Bellatrix, a wizard who was born in the Black family and married into the Lestrange family.

Trained from a young age on how to use his magical powers to cast spells without a staff, he also possesses a wealth of knowledge of classical, evil black magic.

This claw of hers, in addition to using magic power to change the hardness of her fingers, making them as sharp as knives, also transformed part of her flesh into a vicious curse.

Once caught by her, even if only a small piece of skin is broken, the power of this curse will penetrate into the flesh and bone of the enemy like a gangrene, and devour the vitality of the opponent.

From then on, the enemy could only toss between the sickbeds, losing weight at a speed visible to the naked eye day by day, and suffering unbearably.

It's not that Clark didn't know how powerful her move was, after all, the fluctuations in the power of the curse were very obvious.

However, he was highly skilled and bold, so he didn't care about it.

I saw that when his foot was kicking out, the bright red life energy was already lingering on his foot, forming a thin layer of crystal texture.

Bellatrix's sharp nails collided with it, and only a series of sparks rubbed against it, and it couldn't be hurt at all.

Then, Clark's powerful kick slammed into her chest heavily.


The frail body of the other party flew out directly, slammed into the wall of the prison fiercely, and bounced back with blood spitting out. At first glance, he was seriously injured by the kick he just kicked.

It's just that Clark didn't pursue the next step, but took a step back.

The surrounding Death Eaters thought he didn't want to kill, and laughed at his wife's kindness in their hearts.

Even Bellatrix spat out the blood in his mouth, and laughed loudly: "If you have the ability, kill me! If you kill me, I won't give you the adult's things!"

Clark was not annoyed by this, but said with a smile: "As a civilized person, I don't like hitting women."

"Well, I don't want to stop some people from letting out a sigh of relief."

Just when others didn't understand what he meant by this, Clark waved his hand directly, and the bright red mist drifted to the next cell, draining the blood and energy of the Rabastan Lesterland, who was in a dying state. Chi was brought back to life.

"bring it on."

Clark beckoned, and Rabastan Lestrange stood up like a sleepwalker and walked in front of him.

"Actually, when pure-blooded wizard families choose names for their children, they often like to turn to well-known fortune-tellers, hoping that the names they give will bring good luck to their children.

The Blacks and Lestranges are certainly no exception.

The name Bellatrix ( ) originally refers to a yellow star located on the left shoulder of the Orion constellation, which has the meaning of a heroic female warrior.

And Rabastan (rabastan) is another name for the star in the constellation Draco.

Originally, there was nothing wrong with this meaning, but unfortunately, its starlight is dimmer compared to the stars, which just symbolizes that your aura will be overshadowed by your terrifying sister-in-law. "

At this time, Rabastan Lestrange had already woken up, and just happened to hear Clark's words.

He had just recovered so he couldn't figure out what was going on now, but after listening to this analysis and looking at his sister-in-law who looked very miserable, Rabastan's heart was extraordinarily comfortable.

And this kind of comfortable psychology was quickly captured by Clark's spiritual power, and it catalyzed, amplified, and quickly changed his spiritual outlook.

"So, Rabastan, you must know very well that as long as your sister-in-law is still alive, you will never be able to get rid of her influence and become a real Lestrange."

Rabastan Lestrange glanced at his sister-in-law again, and Bellatrix immediately turned her back and gave him a stern look.

"But the glory of the pure-blood family cannot be tainted. I believe that in your heart, there is still a dream, and Rabastan Lestrange is not weaker than others, isn't it!"

He was silent, without words, just from his clenched fist, it could be seen that he was listening.

"Hahaha! What's the use of what you say, waste is waste. Although I don't know what tricks you are playing, I want to tell you that you will never succeed!"

Bellatrix laughed wildly and said loudly: "My master will make you regret coming to these worlds! He will make those who betray you pay the price, and let those who offend you never live beyond life, and let those who betray you never survive. Muggles and Mudbloods have no place to die!"

Its crazy momentum even suppressed all the Death Eaters for a while.

Only Clark shook his head.

"No, you are wrong. The reason why I told him this is just to tell him that only by conquering his inner fear can he fully bloom with his own light."

"Hahaha! Just him? This trash."

"Yes, just him!"

Clark looked at the blushing Rabastan Lestrange and pushed him behind his back.

It was this boost that sent Rabastan Lestrange directly to Bellatrix.

He looked at his sister-in-law who was looking at him with sarcastic eyes, and looked at the miserable appearance of the other party, and suddenly an invisible force poured directly into his heart, igniting the fire in his heart.

"I'm not trash!"

Rabastan Lestrange was suddenly full of courage, and he reached out and lifted up his sister-in-law, who was actually too thin to weigh.

next moment.


With a crisp sound, Bellatrix's already red and swollen cheeks became much more rounded.

Her eyes widened, and like all the Death Eaters present, she was shocked by Rabastan's actions.

If it is understandable that his brother Rodolphus slapped Latrix in the face just now, then this bold move by Rabastan is really shocking.

Who doesn't know, he is afraid of his sister-in-law, just like a mouse sees a cat.

Rabastan also noticed the surprised, surprised and admiring glances of the people around him, and a sense of vanity sprouted from his heart instantly. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

This feeling is mixed with the fun after the slap just now, as if a jar of aged wine has been brewed, as if a blaze of fire flows directly from the throat into the stomach, igniting a hot flame, and then again Steaming up, straight to the forehead.

"Rabastan, you..." His elder brother Rodolphus reached out to stop him, after all, his younger brother was beating his own daughter-in-law.

But he saw Clark standing beside him, but he couldn't say anything to stop him, and he flinched once.

And the unstoppable Rabastan also let go of himself completely. He seemed to want to vent all the grievances he had received from his sister-in-law over the years.

Bellatrix also laughed wildly, "Okay! Good fight! Come again!"

But soon, she could no longer pretend.

Not everyone has a broad mind that is self-defeating, especially when you are bullied by someone you used to look down on and don't look down on.

That kind of huge gap in the soul, that kind of intense humiliation, can almost make a person irrational with anger.

Bellatrix is ​​like this, she can still hold on for the first few slaps.

But after a few slaps, when she found that the fear and fear in the eyes of the Death Eaters around her were no longer looking at her, instead they were ridiculed, ridiculed and secretly delighted, she couldn't hold back any longer.





"Ah, I'm going to kill you!"


"I will definitely kill you!"

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"


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