Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 10: 13 Grimmauld Place

"You say, what is my godfather's house like? Is it a castle? Will his family welcome me in? Will it be..."

"Okay, Harry, you've asked these questions many times along the way."

Clark couldn't stand Harry's constant chattering, and could only turn his head out of the car window and look at the rapidly receding buildings.

As a courtesy for the first visit, Clark did not take Harry directly to the fortress of Sirius Black's house by Floo network.

After all, it's rude for wizards to break into someone's home through the Floo network without saying hello.

Of course, this is irrelevant if it is a public place or a place of business.

So Clark and the others were first teleported to the fireplace in the Leaky Cauldron through the Floo network, and then Clark recruited a car from home to take the car to Sirius Black's house.

It was only a thirty-minute drive from the Leaky Cauldron to Grimmauld Place, and Clark and the others quickly got there.

"Master, do you need me to wait for you?" The car was parked in the middle of a small square with weeds and awnings. The old driver who saw the surrounding was very dilapidated, so he turned around and asked.

"No, you go back first." Clark didn't explain much, and got out of the car with Harry.

"Are you sure it's here?"

Harry looked around curiously. He was one of the twenty-eight pure-blood wizard families, and he thought that the ancestral home of the Black family should be as luxurious as the Prewett family.

But the houses around this square have a dirty appearance, and the fronts are gloomy, and they don't seem to welcome visitors very much.

The windows of some houses were also broken, and the doors also showed the color of solid wood under the paint. There were also a lot of garbage piled up on the front steps of several rooms, and it looked like no one was taking care of them.

This kind of place is clearly a very dilapidated slum in London, and even the community of Harry's uncle's house is not much better than this.

"It should be here." Clark looked at the house not far away, "The Black family's ancestral home is in Grimmauld Place, as many pure-blood wizard families know."

"Where is my godfather's house then?" Harry asked.

Clark glanced at him, "Didn't Blake send you the full address of his home?"

As he spoke, he led Harry out of the grass.

"Huh? What?" Harry looked puzzled.

"The address your godfather sent you should have been written on a note.

The ancestral home of the Black family is protected by the Brave Loyalty Charm. Many ancient wizarding families like to use this trick. Only guests who have been informed of the detailed address by the master can find their home. "

Clark explained in detail.

Only then did Harry react, and he rummaged through his backpack. Soon, he found a piece of parchment full of slender handwriting in an envelope that Blake sent him.

"Blake's house is at 13 Grimmauld Place, London." Harry read the writing in a low voice, seeing the writing on the parchment.

"Okay, I see." Clark's ears were so sharp that Harry didn't need to say it a second time.

The two of them crossed the road, walked some distance along the empty, pungent street, and finally stopped at the door of a house with a faint rumbling in the window.

At this time, the parchment note in Harry's hand also spontaneously ignited without fire, which shocked him, and quickly let go, letting the burned note fall to the ground.

"It should be here."

Hearing Clark's words, Harry looked up quickly, only to find that they were standing at the door of Twelve Grimmauld Place.

He looked to the left and saw No. 11, looked to the right and found that the building was No. 14.

"Hey, what about No. 13? It won't be the same as Platform 9 and 3/4, will it?"

Harry tried to walk to the junction of rooms 12 and 14 to see if the wall in the middle could pass through, but was stopped by Clark in time.

"Thirteen is not a lucky number for Muggles.

Many even believed that this number would bring disaster and death.

Therefore, at the beginning of the establishment of this row of buildings, it should not have set No. 13, but jumped directly from No. 12 to No. 14. "

This taboo is the same as the house numbers of many houses in China will deliberately avoid the house numbers with "4".

"It seems that when the Black family relocated here and opened a new residence, they also borrowed the magic of the number 13 and the concept of Muggle fear of it."

Clark's sharp eyes seemed to penetrate a hazy black mist and saw more things hidden beneath the magic.

"If you say that, maybe it's not just the pure Loyalty Curse that protects this old house of the Black family.

There should be something else in it... some space magic... Sirius, death, and fear.

Interesting, no wonder Sirius doesn't like being in this house..."

Clark seemed to have seen through everything, with the expression on his face.

Harry, who was beside him, looked bewildered, but tried his best to pretend to sound amazing.

Seeing that Clark seemed to understand, he asked curiously, "Where are we knocking on the door?"

"Think about what you just saw," Clark replied softly.

Harry thought at once, thinking of Twelve Grimmauld Place when a tattered door appeared out of nowhere between Twelfth and Thirteen.

At the same time as this portal, there are dirty walls and gloomy green windows.

It looked as if an extra house had suddenly swelled up, squeezing out the twelfth and fourteenth on either side.

Such a peculiar sight immediately made Harry stunned.

At this time, the stereo in the building next door was still making a dull noise. Obviously, the Muggles living in it didn't feel anything. This is the magic of magic.

"Okay, now we can knock on the door." Clark smiled and patted Harry on the shoulder.

Hearing this, Harry walked up the tattered stone steps while staring wide-eyed at the newly transformed solid wood door.

The black paint on the door was peeling off, and it was also covered with odd scratches on the left and right.

Relying on his sensitive perception and the psionic power of [Reading Items], Clark could even feel the sharp aura still remaining in those scratches, even after so long.

Seemingly sensing someone approaching, the silver door knocker in the shape of a large snake coiled on the door came to life in an instant, raised its triangular head, and looked at the two children in front of it with ruby ​​eyes.

It was only then that Harry realized that there was neither a keyhole nor a letterbox on the door.

"This...that...we're here for Sirius Black, and we've been invited...I'm his godson."

Facing the dangerous looking silver snake knocker, Harry said nervously.

However, the sound fell into Clark's ears, but it turned into a short and weird "hissing" sound, and it was obvious that in the face of this thing, Harry had stimulated his Parseltongue again.

And the silver snake's face also showed a puzzled expression. It tilted its head. It seemed that it was the first time that a human boy could speak the language of their snakes.

Fortunately, someone in the house seemed to have heard the movement outside the door, or the silver snake notified its owner.

Soon Harry and Clark heard a loud, metallic click from the door.

The sound sounded as if countless metal mechanisms were fitting and turning behind the door. After a few seconds, the dilapidated door of No. 13 Grimmauld Place creaked and slowly opened, revealing more inside than outside. Dilapidated porch.

And, a Sirius Black looking much better.

"Harry!" Sirius exclaimed happily upon seeing Harry.

He strode forward, opened his arms, and embraced Harry, who was still a little nervous.

"Thank goodness you're finally here. I thought you didn't want to come and stay with me."

"No, how could it be, I just went to Clark's house to live for a while." Harry, who left Sirius' embrace, explained quickly.

Sirius Black turned his head when he heard the words, also found Clark standing on the steps beside him, smiled and said hello.

"It was great to meet you, Clark, and thank you for inviting Harry to your house and sending him over.

He always tells me in his letters that your castle is amazing and I hope he won't be disappointed with my house. "

Blake made a joke.

"I don't think Harry is that kind of person," Clark smiled in cooperation. "Perhaps for him, as long as there are relatives, no matter where he is, it is home."

This sentence successfully resolved the slightly awkward atmosphere between Harry and Sirius Black. The two smiled at each other, and Black quickly stepped aside and stretched out his hand.

"Come in," he said happily, "but don't go too far inside, and be careful not to touch anything."

When it came to the last sentence, Clark noticed that there was a hint of disgust in Black's tone, as if there was something he disliked in it.

The two followed behind Sirius Black into an almost completely dark porch.

Although Blake seemed to have cleaned up when he got home, they could still smell a damp, dusty smell.

The smell was like rotting wood and piled up dirt, giving people the feeling of stepping into a grave, and filling the old Black house with a smell of staleness, oldness, and decay.

Black apparently noticed this too, and for the first time he felt uneasy when he saw Harry's frown.

He waved his wand lightly, and there was a soft hiss from nowhere, and then all the gas lamps on the walls came on, as if that would dispel the corruption from the air.

Faint beams of light were cast on the mottled wallpaper on both sides, illuminating a hallway with worn carpet.

At the top of the corridor, tree-shaped decorative lamps covered with cobwebs flickered dimly, and portraits that had been blackened by ages hung slantingly on the walls.


The door of Blake's old house slammed shut behind Clark, and they also heard the loud sound of countless metal mechanisms being locked, which shocked the two of them.

"I'm sorry, the house hasn't been cleaned up for too long, and no one lives there." Sirius smiled awkwardly, and Clark even saw a trace of flattery on his face.

Luckily Harry didn't seem to care. "This is amazing! Compared to my uncle's house, this place is heaven."

There was also a bright smile on Blake's face. Clark didn't express his opinion on this. He just stood in the dim entrance hall and silently looked at the somewhat dilapidated old house in front of him—

It was a typical pureblood mansion, and Clark had seen many of these when he visited some wizarding families before.

Unlike what they saw outside, this house was much larger inside, and it was obviously expanded by magic.

The decorations that can be seen everywhere are also hundreds of years old - just pick up one, maybe it is used by a famous wizard.

"Let's go, let's go around," Sirius said attentively to Harry, "I've cleared a room for you to see if you like it or not."

The three passed by a wobbly table at the entrance of the hall, and a candlestick in the shape of a crow placed on it, UU reading www.uukanshu. com then walked down a long, narrow corridor with no end in sight.

Underfoot, there was a creaking sound from the dilapidated floor, which sounded particularly eerie in this old, empty house.

On both sides of the corridor, there are two long curtains covered with insect eyes.

Harry glanced curiously, guessing if there was some secret hidden behind the curtain, but he didn't extend his hand, just continued to follow Sirius forward.

The three of them came to the end of the corridor, around a large umbrella stand that looked like it was made from a broken leg of a troll. To the left of the umbrella stand was a dark staircase.

Walking up the stairs, you can find that the wall next to the stairs seems to be decorated with something, which seems to be a row of wrinkled heads.

Harry thought that the ancestor of the Black family was a hunting enthusiast like Clark's grandfather, but when he looked over his head curiously, he gasped.

The plaques on the wall were nailed to the heads of house-elves.

They all had the same ugly big noses that Harry had seen with Dobby before.

It also added a bit of spooky air to the house, as if it belonged to the most evil dark wizard.

It is also a pure blood wizard family. Is this the normal decoration style, and the Prewett family is just an alternative?

Harry's heart was full of confusion, and at the same time he was a little worried about his future life here.

And just as they were about to set foot on the wooden staircase that looked very old and was full of cracks and holes, an unexpected figure appeared in front of the three - it was a house elf.

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