Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 21: Departure and door key

"Jingle Bell!"

As soon as the crisp alarm clock sounded, it was pressed down by a hand.

In the darkness, Clark opened his eyes, glanced at the alarm clock, and found that it was four in the morning.

He got up and got dressed, then woke Neville next door and climbed out of the suitcase together.

As they both came down the stairs, they happened to see Mrs. Weasley standing at Ron's door, ready to knock.

"Ah, Clark, Neville, you're up, you're good boys," Mrs Wesley praised. "Would you please help me wake Ron and the others? There's still porridge in the kitchen downstairs. Woolen cloth."

After speaking, Mrs. Weasley turned around and ran down the stairs "winter, winter, winter".

Clark sighed helplessly, pushed open the door, and started shaking Harry and the others one by one.

"Wake up, Harry!"

"Hey, Ron, it's time to get up!"

"George, the game is over!"


Finally, under the unremitting efforts of Clark and Neville, Harry, Ron, and the Wesley twins finally left the warm bed, yawned, stretched, and walked into the kitchen.

Mrs Wesley was making breakfast, and a sweet smell wafted in the kitchen. Mr. Wesley was sitting at the table, checking a large ticket made of a tuft of parchment, with Sirius on the side. He helps.

When the boys entered the kitchen, Mr. Wesley raised his head, spread his arms, showing the clothes on him—

It was a top that looked like a golf jersey, and a pair of old jeans that were too big for him, so he wrapped a cowhide strap around his waist.

"How?" he asked eagerly. "Should we hide our identities when we go, do I look like a Muggle, Harry?"

"Like" Harry said with a smile, "very good."

"I'll just say it."

Mr. Wesley patted Sirius on the shoulder again, and only then did they realize that Sirius was also dressed in a similar fashion, except that the shirt was replaced by a beach shirt with a gorgeous pattern printed on it.

"Why don't you see Bill, Charlie, and Percy?" George said, yawning again uncontrollably.

"They'll Apparate," said Mrs. Weasley, setting the cauldron on the table and scooping the thick milk oatmeal into the bowls, "so they can sleep in for a while. "

"So they're still sounding asleep?" Fred said angrily. "Aha, that's awesome."

"No way, who told you to be underage," Mrs. Wesley replied. "Where did those two girls go?"

She turned and rushed out of the kitchen, and they heard her go upstairs.

After a while Mrs. Weasley strode back to the kitchen, footsteps were heard in the hallway behind her, and then Hermione and Ginny walked into the kitchen yawning.

"Why do we have to get up so early?" Ginny sat down at the table sleepily.

"We still have some way to go, after all," replied Mr. Wesley.

"Walking?" Harry asked. "What, let's walk to the Quidditch World Cup?"

"Oh no, no, no, that's too far," laughed Mr Wesley, "and there's a risk of Muggle detection on the way, we'll just have to walk a short distance and then rely on certain props ."

They were talking when Mrs. Wesley, who was on the side, suddenly shouted sharply, which startled everyone.


"What's the matter, Mom?" George raised his head, chewing cereal.

He pretended that nothing happened, but he couldn't deceive anyone.

"What's in your pocket?"


"Don't lie to me!"

Mrs Wesley pointed her wand at George's pocket and read, "Flying around!"

Some colorful knickknacks jumped out of George's pocket, all joke props he worked on.

George reached out to grab them, but they didn't, and they jumped straight into Mrs. Wesley's outstretched palm.

"Although I agree that you are running a joke toy store, it does not mean that you can bring these dangerous, unproven and unapproved things around."

Mrs Weasley held up what was in her hand and said angrily, "That's a crime!"

"Empty your pockets, hurry up, you two!"

George and Fred apparently wanted to smuggle these things out of the house, but Mrs. Wesley found them all at the moment.

"Flying! Flying! Flying!"

Her fly-on spells are masterful, with all manner of mischief props whizzing out of unexpected places on them, including the lining of George's jacket and the cuffs of Fred's jeans.

On the table, various Wesleyan magic trick products piled higher and higher.

Everyone was stunned looking at these things, they couldn't believe it.

"Look at these things, are you going to attack the Quidditch World Cup?"

Under Mrs. Weasley's angry gaze, George and Fred bowed their heads, and no one in the kitchen dared to speak for them, including Clark.

All in all, the atmosphere wasn't very friendly when everyone was ready to go after breakfast.

Mrs Wesley remained stern when she kissed Mr Wesley on the cheek.

As for the twin brothers, their attitude was even worse, slamming the rucksack on their backs and walking out without saying a word.

"Goodbye, and have a good time," Mrs Wesley called out to the retreating twins, "be better."

But they neither looked back nor answered.

"I'll send Bill, Charlie, and Percy on the road at noon," Mrs. Wesley said to Mr. Wesley.

At this moment, Mr. Wesley was with Sirius, calling Harry, Ron, Clark, Hermione, Ginny, and Neville across the dark yard, following George and Fred.

At about four in the morning at the end of August, the air in England was already very cold, and Clark and his party tightened their cloaks and coats, lined up in a long line, like ants, walking on the raised hills.

In the sky, the bright moon was still casting a gloomy brilliance, and not far away, on the horizon to their right, there was already a dull gray-green, showing that the dawn was gradually coming.

They walked along the slippery country lanes with one foot deep and one foot shallow, carefully bypassing the village. The cold air made the boys awake a lot, which made them greatly speed up their pace.

When everyone successfully passed through the village, the sky was already a little brighter, and the dark scene around them could gradually be seen clearly.

"Okay, climb to the top of the ferret mountain ahead, and we will reach our destination."

Mr Wesley pointed to the large shadow that towered ahead behind the village of Autry-Saint Catchpole, "The Ministry of Magic has placed nearly two hundred portkeys all over the UK, the one closest to us. , it should be there."

"The door key, what is that?" Harry asked Sirius curiously.

"The door key is a kind of magic item. As long as you touch it, you can quickly teleport from one place to another. If necessary, you can teleport a large number of people at a time." Sirius replied.

"Is it something like a Floo network?" Harry continued.

Sirius was about to nod his head, but Clark said, "No, the two are different."

"The first condition of the Floo network is to have a furnace and a flame. The principle is to use a special flame secret realm as a transit station to connect the fireplaces of the British wizards to form a transportation network.

Therefore, if you want to use the Floo Network, you must first go to the Floo Network Administration under the Ministry of Magic's Department of Magical Transportation to apply for a record, and a professional will come to your door to help you establish a contract between your fireplace and the Fire Secret Realm.

Among them, the Floo powder mined from the flame secret realm is only equivalent to a ticket for verification, which is why, for thousands of years, those who have tried to 'self-sufficiency' in Floo powder have not succeeded. reason. "

"Hahaha, who would try to imitate that thing?" George and Fred on the side laughed when they heard Clark's words, "That thing is two scoops a spoon, and the price has remained the same for a hundred years, completely There is no profit at all.”

Clark glanced at them.

"There are a lot of stupid people. Every year, St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries reports one or two traumas caused by 'pseudo-floo fans'.

In other words, there are still plenty of fools out there who like to throw homemade powder into the fire and blow themselves out of the chimney. "

Hearing this, the twin brothers giggled even with Ginny and Neville.

"Where's the door key... what kind of... thing is it?"

They were already climbing Ferret Mountain by now, tripping over hidden rabbit holes or slipping on dark, sticky lake grass, which kept Harry's questions on and off.

"Ah, door keys are usually all sorts of things, old leather boots, empty cans, broken basketballs that have leaked out of the air... anything," said Mr. Weasley, "of course, it's all inconspicuous things that look like this. Muggles wouldn't pick them up and play with them...they'd think someone else had thrown them away..."

"Yes, the most important thing about the door key is the magic spell applied on it. It is a contract summoning magic similar to the flying spell. Compared with that, it doesn't matter what the carrier of the door key is."

Clark added, but Harry couldn't speak at this point, and every time he breathed now, he felt a tingling in his chest.

He found that it had been a long time since he had done such intense physical activity, even if it was a Quidditch match, it was sitting on a broom.

Compared to him, Clark and Neville on the side seemed to be the easiest performers of all, and their strong physiques allowed them to walk evenly on the slopes.

As for Hermione and Ginny, the two girls were able to keep up with the large army with ease, and the speed was not slow. I wonder if they used some magical spell.

Fortunately, when Harry felt his legs gradually unable to move, he finally found that his feet were on the level ground.

"Huh..." Mr. Wesley took off his glasses and wiped it with his jersey, panting, "Yes, we got there on time...and ten minutes..."

Ron was the last to reach the top of the mountain, and as soon as he got there, he put his knees on his back and bent over.

"Now, we need to find the door key," Mr. Wesley said, putting on his glasses and squinting as he searched the ground carefully. "It won't be very big...let's find out..."

Everyone dispersed, looking for each other.

However, just two or three minutes after they searched, a shout cut through the quiet night sky.

"Here, Arthur! Come here, we found our son!"

On the other side of the summit, the twinkling stars in the night sky set off two tall figures.

"Amos!" Mr. Wesley smiled and strode toward the man who called him.

When the others came closer, they saw Mr. Wesley shaking hands with a middle-aged wizard with a short brown beard and a red face.

In the man's other hand, he was holding something like an old moldy boot.

"Come on, let me introduce you, this is Amos Diggory," said Mr Wesley. "He works in the Department of Magical Creatures Control at the Ministry of Magic, and this is his son Cedric. I think you all know each other, right?"

"Of course..." George and Fred replied with a smile, "He's Wood's lifelong enemy. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Cedric Diggory was about seventeen years old, a particularly handsome brown-haired boy, tall and thin, with the same face as his father, with two touches of plateau red.

George and Fred and others knew him because he was the captain and Seeker of the Hufflepuff House Quidditch team, and he was Harry's old rival at Hogwarts Quidditch. .

"Hi, hello." Cedric turned to look at everyone with a sunny smile on his face.

Everyone responded "Hi", and then Cedric's father greeted Mr. Wesley a few more times, and then looked kindly around the three Wesley brothers, Clark and Hermione, and others.

"Arthur, these are your children? You are so amazing!" Mr. Diggory praised with a smile.

"Oh, no, it's the redhead," Mr. Wesley quickly pointed out his children. "This is my nephew Clark Prewett."

"Ah, Mr. Prewett, I know that I helped him with many of the procedures for the dragon farm." Amos Diggory smiled and shook hands with Clark.

"Yeah, thank you Mr. Diggory for your help last time." Clark also said with a smile.

"This is Neville, this is Hermione, and they are friends with my son Ron," Mr. Weasley continued. "This is Harry, and Ron's friend—"

"Oh my God," exclaimed Amos Diggory, his eyes wide open, in surprise, "Harry? That Harry Potter?"

"Yeah, that's the Potter!" Mr. Wesley laughed happily. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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