Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 30: unscrupulous distinction

Facing Ron's doubts, everyone in the tent was silent for a while.

In the end, Sirius, who was still in memory, said: "Let me tell you, Ron, the Dark Mark is the symbol of the mysterious man!"

"Yeah, we haven't seen it for thirteen years," Mr. Wesley said softly, "so it's understandable for everyone to be nervous, after all, it's like seeing the mysterious man again."

He saw that Ron was still a little puzzled, so he explained.

"Ron, You-Know-Who and his followers have to display the Dark Mark in the air every time they kill someone," said Mr. Weasley. "The horror it brings...you can't understand it. Imagine when you Come home and find the Dark Mark hovering over your house, you know what you're going to see when you go in..."

Mr Wesley shuddered.

"I had nightmares every night back then, for fear of seeing this thing hovering over the Burrow, seeing your mother and your brother... This is what everyone fears the most... It is the most fear..."

Mr. Wesley could no longer speak, and the entire tent fell silent until Clark spoke.

"But fear didn't bring you down, did it?"

He smiled and looked at Mr. Wesley, "The mysterious man uses death to sow fear, and fear to gain submission. However, he will never understand that there are many things in this world that are more precious than life!"

Sirius laughed after hearing this, "That's right, what Clark said makes sense. For the sake of friendship and justice, we are not afraid of death, so how can we be afraid of a dark mark that I don't know who made it."

The depressing atmosphere in the room was instantly swept away, and Bill said with some schadenfreude, "No matter who made this mark, those Death Eaters were quite frightened anyway."

Charlie also laughed, "Yeah, when the Death Eaters saw it, they reacted more violently than the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic, even if they were bound, they had to struggle on the ground, begging the Aurors to hurry up. Take them away."

"Death Eaters?" Harry asked. "What are Death Eaters?"

"That's what the followers of You-Know-Who call themselves," Bill said. "These people tonight are the remnants of it—they somehow escaped and didn't get locked up in Azkaban."

"But they weren't so lucky this time," Percy also said, "I saw a few guys inside, all famous wizards, and now they're afraid they have to go to Azkaban for a walk. already."

"Are those guys Lucius Malfoy?" Harry asked suddenly curiously.

"Yeah, is there him?" Ron followed, "Dad, we met Draco Malfoy in the woods, and he actually pretty much told us that his dad was one of those masked lunatics! We Everyone knows that the Malfoys used to have a good relationship with the mysterious man!"

"Lucius Malfoy?" Percy recalled and shook his head, "Then I really didn't see him, maybe he escaped early."

Harry and Ron sighed in disappointment.

"What are you two thinking, a sly guy like Malfoy, how can this situation come out in person," Hermione said slowly, "but the one who made the Dark Mark, did so again. For what?"

"Is he showing his support for the Death Eaters, or is he trying to scare them away?"

"We don't know that either, Hermione," said Sirius, "but I'll tell you something... Only the Death Eaters know how to conjure that mark."

"Yes," Mr. Wesley nodded, "I'm sure the person who conjured the mark must have been a Death Eater before, although not anymore..."

Then he looked at his watch again, "Listen, it's getting late, and if your mom heard about this, she'd be terribly worried. So let's hurry up and get a few hours of sleep and get to the door early. key, get out of here."

Harry and the others climbed into bed obediently at the urging of Mr. Wesley, and Clark opened the suitcase again and turned out of the cabin.

But before they could get in, Percy got out of Wesley's tent.

"Dad, I'd better sleep with Clark. Ron loves to snore at night. I might have to go to work in the department tomorrow."

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He shouted into the tent, then took Clark's shoulders and walked into the cabin with Hermione, Ginny, and Neville.

Clark gave Hermione a wink, so the girl wisely took Ginny back to the room, as did Neville, leaving only Clark and Percy in the small living room.

"About Mr. Crouch's house-elves..."

Percy couldn't wait to ask, and before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Clark, "There is indeed a problem with your leader, but now is not the time."

"Don't worry, I can still wait."

Percy smiled, and then said very confidently, "But I also think there is something wrong with Crouch. I have been to their house a few times before on the pretext of sending documents, but Mr. Crouch never invited me into the house. , always greets me at the door."

"It seems that there must be some hidden secrets in this Mr. Director's house." Clark laughed.

"When the house-elf was found tonight, I could tell he was very nervous, but it wasn't because of the house-elf being found, but because he was afraid of something else..."

"So there must be something else at the scene of the accident." Percy guessed that he was very close to the truth of the matter.

Clark then guided him, "Maybe that's the real murderer who cast the Dark Mark, and the elf wink just helped him carry the blame, and Crouch must also know that person and have a very close relationship."

At this time, Percy thought of another thing, "You said, is Bertha Jorkins also related to this secret, as far as I know, after she became Mr. Crouch's assistant, It's just like the aftermath of the Forgetting Curse."

"And her disappearance..."

"You're not afraid, are you?" Clark looked at him suddenly with a narrow smile on his face.

"When you graduated, you took the initiative to ask me for my opinion, and asked me how I could get a foothold in the Ministry of Magic faster.

Joining Crouch's command, but your best chance, you see, isn't this opportunity coming? "

"Of course not!" Percy said firmly, "Since I have chosen this step, naturally I will not be afraid of any danger."

"But... I originally thought that Mr. Crouch was just a small problem. You wanted me to use his leverage to go further."

"But looking at what you mean, it seems that you want me to report and expose him," he said, and he hesitated again, "Isn't this kind of betrayal of reporting a boss and getting a promotion a taboo in the workplace? If you do this, Which boss would dare to accept me in the future?"

Clark looked at his determined expression for less than three seconds before falling into a tangled expression, and shook his head helplessly.

But this is normal. After all, at his age, he is just a high school student who just graduated from the Muggle world.

If Percy is discussing with him calmly now, how to get his boss down, then he should really worry about whether his cousin has been hit by the Imperius Curse?

"You, you, how can you call this a betrayal?"

Clark smiled and pointed out Percy's mistake.

"In a power and political system, in order to safeguard their own interests and ensure the stability of their positions, the superiors often feel very disgusted by those who are at the bottom but expect to climb up by pulling and framing their superiors.

Even if these people did achieve results, they suppressed him and ignored him.

Because this method of 'undertaking the upper' is extremely dangerous for a political group.

After all, there is no shortage of ambitious people in the world. Once one person succeeds, the entire political group will fall into the crisis of whistleblowing.

The boss will be wary of the subordinates, the subordinates will also keep an eye on the boss, people are keen to fight infighting, and the work will not be able to start. "

Percy nodded to the scene described by Clark, and then asked, "If that's the case, why did you ask me to do such a thing?"

"But you are different," Clark reassured him. "People are different. Some people were born in Rome, and some were born as mules."

"Similarly, this unscrupulous approach is different.

When some people do this kind of thing, it is unscrupulous, they will be pushed out by others, and they will be gossiped behind their backs.

Some people do this kind of thing, but they are not afraid of power, they are under pressure to expose the truth and maintain justice. "

With that said, Clark patted Percy's shoulder, "If it's just you, I certainly don't recommend you do this. But behind you, there is another person."

Clark pointed to the sky with his fingers.

"In the beginning, Crouch's son was a Death Eater and he couldn't get him out of office, but now it's just possible to have something to do with a Death Eater, so what can he do to him.

So the point here is not that Crouch has done anything wrong, but that the big boss at the Ministry of Magic is going to **** him in the political fight.

In this case, your unscrupulous means are not only for your own selfish interests, but for the interests of higher levels. "

"Higher? You mean—Minister Fudge!"

Clark laughed silently.

Percy then asked again: "Didn't Minister Fudge successfully attack Mr. Crouch's prestige in the case of Sirius before, why continue to fight so hard?"

"Percy, calm down and think about your own words, isn't it naive?" Clark sneered. "What is it? In political struggles, there has always been a snake bite instead of death."

"The incident with Sirius, the eucalyptus was more than ten years ago, what impact can it have on Crouch today?

But it hurt his face and attacked his prestige.

Have you ever seen a half-point change in his current position? "

Percy shook his head.

"That's not it, not only that, but in the next year, and even in the next few years, his Crouch position will do a lot."

Clark's words made Percy ponder, "You mean... the Triwizard Tournament?"

"It's not just that." Clark sat on the sofa tired from standing. "You are still a low-level staff member of the Ministry of Magic, so your vision is limited and you can't see many things."

"But in this position, if you want to climb up, learn a lot, broaden your horizons, and have a sharp insight, it is indispensable.

Today is different from the past. With the great development of the Muggle world and the convenience of transportation and communication, the originally huge earth has also become a small village.

In this context, wizards from all over the world communicate more frequently.

Especially with the rise of the Magic Congress of the United States today, the old-fashioned Ministry of Magic in Europe, such as the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, have felt great pressure, and naturally began to seek cooperation, and exchanges have become much closer.

The Triwizard Tournament is just a microcosm of this situation. It can be regarded as an attempt in the European magic circle. "

With Clark's suggestion, Percy also understood a lot at once.

"In this case, it means that the former weak department of the International Magic Exchange and Cooperation Department will gain greater rights in the future with the communication between the Ministry of Magic of various countries?

So Minister Fudge is worried that Mr. Crouch will turn over again for this reason? "

"That's right, if Crouch is really involved with the Death Eaters, and UU's www.uukanshu.com is even planning some evil conspiracy, then you who expose this conspiracy will, with the support of Minister Fudge, Be a hero!"

Clark's words made Percy's breathing quicken a bit, his child's eyes widened, and the hesitation in his eyes was swept away like autumn leaves.

However, he was not completely delusional by Clark's words.

"Don't try to tempt me with these cakes, Minister Fudge must at least give me some favors in this matter!

At least, he has to help me solve the problem of the intern becoming a regular first. "

Percy put forward his own requirements to Clark, "Also, if this matter is successful in the end, I can't stay in the International Magic Exchange and Cooperation Department. Mr. Crouch treats this department like subway barrels, and I want to change my position. ."


Clark refused decisively, which made Percy look ugly.

"Crouch and Minister Fudge are now at a time when each other is not pleasing to the eye, and he will help you correct in this case?

Not to mention that it is unreasonable for the Minister to intervene in the interns' regularization, even if it is possible, you can let Crouch think of you. "

Percy thought the same thing, "But..."

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about the matter of becoming a regular. I will help you solve it without Fudge talking."

Clark remembered the seed of [Spiritual Suggestion] he had just planted in Crouch's heart. Yes, he planted his goodwill towards Percy in Crouch's consciousness.

"As long as you hang around in front of Crouch more, he will definitely reuse you."

Since Clark had said so, Percy didn't go on, he completely trusted his clever cousin.

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