Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 45: Hospitality Hogwarts


The man standing at the front of Durmstrang's procession shouted enthusiastically after walking up the **** and seeing the crowd greeted by Hogwarts.

"My dear old man, how are you?"

Like the students he led, this man was also wearing a heavy fur cloak.

It's just that his robes are more delicate and expensive: the silvery-white leather is soft and smooth, tumbling as he walks, reflecting a soft magical aura.

So much so that when Clark saw it, he suspected that he had made a cloak from unicorn skin and wore it on his body.

"Excellent, thank you, Professor Karkaroff," Dumbledore replied to the man.

That's right, this is Durmstrang's headmaster, Ingor Karkaroff, a former Death Eater.

When he entered the main entrance of the castle, with the help of bright lights projected from the door, Clark and others found that he was as tall and thin as Dumbledore.

However, his white hair was much shorter, and he still had a goatee with a small curl at the end, which, combined with the sharp chin of his thin chin, gave a mean and stern look.

Karkaroff walked up to Dumbledore and shook hands with Dumbledore.

"Dear old man, dear Hogwarts!"

Karkaroff's voice was mellow and sweet, making it sound like this guy was very cunning.

He looked up at the castle, smiled and said, "I haven't been back here in years, it's so nice to be here, so nice to be here!"

Karkaroff gave an exaggerated smile, and you could see his yellow teeth.

Although his face was full of smiles, there was no smile in his eyes, still cold and sharp.

"Okay, Viktor, come over here and warm up... you don't mind, Dumbledore? Viktor's got a bit of a cold..."

"Then you have to isolate yourself as soon as possible!"

Clark secretly complained in his heart. Of course, Karkaroff couldn't hear this sentence.

He beckoned a student behind him to come forward. When the boy stepped forward, everyone saw his striking hooked nose and two thick black eyebrows at a glance.

There was no need to stab Harry in the arm as hard as Ron did, or whisper around, Clark had already recognized the figure.

"Harry—it's Krum!" said Ron in a tone of shock. "This is unbelievable!"

Five minutes had passed since Durmstrang's arrival, and the Hogwarts students were following Durmstrom's delegation, queuing up the stone steps.

"It's Krum, Harry! Victor Krum!" Ron continued to sigh beside him.

"For God's sake, Ron, he's just a Quidditch player," Hermione said nonchalantly.

"Just a Quidditch player?" Ron looked at her blankly, as if he couldn't believe his ears, "Hermione—he's one of the best Seekers in the world! I didn't expect him Still a student!"

"So what? This time it's a Triwizard Tournament. A Quidditch player doesn't have much room to play at all."

But people like Hermione who remained calm were only a minority.

As Durmstrang's students joined them through the foyer and toward the auditorium, many were hustling forward, trying to catch a glimpse of Victor Klum's face.

A few sixth-grade girls walked, frantically rummaging through their pockets.

"Oh, I can't believe I didn't have a quill on me."

"You mean he'll sign my hat with lipstick?"

"It's ridiculous!"

Hermione stared at the girls who were arguing over a lipstick.

"I'd like to get his autographed picture if possible," said Ron. "You didn't bring a quill, did you, Harry?"

"No, it's all upstairs in my bag," said Harry.

They walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down, Ron deliberately sitting on the side facing the door, as Krum and his Durmstrang alumni were still gathered at the door and seemed unsure of them. where to sit.

Beauxbatons' students had already chosen their seats at the Ravenclaw table. After they sat down, they looked around the auditorium, frowning slightly, with a sullen expression on their faces, as if they were obsessed with the Hogwarts building. Not very satisfied with the style.

Ron suddenly said in a hoarse voice, "Here! Come and sit here! Hermione, move over a little bit to make room—"

"What?" Hermione frowned in dissatisfaction.

"Oh, it's too late!" said Ron regretfully.

Viktor Klum and his Durmstrang alumni were already seated at the Slytherin table.

When Clark saw several people, Malfoy raised the corners of his mouth proudly because of this incident.

"Ah, yes, Malfoy is flattering him," said Ron bitterly, "I bet Krum sees what he is at a glance... After all, Krum has people trying to curry favor with him wherever he goes. , flatter him..."

"Enough, Ron," Clark couldn't help but say, stopping him from going on.

Hermione also snorted, "They look much happier than the Bujbarton group."

She was right, Durmstrang's classmates looked up at the starlit ceiling with interest as they took off their fur cloaks.

Two of the students also picked up golden plates and goblets and held them carefully, clearly interested.

And at the staff desk at the other end, Filch, the janitor, was bringing over a few chairs.

For today's grand occasion, he put on the old musty tuxedo.

Harry was surprised to see that he had added four more chairs, two on each side of Dumbledore.

"But there were only two more," said Harry. "Why did Filch bring four chairs, and who else would come?"

"Huh?" Ron replied smugly, his eyes still on Krum.

"And officials from the Ministry of Magic. After all, the prize money for this event is paid by the Ministry."

Clark glanced at the guest seat, then looked away, joking to Ron, "If you want to make friends with Victor Krum, maybe I can help you."

"Really?" Ron asked in surprise, turning his head.

"of course it's true."

Clark said maliciously, "I can help you make a potion of infatuation and put it quietly into his diet, so that your dear Victor Krum will be yours alone—"


Before he could finish his words, Hermione, Harry, and Neville, who were next to him, laughed.

"Hey!" Ron yelled in embarrassment. "It's not a shame to want to be friends with Krum!"

Fortunately, his awkward state did not last long. Soon, all the students entered the auditorium and took their seats at the tables of their respective colleges.

The teachers also accompanied the two principals who came from afar, and they filed to the guest seat and sat down together.

Leading the way were Professor Dumbledore, Professor Karkaroff and Madame Maxime.

As soon as the Beauxbatons saw their headmaster appear, they stood up and bowed slightly in respect.

Some Hogwarts students couldn't help laughing at their behavior, but Beauxbatons' representatives didn't seem embarrassed at all until Lady Maxime sat down on Dumbledore's left. They just sat down again.

It appears that Beauxbatons is more strictly managed than the more relaxed learning environment at Hogwarts.

When all the professors sat down, Dumbledore was still standing on the stage, and the auditorium gradually became quiet.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts, and -- especially -- distinguished guests," said Dumbledore, smiling at the foreign students, "with great joy I welcome you all. To Hogwarts. I hope and trust that you will be comfortable and happy here."

Hearing Dumbledore's words, a Beauxbatons girl let out an unmistakably sneer.

She still wrapped her head tightly in the scarf, so she couldn't see clearly.

"That guy is so annoying and no one is forcing them to stay!" Hermione whispered, annoyed by the girl.

Clark nodded in agreement with her statement.

"Everyone, the hegemony will officially start after the banquet." Dumbledore continued, "Now, everyone can eat and drink as much as they want, just like in their own home!"

With the end of his words, the plate in front of Clark and them was filled with food as usual.

But this time the house-elves in the kitchen seemed to be doing everything they could.

It was the first time Clark had seen Hogwarts with such a rich menu, and there were even some foreign flavors in it.

"what is that?"

Ron pointed curiously at the large plate next to the large steak, which was piled high with cod, lobster, crab legs, mussels and mussels, mixed with some vegetables and soup, which looked like a pot Seafood hodgepodge.

"Fish soup," said Hermione.

"Good guy," said Ron.

"It's French," said Hermione. "I had it during my first-year summer vacation, and it was delicious."

"I'll just trust you." Ron said, serving himself a bowl.

"Actually, this dish also evolved from Italy," Clark said as he peeled the shells. "But the ingredients and method of making dashi are a bit simpler, not as delicate and complicated as French cuisine."

Food seems to make people more pleasant, at least Hermione is very happy at the moment, "Speaking of this, I think of those magical dishes that can shine when I went to France last time."

"Yeah, who would have thought that a mouse could make such delicious food." Clark couldn't help but sigh.

"Can food also glow?!"

Ron was using a fork to deal with a French-baked snail, and when he heard their words, he raised his head curiously, so that the snail drew an arc and just hit Seamus on the head.

"Oh, sorry, Seamus."

Unfortunately, Clark has already set his sights on another classic French confit duck leg at this time.

It is also a regular dish in French cuisine, originating from a method of preserving food in ancient France, mainly in the southwest of France.

In the era of no refrigerator, in order to satisfy their appetites in the cold winter, the French invented the preservation method of "fit (pickled food.

It's just that ordinary fruits and vegetables are pickled with candy and vinegar, while meat is sealed with oil.

Take a large duck leg of the right age, cut off the fat on the edge of the duck skin and boil the duck fat first.

Then marinate the duck legs for a day with rock salt, chopped dried herbs, black pepper, garlic, thyme, bay leaves, etc., then rub it, put it in duck oil, and add rosemary, sage, basil Leaves and other spices, simmer slowly at a low temperature of 90 degrees.

After the duck meat is stewed, if you are not in a hurry to eat it, you can directly seal it in duck oil and keep it for a long time.

When you want to eat, just remove the duck legs and drain the oil, fry the duck skin on a low fire until browned, and then serve with sweet and sour charcoal grilled tomatoes, a delicious confit duck leg is complete.

To make such a dish, it only takes a day or two to prepare and marinate in the early stage, UU reading www. uukanshu.com is therefore extra troublesome.

But its taste is worthy of its cumbersome cooking method.

Clark reached out and picked up a duck leg confit, took a light bite, and the crispy duck skin and soft duck meat were immediately detached from the bones.

A fat and plump meat taste, mixed with a lot of spice flavors, and the oily aroma that almost soaked the entire duck leg, it exploded in an instant, as if in his mouth, a grand meat carnival was opened. .

The wonderful taste was so amazing that Clark couldn't help but tore off a large piece of duck meat and couldn't wait to chew it.

At this time, in the auditorium, there were many little wizards who were immersed in food like him. Everyone took advantage of this rare opportunity to frantically swept the food on the table.

This also caused Professor McGonagall to look at him frequently in the teacher's chair. After all, the situation on Gryffindor was the most prominent.

Hermione noticed the dissatisfied look from Professor McGonagall, and tugged at Clark's shirt embarrassingly, "Hey, Clark, pay attention to your image, there are guests here."

"What are you afraid of, in this world, only food and love can't be let down."

That's what he said, but Clark could only put down the food in his hand regretfully.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded in their ears, "Please forgive me, do you still eat this dish of mixed fish soup?"

A few people followed the sound and found that the person asking the question was the Beauxbatons girl who laughed when Dumbledore was talking just now.

At this moment, she finally took off the scarf on her head, revealing her long, waterfall-like silver hair that fell down to her waist.

However, compared to her beautiful and almost bewitching face, this long silver hair is not surprising.

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