She also wanted to find a suitable husband.

However, the monsters with similar strength were either too ugly or full of bad habits.

The bloodlines with good looks were not worthy of her.

So in the hundreds of years after the death of King Douya,

Lingyue Fairy no longer thought about finding another man.

She felt that living alone until the end of her life was her destiny.

However...If it's that person, maybe...

Ling Yue Fairy's face gradually turned pink.

She was afraid that the person she was looking at would look down on her, after all, she was of such a noble status.......

One Piece World.

Wano Country.

Whitebeard and Marco have arrived at their destination.

Looking at the devastated country, both of them look very ugly.

"My friend's home has been ruined like this. It seems that I was too careless. I didn't expect that Kaido, this bastard, would dare to do such a cruel thing."

Whitebeard was very angry.

Seeing this, Marco quickly advised:"Okay, Dad, aren't we here? Don't be so sad, our arrival means that this place has been liberated."

"Well, that's a good point. Let's go...."

Behind the two of them.

The carp waterfall had collapsed at this moment.

The whole place was completely destroyed.

As the entrance and exit of Wano Country, it is impossible to enter without carp.

So Whitebeard destroyed this place.

And completely opened the door to Wano Country!

This was the wish that Oden once told him.

Now, he has done it.

The two of them were very fast and went straight to the capital of Wano Country.

At this time, Kurozumi Orochi was still immersed in a beautiful dream, thinking that nothing would happen to him as long as Kaido took care of him.

Exploiting the people.

Raging across this country.

The more Oden wanted to save, the more he wanted to destroy.

This is life!

"Oops, General....Whitebeard is coming with Marco!!!"

"belch...What white beard? I don't know you. Do you want to disturb my sleep? Uh!!!"

In the window, nine heads showed ferocious faces.

The attendant said with a sad face,"General, please wake up!"...Whitebeard is a more powerful Four Emperors than Kaido, and it has been a month since Lord Kaido left!

Kaido is looking for trouble.

And his target is Dragon.

Everyone knows that Monkey·D·Dragon has subdued two of the Four Emperors.

Now Whitebeard has come, but Kaido is nowhere to be seen.

What does this mean?

It means Kaido has been killed or defeated.

If he had not been escaping, he would not have come to tell Kurozumi Orochi this news.

"You mean Lord Kaido?"

Kurozumi Orochi suddenly woke up.

Then a cracking sound came from outside, followed by a sound like something breaking.


The houses within a radius of 100 meters were instantly turned into sawdust.

Swish and fell to the ground.


Whitebeard's most powerful force is also one of the most controllable offensive moves.



Heavy footsteps came slowly from a distance.

It was a figure like a giant.


Kurozumi Orochi was stunned.

He didn't expect the other party to come so quickly!

"cut...Did you guys plot to kill Oden? You are such a hateful bunch of bugs, living in this world is just a waste of air."

Whitebeard was in no mood to make any judgments.

After locking onto the target, he punched it. The body of Kurozumi Orochi shook violently, and then turned into a ball of blood and completely disappeared.

All the people around him who harbored evil thoughts also died completely at this moment.

The civilians were terrified by the scene.

Including Kozuki Yamato who arrived late, they were all stunned.

Their enemy died just like that?

"Friends of Wano Country, I am Oden’s friend, Whitebeard...This time I came to destroy the black charcoal snake that is poisoning the world.

And those disgusting beasts pirates.

Don't worry, I'm here..."There will be peace in Wano Country."

In the silent city, there were cries and the sound of gongs and drums.

After more than 20 years of waiting, they finally don't have to be oppressed anymore.

The people here don't even have food to eat.

Except for being a slave who can get a meal, the rest of the people can only leave it to fate.

"Are you Uncle Whitebeard? I am Kozuki Hiyori, the daughter of Kozuki Oden...."

The beauty in the courtesan's clothes came to Whitebeard and knelt down.

At the same time, those who were loyal to Oden also came over.

Whitebeard said with a complicated look in his eyes:"My child, you have suffered...."

"No...Really not. It's great that you came...."

Hiyori started to cry as she spoke.

She thought of her mother and the dead compatriots. The burden she had carried for twenty years was finally relieved today.

Marco then took Katakuri to spread the doctrine, while Whitebeard followed Hiyori to Oden's grave.

Looking at the erected targets,

Whitebeard didn't know what to say.

"Uncle, please don’t feel guilty. My father always told us that you didn’t know our news at that time. The country was blocked and our information couldn’t be passed on.

"well...If he had said a word, Wano Country would not have fallen to such a state."

Both the Pirate King Roger and Whitebeard are loyal and righteous.

With just one word, the two of them would definitely come without asking for reasons.

In the end, they thought they could handle it, but ended up killing themselves and the country fell into the hands of others.

Why bother?...

Kozuki Hiyori knelt beside him and sobbed,"I heard from my mother that my father was a proud man who felt that his country's affairs did not want others to interfere...."

Oden is a man who cares about his reputation.

But sometimes, he would rather not have it.

The two talked for a while.

Kozuki Hiyori wiped the tears from her face and said,"I will go to sea with you this time. I said before that as long as you help Wano Country, I am willing to sacrifice myself!"

"Well, it's good to serve God. Maybe one day Oden can be resurrected...."

Whitebeard has no objection to offering sacrifice to the gods.

Because it is not killing people.

It is to serve the gods in the realm of gods, which is a good thing.

Now Long has asked him to find pure and beautiful girls whenever he wants, saying that there are only two goddesses in the realm of gods, which is not enough.

If there are more, they can unify the world sooner.

Now with Hiyori, it can be regarded as completing the mission.......

East China Sea.

Windmill Town

"It seems that everyone has done a good job. This time we can offer sacrifices to the gods and summon the goddess to descend to the world...."

Long looked at the hundreds of devil fruits collected in front of him and smiled with satisfaction.

Secretary Kerla asked,"Who is the summoning queen or the mermaid princess?"

"Well, it depends on luck and the arrangement of the God Realm."

When Orochimaru summoned, it was a designated summoning.

But Toosaka Rin was a random summoning.

So who can be summoned is still a serious question!

At this moment, the golden altar has been taken down from the ship.

After placing the devil fruits of different colors on it, the dragon finally began the sacrifice.

"Great Eternal God, I am your loyal believer, Dragon. This time I have collected 100 devil fruits. I hope you can send the goddess to come...."

Because it is not a large-scale festival, there is only one altar here.......

In the world of God's Domain,

Liu Che was fishing with Kikyo and several other women. After hearing the system's prompt, he smiled and said,"You guys play first, I have something to do."

Kikyo felt the embrace behind her disappear.

She felt a little disappointed.

But she didn't show any expression.

The affairs of the lower world are more important.

Children's love can be done at any time.

"bite...Your believers sacrificed one hundred devil fruits, triggering a 100,000-fold increase. After fusion, the area of the divine domain expanded by 10%, and the power of the divine domain grew by 10%."

"bite...Your believers request the coming of the heroic spirit."

So it was a dragon sacrifice.

It seems that the One Piece world can be closed.

In this case, let Shirahoshi go down to the mortal world.

Thinking of Shirahoshi,

Liu Che's head hurts. This cute mermaid girl, I don't know where she learned these things, she always clings to him every time they meet.

It would be fine if she could learn the seductive skills. But she only learned half of them.

She failed at the critical moment.

It's even more outrageous than Toosaka Rin.

For example...She helped me take a bath, but I fainted from shame while I was washing.

It was hard to muster up the courage.

But when she looked at me, she was too embarrassed to raise her head. It was ridiculous.

So Liu Che asked her why it happened.

Finally, the Sea Queen told me her suffering.

Alas....It was really hard for this simple-minded girl.

Liu Che had to serve her in bed....Now I am not so shy when I see myself. Maybe this is the growth of a woman.

A moment later, Bai Xing, Hancock and Dongfang Huaizhu who received the oracle appeared in front of him.

"this���There are believers in the lower world who are offering sacrifices to me, and I need you to solve a problem. This time it's your three turns."

Liu Che said lightly.

Bai Xing's eyes lit up, and he asked in a low voice:"Is this my world?"

"Well, everything is smooth sailing in Huaizhu's world, so it's difficult to go down to the lower world."

As one of the goddesses with the highest fairy spirit,

Dongfang Huaizhu is still very lovable.

So Liu Che planned to let her go down to play, broaden her horizons, and appreciate the customs of other worlds.

"Thank you for the gift from the gods."

Dongfang Huaizhu, who was wearing a light yellow dress, had a happy look on her face.

It was obvious that the lower world was a surprise to her.

Then the three goddesses stepped onto the altar, and their consciousness slowly left their bodies.......

In the One Piece world, three beams of light fell from the sky.

Blue, pink, and light yellow.

The divine light converged and eventually formed three figures.

Two of them were familiar to Long, and the third one was a character from Tushan Yaya's world, and his name seemed to be Dongfang Huaizhu.

"See the Three Goddesses Arrive..."

Long led his followers and saluted the three women.

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