"Oh! Albert! I didn't expect you to be here too." An enthusiastic voice came from a position blocked by a window.

Albert Fry was stunned for a moment.

When he saw the middle-aged man with red hair and a little baldness coming towards him, he smiled:

"Arthur, we meet again.

Arthur Weasley and Mr. Foley hugged each other warmly.

"Yes, you are a very busy person and it is not easy to see you once.

Are you here to buy things too?"

"Oh? That's right.

Millie said she wanted to buy some things. You too?"

"Well, yes.

Christmas is coming again.

The children need new clothes.

Unfortunately, the salary is never enough."

Mr. Foley hesitated and said:

"Do you want……"

Arthur Weasley waved his hand:

"No, I'm not at the point where I can't survive.

If it really comes to that, I'll tell you. My salary now is enough to make ends meet. And Bill and his family have also started working. They will support their younger siblings in the future."

Although he said this, there was still some worry in his eyes.

He has too many children.

Three are currently in school.

And next year, his youngest son Ron will also go to school.

This will require another expense.

Although most of his brother's old things can be used, but not everything can be old.

His youngest daughter Ginny will also go to school the year after next.

Although Bill and Charlie have already started working, they also have a lot of expenses.

Dating and other things also cost a lot of money.

Before getting married, they have to find a piece of land to build a house.


Mr. Foley saw Arthur Weasley's sadness and changed the subject:

"It's rare that we have some free time.

Why don't we go have a drink? I'll treat you."

""Okay, but we have to speak in a low voice.

Molly won't let me drink."

Arthur Weasley turned his head to look at his wife who was talking happily with her sister Millie Foley.

He whispered to Albert.

Mr. Foley shrugged:

"Of course, but you are too afraid of your wife."

Mr. Weasley blushed and argued:

"I just love her."

Then he said something like loving your wife is not being afraid of her.

Mr. Foley couldn't help laughing.

Turning his head, he saw Ron standing timidly behind Arthur Weasley.

He couldn't help but say:

"Don't you recognize me, Ron? We see each other every year.

The last time we met was about a month ago?"

""No, no Uncle Foley. I mean, of course I know you."

Ron stammered.

But seeing Ron's embarrassed look at the pumpkin juice in Brown's hand,

Mr. Foley understood.

"Look how dry your mouth is.

Tom, give our boys two more glasses of pumpkin juice."

"Okay, wait a minute!"

Soon, Tom brought over a few glasses of wine and three glasses of pumpkin juice.

"Cheers, Ron!

How have you been these days?"

Brown said to Ron while holding a glass of pumpkin juice.

Ron was not polite.

Although he was afraid of his uncle Furley, he would not refuse the drink he ordered for him.

"It tastes really good.

Not bad. I play Quidditch with George and the others every day.

Or I go to the vegetable garden to catch gnomes or goblins.

Brown, you don't have gnomes at home, so you may not know.

Getting rid of gnomes is very fun.

You just need to grab the legs of the gnomes, spin them dizzy and then throw them out, and when you are getting rid of the gnomes, other goblins will come and watch.

They seem a little dazed."

Ron took a big sip and said with satisfaction.

Although Brown gave his sister a few books, he was not too jealous.

He didn't like that stuff.

And he was very fond of his sister.

But Brown didn't like this sweet, greasy taste with spices.

"This one's for you too! I'm not too thirsty."

Brown placed another cup of pumpkin juice in front of Ron.

"I remember that the natural enemy of goblins is the marten. Wouldn't it be a good idea to use them to deal with goblins?"

"Oh, that's too cruel, Braun. They will eat the goblins."


But aren't they pests?

You are a wizard! You kill dragons and you tell me you think it's cruel?

After drinking the pumpkin juice, Braun felt a little bored looking at the adults who were still chatting. There was really nothing interesting in this bar. The greasy floor and the wizards who talked loudly and laughed shrilly from time to time. Instead of staying here, he wanted to go outside.

"Dad, Ron and I are going out for a walk."

Mr. Foley was talking to Weasley about something.

After hearing what Brown said, he waved his hand indifferently:

"Okay. But remember to come back early.

We have other things to do later."

""Let's go, Ron! Let's go to Diagon Alley."

Ron didn't want to stay here either.

Especially under the eyes of his parents.

This made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Braun and Ron strolled on this cobblestone path.

Because of Christmas, this place was also decorated beautifully by the shops.

There were colorful lights and all kinds of beautiful ribbons.

Some bookstores also hung discount promotion posters outside.

The fonts on the posters twisted from time to time.

It seemed that they felt uncomfortable to keep a posture for a long time.

"Ron, wait. How about we go over there? It seems to be a Quidditch boutique over there?"

Brawne saw a large group of wizards gathered outside the store in the distance.

He couldn't help but brighten up.

He interrupted Ron's chatter.

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