Percy looked at the poster with a flickering look in his eyes.

In his heart, he was thinking about how to get in touch with Brown.

Compared with the other brothers of the Weasley family, he was more utilitarian, just like Ron.

He also felt inferior to his original family.

But compared to Ron's self-abandonment, he turned this inferiority complex into motivation to climb up.

This is also the reason why he was able to become Fudge's magic assistant and still follow the next Minister of Magic after Fudge's fall.

"Ding Dong! Ding Dong!"

The magic clock on the wall kept ringing, and the hands pointed to the sleeping position.

""Okay kids!

Stop talking. It's late today and everyone needs to go to bed!"

Molly Weasley said to everyone after washing the dishes.

Ron wanted to talk about the poster, but after hearing what Mrs. Weasley said, he jumped off the sofa obediently and prepared to go to bed.

Compared to his father, he was more afraid of his mother.

""Mom, I want to read for a while."

Ginny said coquettishly after washing up.

The couple still dotes on their little daughter.

"Okay, but you can only watch it for a short while or you won't be able to get up tomorrow.

We still have to decorate the house."


Ginny tilted her head and said sweetly.

Mrs. Weasley lit a magic lamp for her by the fireplace, so that Ginny could sit in the rocking chair by the fireplace and read a book at ease.

"Oh! Shit! Percy, put your mouse away. He almost bit me just now."

Fred, who had just laid on the bed, felt something in his pants.

He took it out and was shocked.

Percy, who was lying on the other side, did not move.

"Scabbers doesn't bite people, and Fred should be given to Ron, he belongs to Ron now.

Although Ron was a little dissatisfied with using his brothers' old things for everything, he was actually very happy to have a pet of his own.

""Ron! Your rat!"

Fred threw Scabbers onto Ron's bed.

"Hey, come on, Fred, Scabbers is too old and he could get hurt.

Ron picked up Scabbers and said to Fred.

"Don't worry, he doesn't look old.

He looks like a strong young man."

Fred said indifferently.

Ron knew he couldn't win the argument with his brother, so he grumbled a few words and fell asleep with Scabbers in his arms.

But children are always unsure of their strength.

He pinched the mouse so hard that his eyes bulged.

People couldn't help but worry about this mouse.


"Dad, why do we wizards celebrate Christmas?

Isn't this a Muggle holiday?"

"Braun, we never celebrate Christmas for Santa Claus. We celebrate Christmas for Merlin's birthday."

"Merlin's birthday?"

Brown was a little confused.

In his previous life, Merlin was just a fictional character.

As King Arthur's counselor and magician, he helped King Arthur successfully register and seize the English peninsula. He was a great king in the English mythology.

(The truth is that King Arthur belongs to the Irish mythology.

But the English shamelessly snatched them away after invading Ireland.)

Foley's tone was respectful:

"Yes, Merlin.

A great wizard.

His mother is the daughter of a king who knows magic, and his father is either a devil or some kind of evil ghost named"Nightmare".

Merlin inherited his mother's kindness and his father's magical power.

When he was still a child, he showed his unique talent.

But unfortunately, he died in the end. He was imprisoned in an oak by a witch named Vivian.

In his memory.

Wizards cut down oaks every year on his birthday, hoping to find the oak where he was imprisoned, so as to free his soul and let him rest in peace.

Of course, as history changes, I don't know how the Muggles misinformed. Now the oak tree has become a pine tree, and there is a weird old man with a white beard.

This old man also gives gifts to children.

I have to say that this is really stupid.

However, it was unexpectedly liked by little wizards like you.

In addition, a large number of Muggle-born wizards entered the magical world, so this festival has continued.

It is similar to the reason why Thanksgiving appeared in the wizarding world.

Okay, son, the time for historical science is over.

We are home."

Patting Browne on the head,

Mr. Foley motioned Browne and his wife to get out of the carriage first.

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