"Braun, are you too excited to go to your uncle's house to sleep?"

Mr. Foley joked in his pajamas.


Brown put down the book and shouted, then answered:

"I'm not too sleepy, so I get up early and read a book."

"Alas, it is good to love learning, but don't forget to rest.

Mr. Fly touched Braun's head with some heartache. He thought that Braun was studying so hard because the magic riot was too late, so he wanted to make up for the time he lost before. While feeling heartache, he couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

"Let's go, stop looking, it's time to eat."

After saying that, Mr. Fly went out.

At the dining table, Brown was sitting at the table waiting for breakfast.

He rubbed his stomach from time to time.

Perhaps because he got up too early today, Brown was a little hungry at this time.

But breakfast was not ready yet.

So he could only drink some black tea to fill his stomach.


Millie Foley smiled at Braun.

"You got up really early, Brown. You must be hungry. We'll eat after your father finishes washing up."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Foley's voice, with exclamation, came closer:

"Oh! My God! Look, Millie! Brown is in the newspaper!"

Mr. Foley waved the Daily Prophet in his hand excitedly.

Millie, who was about to scold her husband for yelling in the morning, also leaned over in surprise.

"Where is it? Where is my baby?"

"This! Look! It reports the whole process of Braun winning the wizard quiz competition at the Quidditch boutique yesterday! It's amazing! He is worthy of being my son."

Mr. Foley said proudly.

Millie Foley also saw it at this moment.

The position is not big, occupying only a small part of the newspaper.

If it weren't for a photo of Braun, it would not attract attention at all.

But even such a small piece of news still surprised the couple.

"It's just that the title of this news is not very good? What is genius or fool? Our son is a genius!"

Mrs. Foley pointed at the headline on the newspaper with some dissatisfaction.

"There is no way, the headlines of the Daily Prophet always like to exaggerate. Especially that Rita Sky……"

Mrs. Foley waved her hands quickly:

"Don't mention her, that toad makes me sick.

I still need to eat."

His tone was full of disgust.

""Okay, okay.

Let's eat."

Mr. Foley whispered a few words to Dolly beside him, then sat at the table and waited quietly.

He knew the reason why his wife hated Rita Skye.

It was all because of some news written by that woman when Millie married him.

Not only did she exaggerate what the two of them said in the news, but she also misinterpreted it.

This made his wife secretly resentful.

Of course.

At that time, his father was still there, so he mobilized some connections and taught this guy who liked to fabricate gossip a lesson.

Afterwards, the woman also came to apologize and was demoted. It was not until these few years that she slowly started to predict the future again. The family newspaper became lively.

Today's breakfast was light.

Dolly first set the tableware.

Then he waved his fingers to direct the ketchup, soybeans and croissants to fly onto the plates of the masters.

After pouring a cup of Ceylon tea for the two masters, he poured a cup of milk for his little master.

Then he stood quietly behind the three people, waiting for them to eat.

If it weren't for that strange look and the curtains on his body, people would believe that he was a strictly trained butler. After breakfast, the Fry family rested for a while and prepared to leave. Brown wanted to go to the garden but was stopped by Mr. Fry.

"Braun, we don't need a carriage today.

We use the portkey.

A carriage is too conspicuous and will easily attract the attention of Muggles.

And today is Christmas Eve. Diagon Alley closes early, so we may not be able to return until later today and there is no place to park."

"Dad, why don't you use Apparition?"

Braun asked curiously.

"How do you say that?

Apparition doesn't feel very good to a little wizard like you."

"And it is said that it will harm the little wizards!"

Millie Foley said nervously.

Mr. Foley said helplessly:

"I told you Millie, that's not true. I've asked. It's just dizziness and discomfort, nothing else."

"It's written in Witch Weekly!"

Mrs. Foley said to her husband unconvinced.

Mr. Foley was very smart not to argue with his wife.

"Come on, Braun, grab this."

Mr. Foley said, holding out a beautiful cane.

The three of them held hands.

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