After being slapped in the face by reality,

Braun quickly cheered up.

As a man with a golden finger, he should use it honestly.

Then he picked up the ten-centimeter"Thousands of Plants and Ferns" and started reading.

This book can be said to be the most basic introductory book on alchemy.

It needs to be memorized.

Since his [Pharmacist] talent can enhance his memory of alchemy knowledge, then he will not be polite.

Just memorize it.

Braun, who was a poor student in his previous life, finally felt the joy of learning at this moment.

After reading it once and then reading it twice, he quickly memorized a plant.

This feeling is really great.

But happy times are always short.

Soon a knock on the door interrupted Braun's thoughts and woke him up from the ocean of knowledge.


"Young Master, it's Dobby! The master asked Dobby to call the young master to dinner."

The voice was a little shrill.

Brown frowned and looked at the clock on the wall. He found that the pointer had pointed to half past six.

This was the time for their family to have dinner.

He took a deep breath.

Brown closed the book.

"Dobby, take me to the dining room."

Brown opened the door and said to the house elf in front of him, who was about 1.6 meters tall, with green skin and big bat ears.

""Okay, young master."

The old house-elf in bed sheets said respectfully.

Although he felt strange about Brown's order, he still stood in front and led the way.

Brown followed closely.

He tried to face the house-elves with chopped heads hanging on the wall as decorations with a smile.

And the portraits of ancestors whispering to each other.

To be honest, if Brown was not mentally strong, he would be scared by these things.

Some of the original body's memories were vague.

For example, the road to the restaurant, and these portraits and decorations.

This is just like people will subconsciously ignore the things that can be seen everywhere around them.

But this made Wang Xuan suffer. He was scared all the way.

Especially those portraits liked to stare at him and laugh.

Wang Xuan had to stop and say hello to them from time to time.


Wang Xuan respectfully greeted the old man with white hair in the picture frame in front of him.

The old man was much kinder than the other portraits, but the ancestral hooked nose remained unchanged.

At this moment, his tone was a little excited:

"Oh, my dear child, Brown, you really gave me a shock just now.

Your magic riot is simply ridiculously powerful! Believe me!

You will definitely become a great potion master in the future!

Much better than your stupid father.

He even failed a simple acne potion more than ten times before he succeeded. To be honest, I really doubt whether he is my biological son!"

"Hey! Dad. I'm not that bad, okay?"

Mr. Foley rolled his eyes helplessly and looked at the portrait.

Although the portrait in front of him was not his father's, it was just a magical creation made by some magical means, but it still contained some of his father's memories.

So he was still very respectful to the portrait.

The old man in the frame snorted.

He left with some dissatisfaction, and it seemed that he was going to show off the news to other portraits.

"Okay, let's go. Why are you walking so slowly this time?"

"Sorry, Dad, I feel a little weak in the knees."

""Is everything alright?"

Mr. Foley asked with concern.

His son was a treasure now, and he couldn't let him get hurt.

He was still waiting for his son to revitalize the family.

Just like the portrait said, he would become a great potion master and revive the reputation of the Foley family.

Brown shook his head:

"It's okay, I just feel empty inside. I'll be fine after a good night's sleep."

Mr. Foley heaved a sigh of relief:

"It's okay, it's because the magic power in your body disappeared because of the magic riot.

It won't be like this when they recover again.

Well, let's go quickly.

Otherwise, your mother won't be able to wait any longer."

Braun nodded obediently.

He didn't dare to delay any longer.

Through the memory of his original body, he knew that although his mother was a well-educated woman like a lady most of the time, she would become another person when he made a mistake.

It seemed to be the instinct of the body. Thinking of this, his body couldn't help but shudder.

""Why are you so late?"

Mrs. Foley frowned.

She seemed to be dissatisfied with her son's lateness, but she didn't say much because her relatives were present.

After complaining, she asked her son to sit down.

""Cousin Fly, you don't know how handsome you were when your magic went haywire just now!"

A little red-haired girl sat next to Brown and excitedly told him how her magic went haywire just now.

Brown listened with great interest, nodding his head from time to time to show his approval of the girl.

Of course, he knew the people in front of him, Ginny, the youngest daughter of the Weasley family.

But he didn't expect that he actually had relatives with the Weasley family.

His mother was Mrs. Weasley's sister.

This was really beyond his expectations. After all, Mrs. Weasley was not similar to his mother in terms of appearance or temperament. If you pull them in front of strangers and say they are sisters, no one will believe it. But the fact is that they are sisters. Ginny clenched her fist in indignation:

"Cousin Fly, I'm so glad you're not a Squib!

This way you can go to school like Ron!

I believe those pure-blood families would be shocked if they knew you had such powerful magic!

You don't know what they looked like just now!"

Happy reading on May Day! Recharge 100 to get 500 VIP points!

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