After letting Dobby go down,

Brown started to make today's potion again. He stopped when it was almost noon and prepared to go downstairs for dinner.

"I need to talk to dad later. We should put the practice of Occlumency on the agenda, otherwise there won't be time. It's already January. There are still eight months before school starts.

During this time, I also need to research the formula of this mutated plant.

If I don't speed up, it will be too late before school starts.

But then, we won't be able to practice spells for the second grade."

After hesitating for a while, Braun decided to put the spell aside and give priority to studying the mutated potion.

The crisis in the first grade is not big, and they are all crises of the trio. Even if he is assigned to Gryffindor, it will not hurt him.

And the spells of the first grade should be enough to deal with some crises.

Lunch time.

After eating the lunch carefully prepared by the house-elves, Braun did not go upstairs immediately, but sat quietly in his seat and began to wait for his father to finish eating.

"What's up, Braun?"

Mr. Foley asked Braun, who was still sitting at the dining table.

Usually, Braun would go upstairs in a hurry after dinner.

"Yes, Dad, I have something I want your help with."

"Are you short of pocket money? I'll wait for you tonight.……"

Braun shook his head.

"No, actually I want to find a teacher. So I need your help"

"Teacher? What teacher? Spell?"


Browne said slowly.

Mr. Foley was stunned.

He didn't expect his son to want to learn Occlumency.

But he didn't ask any more questions out of habit.

Instead, he gave his son the greatest initiative.

"Yes, I will find you a good Occlumency wizard. But it must not affect your potion studies."

"No problem, father. Um... shall I go upstairs?"

"Go ahead. I'll find one for you as soon as possible. He'll be teaching you by next week."

Brown walked towards the potion laboratory with doubts.

He even thought of an excuse and was ready to answer when Mr. Foley asked him.

But he didn't expect that Mr. Foley agreed before he even said that.

This made him a little confused.

But thinking about what he did before, Mr. Foley didn't care and didn't bother about it anymore.

Instead, he continued his potion career.

"The 142nd experiment.

Result: Failure.

The vitality of the test subject has increased, which is presumably due to the successful refining of the soil and the potion.

However, it is still difficult to control and will indiscriminately attack creatures within the range. The survival time has increased.

The first problem to be solved now is: the control of the alienated plants."

Putting down the experimental records in his hand,

Brown couldn't help but rubbed his brows.

He conducted hundreds of experiments this week. He also tried to use some creatures such as mice for experiments.

But he found that the alienated potion is only effective on plants.

And no matter what kind of plant it is, as long as it is sprinkled with the potion, it will become a thick vine covered with thorns.

Then it will attack indiscriminately like crazy.

Most of the problems have been solved successfully. The only difficulty is to solve the problem of controlling the plants.

He tried to reduce the amount of angelica, which made the plants a lot more docile, but it lost its powerful attack power.

"If it doesn't work, just add your own blood and give it a try!"

Braun said fiercely in his heart.

Not long after, when the plant died again,

Braun did not recycle it.

Instead, he poured another bottle of alienation agent into it.

The dead plant magically fluorinated and softened slowly.

It turned into liquid and disappeared into the soil.

A grass seed as big as a quail egg appeared in its place.

The color was no longer light green but dark green.

This was another discovery he made in these experiments.

After the plant died, a grass seed would be obtained by pouring the alienation agent again.

After the grass seed was catalyzed by the alienation agent again, it would grow into a plant again, and its strength would become stronger.

The only drawback is that the survival time of this plant that has been repeatedly catalyzed is shorter and shorter, and the amount of medicine required to promote growth is also getting larger and larger.

"Braun! Come down quickly, the teacher your father found for you is here!"

Mrs. Fly's voice came from outside.

Braun quickly put away these things and hid them.

Then he hurried downstairs.

As soon as he came downstairs, he saw his parents talking to a middle-aged man with greasy hair.

The middle-aged man was serious and just nodded from time to time.

When Mr. Fly saw Braun, he called him forward and introduced him to the middle-aged man:

"Severus, this is my son.

Brown Foley! He will be enrolled this year.

And if nothing goes wrong, he will be assigned to Slightly like all the other Foleys."

The man nodded.

Mr. Foley, who knew his character, didn't care.

He continued to introduce:

"Braun! This is Snape, your teacher during this period.

He is the youngest dean of Hogwarts.

It cost Dad a lot to invite him here."

Braun saw the greasy-haired man in front of him and said respectfully:

"Hello, Professor Snape. I am sorry to trouble you during this period of time."

Snape said with some surprise:

"Do you know me?"

"Of course, I have read many books about Hogwarts, and I didn't know that you are not only the youngest head of Slytherin, but also an excellent potion master.

It is an honor for me to have you teach me in person."

After a round of flattery, even the serious Snape smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, he was in a good mood at the moment.

Mr. Foley looked at his son in surprise, obviously he didn't expect that he had such a skill.

"Brown, take Mr. Snape to the potions room. There's more space there."


"Professor Snape, please come in.

Snape walked into the potion room. Looking at the various tools and neatly arranged potions, he nodded.

"Did you make these?"

Snape said, picking up a bottle of scabies potion.


"Not bad, the quality is very good. You are very talented. Okay, let's start today's study."

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