Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 100 It seems like an old friend returns

Xiaoxiao! Xiaoxiao!

Countless milky white spider silks jumped forward. Before Quirrell could react, he was tangled into a big ball by the spider silks, so that only his feet, neck, and cocoa bean-like head were exposed. .

"You sneak attack?"

Robin ignored Quirrell's roar and directly cast a spell to send him high into the air. With a slight twist of his wrist, he forced his head and feet to adjust, and then waved his wand downwards forcefully.


(Sound of falling headfirst)

When Quirrell fell, his head subconsciously bent towards his chest, causing the village bully's forehead to hit the stone steps next to the magic mirror. Correspondingly, the 'Boundless Courage' Mao Ni was also knocked away.

The moment Quirrell landed, his scalp was numb, his heart was beating wildly, and his body felt like it was being crushed back and forth countless times by a huge boulder. The pain made his teeth chatter and he was sweating profusely.

"Master, it hurts. Am I going to die?"

Crying voice + neurotic + vibrato, the original Quirrell is back.

"Idiot, you"

Just as the village bully was mid-sentence, he suddenly heard a murmur.

"The Magic Stone, it's here"

Harry stroked the mirror and murmured.

"Quirrell, catch Harry quickly, or wait to be abandoned by me!"

"Master, don't abandon me."

Quirrell was entangled in spider silk and could not move with his hands, but his feet and head could move. He moved forward thirty centimeters, opened his mouth wide and bit Harry's ankle.

However, as soon as his upper lip touched Harry's skin, it froze into gray stone. After a few crackles, it turned into a pile of gray powder and fell to the floor.

Quirrell stretched his neck in pain, opened his mouth wide and shouted in pain. The village bully was furious and urged him to act as soon as possible, otherwise, he would

Quirrell was persuaded again. He endured the great pain and shook his neck wildly, throwing out a necklace with a green medicine bag. He twisted his neck and opened his mouth to bite open the medicine bag.

The fluorescent green liquid flowing out of the spray bag corroded everything in its path like strong sulfuric acid, such as the skin on Quirrell's neck and the milky white spider silk.

After Quirrell got rid of the spider thread and stood up, he suddenly rushed forward, and Harry subconsciously stretched out his hand to block it.

Then, Quirrell's fingers, like his upper lip before, quickly stiffened into gray stone, and then crackled into powder and fell to the floor.

"Master, my finger is gone."

"Idiot, don't worry about this. He just said the Philosopher's Stone to the mirror. He must know where the Philosopher's Stone is hidden. Catch him quickly."

Robin: →_→, this guy doesn't care about the life and death of his followers at all. No wonder the Malfoy family betrayed him in the final battle.

"Harry, Quirrell's weakness is - he's afraid that you'll touch him. Quick, roll up your sleeves, and then ride on him and touch him."

Harry heard this and jumped forward without thinking.

The next second, he crossed his legs and locked Quirrell's waist. He put one hand around Quirrell's neck and reached into the collar with one hand. He spread his palm wide and slid it quickly to try to increase Quirrell's penetration. The speed at which petrification breaks into powder.


Quirrell's neck, one step ahead of his sternum, was petrified and shattered into powder. His little head lost its support and fell to the ground, rolling four to five meters to the left.


Quirrell's body, without the control of his brain, became as vulnerable as rotten wood. After his chest turned to stone, Harry and Quirrell's lower body fell to the ground together.

His back felt so dead that he fell on the stone steps next to the magic mirror.

Harry didn't have time to care about the injury on his back. After he got up, he stretched out his arms and rushed forward. He wanted to use his "Petrified to Powder" magic to kill Voldemort who was parasitic on the back of Quirrell's head, so as to save his parents. revenge.

The village bully seemed to have read through Harry's thoughts. It twisted its facial features, tore the skin and rushed out of the back of Quirrell's head. After turning into a thick gray mist, it rushed towards Harry.


Harry didn't know whether he was frightened by the gray mist or was under some kind of magic. He fell back on the ground, his eyes closed tightly, and fell into a coma.

After the gray mist circled the field, it stopped in front of Luo Bin. The green viper that was protecting the master swam to the owner's side and hissed a snake message toward the gray mist.

"Lestrange, your familiar is much more reliable than Chilo." Gray Fog whispered.

Luo Bin: ㄟ(▔, ▔)ㄏ, Nagini has already entered the Luo family tree. Hehe, no matter how greedy you are, it's useless.

"Tell me, what you did to my crown caused my soul fragment to lose its soul connection with me, but I can still smell its scent in Hogwarts."

Robin shrugged his shoulders and said casually: "Voldemort, you have disappeared for more than ten years since the battle at Godric's Hollow. How can I, a first-year wizard, know what 'your crown' looks like?" Let alone do something about it.”

"Lie, you, pretending to be confused while pretending to understand"

Voldemort surged with mist and rushed towards Luo Bin.

After Luo Bin ordered Nagini to stay away, he activated the fire dragon cub's 'Flying Dragon in the Sky' skill, fanned his invisible dragon wings, and flew up seven or eight meters. He waved his wrist and cast a red and yellow fire ring.

"Lestrange, an ordinary little wizard, can't fly."

Voldemort rushed out of the ring of fire, and gray mist surged upwards. Suddenly, a beam of white light came in from above the stone steps. The white light blocked Luo Bin and the gray mist. As soon as the gray mist got close to the white light, it sizzled. Burning away what little magic it had.

"I will wait patiently for you to tell me the truth."

After saying that, it surged with mist and slipped away from the cracks in the rocks.

Then, the white light dissipated, and Luo Bin, who was standing high in the sky, looked at the old man with a white beard at the door.

Luo Bin: (⊙ω⊙`)

"Lestrange, come down. Is it possible that you want me, a bad old man, to keep raising his head to talk to you? To be honest, my cervical vertebrae have not been in good condition recently. I get numbness whenever it rains. It’s awesome.”

Luo Bin: ⊙﹏⊙, Principal, you have a rosy complexion and steady steps. You can scare away the village tyrants with one move. Don’t you look like someone who will get sick?

After Luo Bin fell down, his lips opened and closed, closed and closed, and finally spit out the word 'sorry'.

"Sorry? I should say 'thank you' to you. You and your friends braved the dangers and passed through one level after another. In the end, we worked together to defeat Quirrell, so that the rare things did not fall into the hands of evil forces. In hand."

He said with a smile as he kicked away the gravel and headed down.

After Dumbledore went down to the ground and saw the Green Viper, his originally wise and penetrating eyes actually shone slightly. He was stunned in place, as if trapped in a long and painful memory.

As for Nagini, she slowly swam forward and stared at the old man doubtfully. Finally, as if she sensed something, she leaned back and nodded respectfully at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore reached out to touch the snake's head, but Nagini dodged it sideways. It swung its tail, slowly swam to Robin, and tilted its head to rub his chest affectionately.

Luo Bin hugged the snake's neck and said proudly: "Sorry, although Nagini is very humane, she only wants to be close to me."

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