Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 16 Being affected by the connotation of the Sorting Hat

Professor McGonagall brought a four-legged stool and a black pointed wizard hat!

Oh, it's the legendary Sorting Hat!

Robin squinted his eyes and looked at the Sorting Hat quietly.

The hat is very worn, until the black suede surface has almost turned into gray cotton. There are also patches on the hat. The color of the patches is darker than the color of the hat itself. Maybe it lacks the lining support, and the hat has several pleats. Come.

When Robin squinted and counted the pleats, the Sorting Hat suddenly twisted. The pleat near the bottom turned into a big mouth. It sang loudly while twisting the hat!

[I am the Sorting Hat of Hogwarts. Put it on and try to tell you which house you are sorted into. Gryffindor is brave, courageous and chivalrous, Hufflepuff is honest and loyal, stoic and honest, and Ravenclaw is wise. Erudite, Slytherin advocates power and desires achievement. I am a magic hat who will definitely know how to think! 】

Luo Bin:......

You Ya Chang ran away, do you know that?

Moreover, the loud voice like a hand-operated tractor almost burst the eardrums!

However, except for Robin, everyone else in the auditorium seemed to like the Sorting Hat's singing.

No, there was a steady stream of applause from the four long dining tables, and the Sorting Hat bent its tip to return the favor.

After the applause ended, Professor McGonagall stepped forward holding the parchment!

"The names of the new students, arranged in alphabetical order by the last name, are all written on this parchment!"

"Now, whoever's name I call will put on the sorting hat, sit on the four-legged stool, and wait for the sorting hat to sort! Number one"

There is no doubt that the first one to take the stage is the Iron Hat King - Hannah Abbott!

In less than 3 seconds, she was sorted into Hufflepuff!

The second was Susan Bones, who was also sorted into Hufflepuff, the third was Terry Boot, who was sorted into Ravenclaw, and the fourth was Mandy Broghe, who was also sorted into Hufflepuff. Was assigned to Ravenclaw, and the fifth was Lavender Brown, who was assigned to Gryffindor

After Hermione took her seat at the Gryffindor table, Professor McGonagall shouted: "Robin Lestrange!"

Luo Bin stepped forward in response. When he put on the sorting hat, he secretly touched the edge of the hat a few times!

"Hiss, it's itchy, it's really itchy, here's an interesting guy!"

The Sorting Hat frantically twisted the area being touched, as if it was really itchy.

"Do you need my help to catch it?" Luo Bin said kindly.

"No, no need! It's more important to get down to business. Come on, relax, relax your brain, and let me see where you are suitable for being assigned!"

The Sorting Hat straightened its hat and pursed its pleated mouth tightly. It was slowly realizing the qualities of Robin!

1 minute passed

3 minutes passed

5 minutes passed

The Sorting Hat still maintains the attitude of 'old monk entering meditation'!

The Sorting Hat is an old antique. It has been in the castle since the early days of Hogwarts. So far, this is the first time that "silence" has occurred.

The freshmen and old students all stretched their necks and looked at this place in confusion!

Silence, the silence of a lonely tomb in the wilderness!

Luo Bin's back tightened, and he felt several probing, suspicious, and spiritual eyes looking at him. It was an extremely uncomfortable feeling!

It's now here, and if Professor McGonagall doesn't intervene, then you'll have to rely on yourself!

"Hey, brother, hundreds of people are watching, why don't you sleep?"

"Who said I slept?"

Luo Bin: →_→

If it wasn't for sleeping, it would be possible that the magic would be lost and it would degenerate into an ordinary broken hat!

"Sorting Hat, have you found out which house I am suitable for?"

Hurry up, I don't want to be like Harry Potter and become a target for the whole school!

"Uh, maybe this or that, okay, Mr. Robin Lestrange, please answer me a question before we are officially sorted!"

"You ask!"

"Excuse me, have you grown a brain?"

Damn, you were scolded, right? Moreover, you were scolded by a hat?

The Sorting Hat noticed that the tip of the hat was cooling and hurriedly explained: "I didn't mean to offend you. I feel that your brain is blank. I can't read anything, let alone sort you. Have you studied Occlumency?" Technique, right?”

Occlumency is a magical art that resists the infiltration of outside spirits. It is the counter skill of Legilimency. Basic Occlumency can clear/hide certain memories and emotions. Advanced Occlumency can confuse memories and emotions. Emotions come to confuse the extractor!

At present, Luo Bin only knows a few simple magics. He has never been exposed to the advanced magic of Occlumency.

"No, I haven't studied it, Sorting Hat. If you can't help me sort it, then let me choose on my own!"

"You really haven't learned anything?" the Sorting Hat asked reluctantly.

Which Occlumency shop can teach people to go blank?

"No, I haven't learned it yet!"


The Sorting Hat lay limply on Luo Bin's head and said wilfully: "Okay, which college do you want to go to?"

When Robin comes to Hogwarts, in addition to learning magical knowledge, he also has one important thing to do, which is to stuff magical creatures into the giant Rubik's Cube.

There are too many Hufflepuffs, and no matter what they do, a bunch of people will do it at the same time.

Ravenclaw is so smart that he can think of a conspiracy at the slightest sign of trouble.

Slytherin is too arrogant and looks at people with their nostrils. If you go there, you will easily get a heart attack!

"Gryffindor, I'm going to Gryffindor!"

The three little guys in the main protagonist group are the ones who ‘do bad things’ and carry the radar!

"you sure?"


"Now that you've made up your mind, Gryffindor!"

The Sorting Hat opened its pleated mouth and shouted the word "Gryffindor" loudly. Amidst bursts of applause, Robin took off the Sorting Hat and strode towards the Gryffindor table.

"Aha, from the time you took a pointed stick and smashed the ghoul's arm, I knew you would be sorted into Gryffindor!" "Yes, that's right, sticky, stringy mucus, flowing out Sleeping with Ron disgusted him to death. Haha, Robin, you are very talented at making pranks!"

The Weasley twins joked in unison.

"Thank you, I think there is no need for you to expose my shortcomings on my first day of school!!"

After Luo Bin finished complaining, he found an empty seat and sat down!

The next person whose name was read was Neville Longbottom. He had just taken a few steps when he fell and chewed the mud. When the Sorting Hat opened its pleated mouth and shouted "Gryffindor", he was wearing the Sorting Hat. , ran to the long Gryffindor table, and later, amidst bursts of laughter, with a blushing face, handed back the Sorting Hat.

Reading further down, it's Draco Malfoy, who was sorted into Slytherin, and then, Mornot Parkinson, Petil, Sally Ann, Hale, Lisa, Roan Brace!

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