Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 168 The key to the puzzle, half-giant Hagrid

"Here, let me handle it. You two, go back to the lounge quickly." Professor McGonagall said sternly.

"Professor, that monster, it's in the tube"

"Miss Granger, I don't think students should interfere with this matter. Please go back to the lounge immediately."

The lenses of Professor McGonagall's glasses were flashing with anger.

"All right!"

The lounge was empty, but Robin and Hermione had just sat on the sofa when the portrait hole creaked.

Five minutes later, the lounge was packed.

Everyone was noisy, wondering what kind of horrific thing had happened, forcing the school to suspend the game and let the students quickly return to the lounge of their respective colleges.

"Well, I've been training for more than four months, and my ears have been numbed by Wood's nagging, just for this competition. However, before I even got on the broomstick, the competition was stopped by the professor."

Harry led Ron, pushed through the crowd, walked to the two of them and sat down, and said angrily.

"Don't blame the school, someone was attacked again!" Luo Bin said.

"Who?" Ron exclaimed.

"A Ravenclaw, a girl with long curly hair, and Filch."


Neville accidentally knocked over the teacup.


Percy's hand slipped and the book fell to the floor.

"I'm a squib just like Filch. Will I be the next one to be eliminated?"

Neville grabbed Leif's leg and said in fear.

Seamus and Dean took Neville aside to comfort them, and told the others about the 'double attack'.

In an instant, tension, uneasiness, fear, etc. enveloped the entire lounge.

"Robin, does the girl who was attacked have brown hair? Are her eyes gray? Is her mandible slightly flat? She is beautiful, isn't she?"

Percy asked anxiously. He didn't even notice that the prefect badge on his chest was crooked.

"Percy, the badge is crooked!"

Ron reminded him 'kindly', but Percy, who always paid attention to the dignified appearance of a prefect, did not go as he expected.

Percy ignored the badge and continued to ask, "Does that girl also have a prefect badge on her chest?"

Hermione shook her head.

Percy breathed a sigh of relief.

Robin looked at Percy suspiciously, "Of course it's not because she has the prefect badge on her chest."

"Oh, yes, I remembered that there was a shiny badge in the palm of her hand holding the small round mirror," Hermione said.


After Percy muttered, he walked away in despair. Fred made faces at him, and he didn't behave like a prefect and scolded people.

"What happened to him?" Ron asked in shock.

Harry and Hermione shook their heads in confusion.

Luo Bin: (°ー°〃), my secret girlfriend was attacked by a monster, can I not be devastated?

When Robin looked at Percy just now, he suddenly remembered that it was mentioned in the original novel that when Percy was in school, he dated a beautiful and wise secret girlfriend-Penelo Crevat.

Penelope was a prefect in Ravenclaw, and Percy and she often dated secretly in various corners of the school. When Ginny was in first grade, she once caught them kissing passionately in an empty classroom.

"Robin, Hermione, you two went to the library. Did you discover anything new?" Harry asked.

"There is an important discovery, but there are too many people here. I will tell you later."


About fifteen minutes later, Professor McGonagall held the parchment scroll, climbed through the portrait hole, and walked into the lounge.

She clapped her hands vigorously, asking everyone to stop the discussion and focus their attention on the center of the lounge. Then, she slowly unfolded the parchment scroll and read:

"In view of the recent events, the school has formulated the following new regulations that will take effect immediately: All students must return to the common room before 6 p.m., and are not allowed to leave the lounge during non-school hours. All students attend class, eat, On the way to the bathroom, you must be accompanied by a teacher. All Quidditch practices, games, and after-school activities such as dueling clubs are cancelled, without exception."

"I have to tell you, unless the culprit is caught, the school may be closed."

As soon as Professor McGonagall climbed out of the portrait hole, the lounge exploded and everyone started talking.

Lee Jordan stood on the table and spoke loudly in an infectious voice:

Slytherin perfectly avoided four attacks. Obviously, the 'culprit' was hidden among the Slytherin students, so why not just drive all the arrogant Slytherin students out of the school?

The audience gathered around Lee Jordan nodded and applauded frequently, feeling that he was right.

Taking advantage of everyone's attention, the four of them were attracted by Li Qiaodan and sneaked into the boys' dormitory.

After Hermione closed the door, she held her chin up and told her and Robin's new discovery.

After hearing this, Harry's mind was even more confused than in the morning.

"Hermione, we have seen in Riddle's diary what the secret room monster Aragog looks like. It is a spider, not a snake. It is so big, how can it crawl around in the pipes?" Ron disagreed.

"There is a prerequisite for what I said: Hagrid is not the heir, and Aragog is not a monster in the secret room."

"But 50 years ago, Hagrid was indeed expelled from Hogwarts by breaking his wand, and Riddle actually received the special contribution award to the school." Ron said.

Luo Bin: →_→, Saonian, is there a possibility that 50 years ago, the young Hagrid was wrongly accused and convicted?

"Well, my mind is very confused right now. One moment I think Hermione's hypothesis is brilliant, and the other moment I think what Ron said makes sense. Hagrid, he is the breakthrough point in all puzzles, we must go and follow him Let's talk and go tonight." Harry frowned.

"But Professor McGonagall said we can't leave the tower unless we go to class. I bet there is martial law outside the Portrait Cave." Ron shook his head.

"You forgot, we have an invisibility cloak."

"I haven't forgotten, but it couldn't cover four people, and now, it might not even be able to cover three people."

Harry was silent, and Robin took out a black box the size of a quail egg, engraved with the word 'invisible' in gold.

"It's a good treasure I found during the holidays. I've tested it. If you hold the contents in your mouth, it will become invisible for half an hour. Even if you have to crawl, you can climb from the tower to the hunting ground in half an hour."

Luo Bin opened the lid of the box and held the blue bead in his mouth. He suddenly disappeared. Three seconds later, he held the opaque blue bead and appeared out of thin air.

This time, Ron was silent.

So, at eleven o'clock in the evening, the four of them met in the lounge, put on the invisibility cloak, held the invisibility beads in their mouths, and after confirming that they were invisible from head to toe, they quietly climbed out of the portrait hole.

The four of them clung to the stone wall and stair railings, breathing slowly and carefully avoiding the professors, prefects, and ghosts patrolling around.

Finally, the four of them gently pushed open the oak door of the castle, and under the bright moonlight, successfully arrived at the hunting cabin.

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