Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 191: A strange brain circuit, arriving at the treasure place

"Actually, your aim was accurate, but you ignored that the bat was flying."

"Of course. It's quite rare not to hit any of them. Let me show you a dynamic way of playing."

Eric excitedly scraped the ground with his front hooves, spraying hot air from his nostrils, and his eyes moved up and around.

Finally, it regards an oversized bat as the anchor point of the chase,

It started running in the hole, ran three or four times, made a sharp turn, and pulled the trigger.

Bang bang~

(sound of bat landing)

This time, it shot down 6 bats and happily circled around biting the cow's tail.

Uh, competition, showing off skills, both?

"It's time to fuck." Eric said, shaking his bangs.

Luo Bin looked at the bats flying around on the top of the cave and couldn't help but think of the principle of fish insertion.

Due to the refraction of light, the actual position of the fish in the water is deeper than what is visible to the naked eye.

So, if you want to insert the fish, the anchor point must be set below the fish.

Similarly, if you want to shoot down the bat, the anchor point must be set correctly.

Luo Bin watched for a while before estimating the bat's speed per second. Based on the bat's flight direction, he calculated the point where the bat's up and down overlap would be the highest in the next 2 to 5 seconds. Then he quickly pulled the trigger.

Bang bang~

Five bats fell on the ground.

Eric opened his mouth wide in shock, and the silenced revolver slipped and slipped from the tip of his tongue.

It picked up the revolver in panic and gently licked the mud off it.

"Emm, he is a good young man who practices shooting."

"The clan rules say that only after you defeat me can I lead you to find the treasure."

"However, the spirit of the Western Cowboy emphasizes respecting the opponent, so I will never let go of the last shot."


Eric ran wildly in the cave, and the cow's hooves trampled out bursts of mist. As the mist swirled, the frightened bats became manic.

They swished around on the roof of the cave. It was common for you to slap me on the head and me to hit his chest.

Through the gray fog, Luo Bin vaguely saw Highland cattle rushing onto the stone platform.

It used its hind legs to support its body upright, and waved its front hooves up and down in the air. Then, a 'shooting star' escaped from the muzzle of the gun.

This time, it shot down five bats.

When the fog cleared, Eric put the revolver back into the box, lay down on the hay, and said proudly:

"Shoot! After the competition, you can fly to Loch Lomond to eat fresh water before dawn."

"Forget it from Hexian. I want to eat beef noodles. The kind with particularly strong meat."

Highland cattle: Σ⊙▃⊙川, may you live longer!

Eric shot down 16 bats in three shots, and Luo Bin shot down five in two shots.

The height difference of 11 bats is only 1 meter. The up and down range of the flight of a bat group is only 1 meter. It is impossible for 11 bats to overlap. Wait, it can be heavy. If you look at it sideways, it is not a problem for dozens of bats to overlap.

Luo Bin looked at the protruding stone vertebrae on the wall, and a spiritual light flashed in his mind, and he successfully caught the tail of the spiritual light.

He walked to a corner, took out a rope woven with spider silk and had a claw hook attached to one end, swung it a few times, and then swung it upward so that the claw hook hooked on the protruding stone vertebrae.

After that, he wrapped the spider silk tightly in his palm and climbed up bit by bit.

When he climbed to the level of the bat group, he raised the silenced revolver. After calculating the angle, speed per second, and direction, he faced the diagonal angle and pulled the trigger.


(Sound of bullets breaking through the air)

Luo Bin saw twelve black shadows falling from the roof of the cave, and knew that he was sure.

He grabbed the rope and slid down slowly. Suddenly, there was a snapping sound above his head, and the stone vertebra broke due to the overload.

He, the rope, and the stone vertebra all fell downward together.


(sound of crashing)

Hey, it's soft and elastic, it doesn't look like a solid floor!

"Ouch, my back, hiss!"

Well, it turned out that the cow was smashed on its back. Luo Bin turned over and jumped back to the ground, thanking him: "Thank you!"

"You win. I have really good eyesight. I know you are a good young man who can practice shooting."

Eric, who was arrogant and narcissistic, suddenly changed his expression, with sadness and reluctance in his eyes, "After I take you to the treasure hiding place, you can take a look at it from a distance and then go back, okay? The people in front of you are all Crazy.”

Luo Bin shook his head, "Just because they are crazy doesn't mean I will be crazy too. Before I go, I have to do something serious."

"What's up?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

When it hit the cow's back, Luo Bin felt pain under his left collarbone. He thought it was from the shock. Now, the pain point has started to heat up, which means

He stared into the big bull's eyes and silently recited 'contain everything'. The next second, Eric disappeared out of thin air, and Luo Bin's consciousness also entered the sea of ​​consciousness space.

He glanced at the giant Rubik's Cube for a while, and on the yellow side, in a grid with rolling mountains and rivers, he saw the big cow mooing and running wildly with a smile.

Luo Bin raised his eyebrows and followed his heart. The yellow square slowly floated over. He reached out and poked the calf totem, then looked up at the light curtain in the sky.

Name: Eric

Species: Highland cattle

Level: S level

Personality: narcissistic, brave and freedom-loving, with a strange mind

Physical status: healthy


Charge into battle (stomp the ground hard while running, which can roll up thick fog and interfere with the enemy's sight)

Missless bullets (within 10 seconds, magic hit rate 100%)

Scrape bones to remove poison (can scrape out the poison that penetrates deep into the bone marrow. Note, please take painkillers before using this skill)

Magic value: 8000

Combat power: 5000

Uh, this 'injection', hiss, scraping the bones to remove the poison, sounds very painful.

Luo Bin waved his hand and let the square float back to its original position. After his consciousness returned to the cave, he also released Eric.

Eric gasped and stared at him in surprise. His nose was almost full of snot and he didn't even know how to sip it.

"The river valley is endless. It's perfect for running around. Teleport me back quickly. I'm busy competing."

"Compared with whom?"

I didn’t see any other cows in the yellow grid!

"Shadow. Dad said that as long as I can outrun Shadow, I will be the fastest cow in the Co Valley."

Luo Bin: →_→, outperforming the shadow seems to be a puzzle, you must be wrong!

Eric anxiously walked around Luo Bin, "I don't want to stay here. Send me back and I'll give you one or three more fecal stones, okay?"

"Have you forgotten? We promised you before that if I win the battle, you will lead me on a treasure hunt." Luo Bin said helplessly.

Eric's front hooves were frozen in the air, and his eyes were darting guiltily, "I didn't forget to cough, come with me."


One person and one cow walked out of the cave. The branches were swishing and the path and entrance to the cave were once again covered by elephant-ear-like leaves.

They walked through the low bushes, turned into the woods on the mountainside, crossed several streams, and came to a huge rock standing on the mountainside.

The boulder is yellow-brown, about the size of a container, and its surface is covered with honeycomb-shaped holes. There is a crack in the middle that runs from north to south. The crack is about 2cm wide. It is too dark inside to see clearly.

After Eric jumped on the boulder, he curiously dug at the crack with his front hooves, "Fifty years ago, on a cloudless afternoon, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, splitting the boulder like this."

"Dad said that when thunder strikes, the entire Ke River Valley shakes. Birds, hares, insects, and fish all rush out of the valley as if fleeing for their lives."

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