Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 193 The savior meets Green Jelly

"Help, help me, someone, please help me~"

When the ladybug heard the shout, she swayed her antennae impatiently, then flapped her wings and rushed towards the pool.

The villain ran a few steps to the right to dodge, and stabbed the ladybug's wings with a wooden spear with his backhand. The ladybug swooped in anger and pinned the villain beneath her.

Ladybug's black claws swung around and scratched the villain's thigh.

In an instant, green blood dyed a small area of ​​land green.

Luo Bin saw that the ladybug's big jaw was only 2cm away from the villain's neck. He quickly activated the 'poison mist condenser' skill, aimed at the vulnerable area between the ladybug's neck and chest, and launched a poisonous needle.


The poisonous needle hit the target, and the ladybug's tentacles were waving randomly like a malfunctioning car wiper.

After a moment, it hit the villain with a thud and made no movement.

"I'm dead. Someone come and save me."

The little man pushed the ladybug's head hard while crying for help.

Luo Bin walked to the edge of the pool, activated the 'Mount the Mountain to Fight the Cauldron' skill, and flipped the ladybug over with its six legs in the air.

The villain got up, and after seeing who was saving him, he was shocked and said: "Are you a human?"

Luo Bin's pool-like eyes stared at the villain's white hair, "Yes, I'm here to hunt for treasures."

"Benefactor, my name is Pu La. I will treat the injury first and talk to you later."

After saying that, Pula picked up a handful of water from the pool, drank it in a few sips, clasped his hands together, jumped into the pool, washed off the black mud from his body, and quickly climbed onto the shore.

The injury on his thigh disappeared without any application of medicine or healing magic.

However, Luo Bin's eyes never left Pu La's hair from beginning to end.


Pu La touched her neck and asked unnaturally.

"Pula, why is the hair on the tip of your right ear hanging down? Moreover, it is much smaller than other hairs."

"Oh, they are all like this when they just grow out."

"How long does it take for it to grow like other hair?"

"My benefactor, it's very fast." Pu La said with a bright smile.

The title 'Benefactor' makes people's skin crawl. "Just call me Luo Bin. Pula, do you know where the treasure is?"

"En Luobin, I do know where the treasure is. Logically speaking, since you saved my life, I should tell you everything I know."

"But here's the rule. If you want to get the treasure, you have to exchange it for green syrup."

Is green syrup the hard currency here?

"How can I get green syrup?"

Pu La raised his hand and pointed to a large mushroom with a yellow stem and a red umbrella. "Go in this direction for 2 kilometers and you will encounter an oversized green starch mushroom. The liquid secreted by the mushroom cap is green starch syrup."

Pu La then took out a mushroom pot with a diameter of 70cm from a short mushroom house and said, "No, use this to hold it. There are three large praying mantises guarding under the green starch mushroom. When you pick up the green starch syrup, be careful. "

"Is it as big as a ladybug?"

"That's much bigger than that."

"Okay, I'll pay attention."

Luo Bin took the mushroom pot and walked towards the yellow-poled red umbrella mushrooms. He had just walked seven or eight meters when Pula suddenly trotted over and followed him.

"I'm going too, to be your helper."

"Aren't you following the rules?"

"The rules don't say that I can't help adventurers!"

"Benefactor, Pula must repay his kindness. You saved my life. If I don't do something for you, my heart will feel like needles pricking me. I feel so uncomfortable."

"Benefactor, please, please let me go with you."

Pu La shook Luo Bin's arm, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Okay, but you have to promise me something."

"My benefactor, anything is fine." Pu La grinned happily.

"Don't call me 'Benefactor' again."

After saying that, Luo Bin strode forward. Pu La was stunned for a few seconds and then trotted after him.

Twenty minutes later, the two of them hid on both sides of a large white-stemmed blue umbrella mushroom and took a peek at three large mantises not far away.

The giant mantis is emerald green, about 6 meters tall and 10 meters long. It has half-transparent and half-golden-brown compound eyes on its head like a car seat, and its 3-meter-long sickle-shaped tibiae glow coldly under the warm sun. .

At this time, a dark gray bean bug as thick as a water tank crawled into the territory of the mantis. The mantis stayed put, as if it had not noticed the intruder.

When the beanworm crawled directly under the car seat, the mantis swung its front legs down, and the beanworm was chopped in half.

Gray-brown thick slurry flowed all over the floor.

The mantis leaned down, swung its mandibles, and sucked in the thick slurry.

After a while, only two wrinkled pieces of hollow skin were left, and they were carried away by dozens of ants as big as shoes.

The thick slurry that flowed to the ground was also sucked clean by the ants.

After the mantis ate the beanworm, it flapped its wings and flew into the air, hanging upside down on the inside of the mushroom cap, and fell asleep with its eyes turning black.

"Is that a green mushroom?"

Luo Bin pointed to the mushroom with three large praying mantises hanging upside down under the umbrella cover, and asked in a low voice.

"Yes!" Pula nodded.

The green mushroom was bigger than the mushrooms I had seen before, as high as a three-story building.

The whole body is aqua and translucent like emerald, and the umbrella cover is sparkling, covered with a thick layer of transparent thick paste.

The slurry pattered along the umbrella slope, dripped to the ground, was absorbed by the soil, and disappeared.

The rhythm of the dripping thick slurry was very similar to the rhythm of the previous dripping rain, which made Luo Bin even more convinced that the mushrooms in the forest had thoughts and were conveying some kind of message to the outside world.

Pu La walked around to Luo Bin, grabbed his arm, and said with blurred eyes: "Well, it smells so good, I really want to take a sip."

His throat rolled up and down, swallowing furiously, as if he was enduring an instinctive desire.

"Where does it smell?"

If he hadn't smelled the smell of food when he ate bread, canned food, and fruits while hiding from the rain, Luo Bin would have thought there was something wrong with his sense of smell.

"You're a human, you can't smell the fragrance here, that's normal!"

"Mantis is asleep. I'll go pick up the green glutinous rice syrup. You wait here."

"Okay, you must pay attention to safety!" Pu La said with worried eyes.

Luo Bin wanted to touch Pula's white hair, but he dodged it.

"Benefactor, you can't touch boys' hair randomly. However, you are Pula's benefactor. You can touch it as you like, but you have to wait until you receive a pot of green syrup."

Pu Lalu's face suddenly opened into a bright smile, revealing a mouthful of teeth.

Luo Bin also smiled back, "Okay!"

Luo Bin stared at the green mushroom umbrella cover, stepped lightly, and moved forward bit by bit.

After moving seven or eight meters, his toes stepped on a slippery patch of moss. Then, he lost his balance and fell forward.

He quickly lifted up his slipping left foot, used his right leg and waist to do a forward somersault.

After his feet fell back to the ground, he looked up at the mantis under the umbrella. Fortunately, his eyes were still black.

Luo Bin took a deep breath and continued to move forward slowly.

After two or three minutes, he moved to just under the edge of the umbrella canopy.

He looked up for a moment and then placed the mushroom pot in a position where the slurry would drip quickly.

On the umbrella cover, the slurry flows down the slope to the slightly upwardly tilted edge of the cover. When the slurry accumulates to a certain height, it will overflow the edge of the cover and drip down.

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