Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 249 Why can’t you be normal when you appear?

At this time, Spinnet was holding the Quaffle and rushing towards the Slytherin goal. Flint, Montague and the others crowded together to form a human wall.

Harry: ヽ( # `Д)ノ, Slytherin is so dirty when he plays ball.

Harry gripped the broom and rushed towards the 'human wall', Malfoy flying knee to knee with him.

When Harry was about to rush into the crowd, he suddenly leaned forward and dived downwards.

Malfoy realized that he had been tricked, but he had no time to turn around. With a bang, his broom hit Flint in the crotch.

Harry rushed down the iron rod, his hair and jersey fluttering upwards. He stretched out his arms and caught the Golden Snitch with a slight hook of his fingers.

He changed direction and rose high into the sky, waving his arms to signal to everyone.

The whole place was boiling with shouts and shouts.

Hermione and Ron waved flags excitedly, and McGonagall took off her hat and quietly wiped the tears from her eyes.

Lee Jordan threw away the microphone and ran into the crowd, going crazy with Seamus and Dean, while Fred got on his broom and glided around the field with the players.

About ten minutes later, everyone fell back to the ground. Wood hugged everyone one by one and choked up: "Quidditch Cup, I, we did it, I am so happy."


Soon, the door of the 'lawn-stand' was opened, and a stream of red people poured from the stands to the lawn, surrounding several people.

Hagrid, whose cheeks were red, squeezed into the front of the queue. He took off the rose wreath on his head, put it around Robin's neck, and gave Harry a "deep" hug.

He stretched his throat and roared like a lion. The badge on his chest was crooked, but he didn't even try to straighten it. Neville held up Leif and Neville together with Dean.

Hermione struggled to squeeze into the center of the crowd, hugged Robin, and kissed him passionately.

She was about to leave at the first touch, hunching her shoulders and trying to escape.

Luo Bin was not happy and immediately grabbed his wrist and locked him tightly in his arms.

On that day, what made Robin the happiest was not beating up the Slytherin team, standing on the stage holding the Quidditch Cup high, or attending the celebration party all night long, but the lingering and unforgettable caramel. pudding.

From that day on, the relationship between Robin and Hermione became tense.

Hermione always avoided Robin intentionally or unintentionally, but when she saw Robin talking to Ginny or Katie, she would pretend to be passing by and find topics to add to the conversation.

A few times later, Robin pulled him into an empty classroom. When Hermione came out again, her hair was messy, her cheeks were red, and her tie was tied crookedly.

However, her relationship with Luo Bin has returned to normal. She doesn't avoid people on purpose, and she doesn't get jealous at all times.

In private, the two of them often avoided people and went to empty classrooms.

Harry and Ron were suspicious and asked them what they were doing secretly. They replied: Study!

emm, it is indeed 'learning'. The last time I practiced the Crimson Curse, I had a straight face with rosy cheeks. This time I was taught the Happy Curse, and the corners of my mouth couldn't stop rising. The next time I practiced the Breathing Curse, my breath was disordered. This is a normal phenomenon.

Happy time always passes quickly, and weeks pass in the blink of an eye.

At the end of May, the two canceled self-study activities in empty classrooms because exam week was coming.

After finishing the last class of the semester and going down to the auditorium on the first floor for dinner, Professor McGonagall approached the long dining table and distributed the exam timetable.

A few people inadvertently scanned the first column of Hermione's exam form: Monday, 9 a.m., Arithmancy, Transfiguration

"Hermione, you got the wrong watch?" Ron speculated.

"No ah!"

"Then you have to sit in two examination rooms at 9 a.m. next Monday?" Harry said in shock.

"How is that possible? It's a very long exam. Just divide it into two halves, one half for arithmetic and divination, and the other half for transfiguration!" Hermione said casually.

Suddenly, an owl as fat as a pig flew into the auditorium, and then, with a thud, it hit Luo Bin's arms.

Luo Bin: →_→, meat bomb? Why can't you be normal when you show up?

Luo Bin untied the parchment roll tied to the big fat foot and unfolded it in front of the three people.

Dear Robin, Harry, Hermione and Ron:

Buckbeak's appeal is scheduled to be held at the Hunting Lodge next Friday. The committee, people, and an executioner will come to Hogwarts that day.

Hermione's eyes widened in shock, "Executioner? The appeal materials have been prepared in vain. They are determined to execute Buckbeak. Robin, is there any news from Kenzio?"

Robin shook his head, "I don't know. You have to ask Hagrid. He was the one who contacted Kenzio."

Harry pondered for a moment, "How about turning invisible at night, sneaking to the hunting ground, and asking Hagrid?"

"No, it's too dangerous. If you are caught, you will be disqualified from the exam."

"Hagrid can send letters in, so we can naturally send letters out. Right, big fat guy?"

The fat man was twirling the chicken steak wildly, and responded to the owner's swallowing sounds.

Luo Bin took out paper and pen, wrote a note, and asked Big Fat to deliver it to the hunting lodge.

An hour later, the four of them received Hagrid's reply.

It's almost done. It's expected to be ready by the end of next week. I went to the village in the afternoon to urge it. He said that as soon as it was ready, he would ask Big Fat to deliver it.

Several people burned the notes and prayed in their hearts that Kenzio could move faster.

For two days on the weekend, the four of them sat in the library to review. The 'examination key points' drawn by Robin and Hermione left Harry and Ron scratching their heads.

"Why don't you underline the whole book!" Ron complained.

Exam week has begun and the castle is in a state of tension.

The first session is the Transfiguration class.

Professor McGonagall, let everyone turn the turtle into a teapot. The more exquisite and beautiful the teapot is, the higher the score you will get.

The lines on the turtle shell reminded Luo Bin of the ice-cracked porcelain in his hometown. He waved the ebony wand lightly, and with a pop, the 'little Brazilian tortoise' turned into a 'blue ice-cracked pot'.

Ron on the side shook his head and whispered that his friend's title of 'first in grade' was no longer guaranteed.

Mag picked up the teapot and looked at it carefully. Judging from the satisfied look in his eyes, Luo Bin's score in this class couldn't be lower at all.

Hermione conjured a shiny silver kettle, Harry conjured a squat tin kettle, and Ron conjured a copper kettle. The spout was a turtle's head. He stretched his neck and tried to crawl forward, but he had no legs. !

The iron kettle conjured by Seamus has a turtle tail that swings back and forth.

Neville was even more powerful. The vine teapot he conjured up retained four turtle legs. It fell off the table and crawled around in the aisle. In the end, he was stepped on by Robin.

The second round is the Charms class test.

Hermione guessed right. In the second half of the practical test, she really got the Happy Charm. Although she forgot to take that class, she had practiced it many times in private. Therefore, the Happy Charm she cast had the same effect as Robin's. No difference.

Harry and Ron were in a terrible situation. When they exchanged spells, they went a little too far, causing both of them to hold their stomachs and burst into sharp, high-pitched laughter.

Flitwick thought the laughter was too loud, so he took them to an empty classroom. After a long time, their cheeks were sore, and they walked out of the classroom holding on to the wall.

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