Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 251 Crystal Ball, Reject the Temptation of Big Pie

Forty minutes after the exam started, only Robin, Ron, and Harry were left on the platform.

Luo Bin climbed up the silver ladder and entered the classroom on the roof.

It was summer, but the curtains in the house were tightly drawn, and a fire was burning in the fireplace, making the house stuffy and hot.

When the wood burns in the fireplace, the aroma that overflows makes people dizzy.

Robin walked around the round tables and sat across from Trelawny. On the low table between the two of them, there was a crystal ball with milky white clouds billowing inside.

"My dear, please slowly gaze into the crystal ball and tell me what you see!"

Trelawney held the thin notebook in his left hand and the quill in his right hand, whispering in a sleepy voice.

The blazing flames in the nearby fireplace made people's cheeks ache.

Robin wanted to move his chair further away from the fireplace, but Trelawney's eyes told him that he would not be able to see clearly the prophecy in the crystal ball.

He put his face close to the crystal ball and saw four fat horse hooves exposed among the rolling clouds and mist.

The nails of the horse's hooves are very flat and smooth, as if someone takes care of the horses' hooves regularly.

"What did you see?"

"Horse hoof!"


Trelawney held the quill and wrote something on the thin book.

"anything else?"


Luo Bin rubbed his eyes. The incense released when the wood burned made his eyes sting.

Suddenly, he noticed that the horse's hooves were moving. Amid the mist, he saw a short gray body above the horse's hooves, and a small black spot jumping up and down behind the horse.

"How's it going? Do you see clearly?" Trelawney stretched his neck and leaned forward, his eyes shining with curiosity and anxiety.

"I saw a horse running in the clouds and mist." Luo Bin replied with a frown.


While Trelawney was writing something in a thin notebook, he muttered: "A galloping horse means a bright future. Yes, that's what the book says. My dear, you have above-average qualifications, as long as you are practical If you are willing to learn and practice diligently, there is still some hope of becoming a prophet."

Luo Bin: (°ー°〃), no, please don’t paint a big picture for me.

The prophecies I made before were all based on knowing the plot of the original work. The path of prophecy is a waste of brains and energy, and it is easy to be backlashed. Forget it!

Luo Bin stood up and walked back. When he reached the trap door, he suddenly turned around and asked, "Professor, does 'Bright Future' have something to do with the color of the horse?"

Trelawney's eyes widened in shock, "Why isn't the horse you saw white?"

"It's gray!"

Pa da~

The quill slipped from its owner's hand and fell to the ground.

"Boy, that is"


Robin speculated as he recalled what happened the day Hermione left the Divination class.

"No, it's somewhere between unknown and lucky. As for which one it is, it depends on you. Okay, help me call the next person up!"


Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, and so do dangers and opportunities.

Luo Bin walked down the silver staircase and called Ron to go upstairs. Ten minutes later, Ron came down to the hanging platform.

"Uh, I did a terrible job on the exam."

"She asked me to gaze into the crystal ball and asked me what I saw. I saw nothing but clouds and mist. I told some nonsense."

"The look in her eyes told me that she didn't believe a word she said. Alas, I don't know if she can pass."

"She doesn't look like someone who would embarrass students."

After Harry finished speaking, he walked up the silver ladder nervously. Fifteen minutes later, his feet appeared on the ladder again.

He told the two that he encountered a strange thing during the exam.

At first, like Ron, he only saw the clouds and made up a bunch of lies. Trelawney closed the thin book and stared at him, obviously seeing that he was lying.

When Harry stood up to leave, Trelawney suddenly twitched, her eyes rolled up, and through the lenses, only the whites of her eyes could be seen. She slumped straight on the armchair, her mouth open, and she made a sound that was stuck on the stereo. .

"What did she say?"

Ron swallowed and asked in horror.

Harry sat on the stone steps and imitated the scene he had just seen.

"He will return tonight. The black-hearted murderer who betrayed his friends will break free from the twelve-year chain that bound him and regain his freedom."

"Innocent blood will flow, and the servant and master will be reunited. With the help of the servant, the Dark Lord will become stronger and more terrifying than before."

"It's scary. This is too intrusive." Ron rubbed his arms and looked around nervously.

Luo Bin: (; ̄д ̄), this prophecy reflects the subsequent plot of the original work.

Peter Pettigrew escaped from Hogwarts, found Voldemort, and brought his master back to Riddle House in Little Hangleton. He also kidnapped Bertha Jorkins, a female member of the Ministry of Magic, and after figuring out the key points of 'resurrection', Killing people brutally.

During his secret conversation with Voldemort, he was overheard by Frank, the old gardener of Riddle House. Then, Nagini appeared and swallowed Frank.

Well, at present, Nagini's private custom-made clothing store is prospering, and there is no way it will go to the old house of the Riddle family and eat up the lame old gardener.

As for Peter Pettigrew

"Ron, I'm not done yet."

Harry's words interrupted Robin's guess.

"Later, Trelawney twitched again and fell from the armchair to the ground. She said: The fate has been changed, the fate has been changed, but the master will wait for a more loyal and wiser servant, so be careful."

More loyal, smarter?

Could it be Barty Crouch Jr.?

"Do you think this prophecy is true?" Harry asked confused.

"Don't worry about it. Time will verify whether it is true. Let's go downstairs to meet Hermione, and then try to find Hagrid." Robin said.


When the three of them went down to the second floor, they met Hermione who looked anxious.

"Crookshanks has this in his mouth. It's from Hagrid!"

She took out a piece of paper from her pocket and said.

Robin took the note and read what was written on it with Harry and Ron.

I lost the case and was executed at sunset. Kenzio hasn't moved yet. My husband has comforted me. The matter is a foregone conclusion. You can't help. Don't come to the hunting ground. I don't want you to see the bloody scene.

"We are in the North Tower now. Instead of going back to the main castle, how about we go directly to Hagener?" Ron suggested.

"No, that would make people suspicious. We have to go back to the castle, walk around in front of people to find an excuse to go back to the dormitory, and then leave the lounge invisible," Luo Bin said.

"But the castle gate is closed, and there are two guards at the door. Wearing invisibility cloaks, they only hide our bodies. Our bodies are still really there!"

Harry frowned.

"Oops! Students can't enter and leave the castle freely, but teachers can. Let's take advantage of a certain professor and sneak out."

Hermione's eyes lit up.

"Ha! It's easy to say, how can it be such a coincidence?" Ron retorted.

"If there is no opportunity, create an opportunity."

Hermione ran to the window, threw a thick book into the empty Muggle Studies examination room.

"It's done, let's go back to the main castle."

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