Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 253 Black Dog is attacked, follow him to the Screaming Shack


Scabbers twisted around, bared his teeth, and wanted to bite Ron's finger.

"Banban, okay Banban, please be quiet."

Ron held Banban tightly and followed Luo Bin and the others up the slope.

A few minutes later, the four of them climbed to the top of the slope, stood beside a boulder, and looked towards the hunting cabin.

The afterglow on the treetops of the Forbidden Forest was fading rapidly, and the sky gradually turned into a clear gray-purple.

Sunset means

The front door of Hagrid's cabin was opened from the inside. The group of people had their backs to the pumpkin patch and chatted for a while. Then, Executioner McNeil walked into the pumpkin patch and raised his ax high.


Along with the muffled sound of an ax falling, Hagrid let out a painful cry.

"I can't believe they did it so quickly."

Hermione shook on the spot and cried bitterly into Robin's arms.

"Hermione, Buckbeak will be fine!" Robin comforted.

"My head and body are separated, how can I be fine?" Ron said in shock.

Robin put the bracelet into Hermione's hand and let her feel the lines on it, "When we were at the cabin just now, someone hit me with this. Hiss, the force was quite strong."

"What do you mean?"

Luo Bin heard the sound of the chain shaking and stopped him: "It's not the time yet!"

"All right!"


The chain was tucked back into the collar.

"What riddles are you two playing? It hurts. The bite is bleeding. Oops, Banban escaped. Banban, my Banban."

A gray mouse with a patch of bald spot on its head squeaked on the ground. Ron got out of the invisibility cloak and ran after Spot.

"Ron, get back under the invisibility cloak quickly. If someone finds out, Hagrid will be harmed."

Ron ignored Harry and ran away through the boulder forest.

"Catch up."


When running, it would be difficult to breathe with something in his mouth. Robin simply spit out the invisible bead. When Hermione saw this, she also spit out the bead.

After running for several hundred meters, Harry felt that the Invisibility Cloak was getting in the way, so he took it off and threw it on the grass beside him.

The three of them walked around a big pine tree and saw Ron rushing forward, holding down Scabbers on the grass, and turned over, only to see Scabbers being grabbed by him and twisting around wildly.

"Banban, be quiet, I am Ron, your master!" Ron said with his head lowered.

"Robin, do you know that tree?"

Hermione looked at the big tree behind Ron and said in shock.

"I know you, the Whomping Willow!"

Luo Bin: (︶︿︶), it took a lot of effort to conquer the Whomping Willow.

"The Whomping Willow is not easy to mess with! Ron, run!" Harry shouted.

Ron raised his head in confusion, and then his expression became frightened. He pointed behind the three people and shouted loudly: "Harry, run, you guys run quickly."

The three of them turned their heads in unison and saw a black dog as big as a bear, with shaggy hair and gray eyes standing next to the pine tree.

"Unknown is unknown, run, run!" Ron urged.

There was a Whomping Willow in front of them and a big black dog behind them. While the three of them were still thinking about which way to go, the black dog started.

It roared and lunged forward, leaping over the heads of the three people. After landing, it rushed towards Ron.

It bit one of Ron's calves and dragged Ron effortlessly to the roots of the Whomping Willow tree like a rag doll.

"Help me, help me quickly!"

Even though he was being dragged away by the big dog, Ron still held Scabbers tightly until his eyes bulged out.

"Help, think quickly, help me."

The black dog's neck stretched and contracted, dragging Ron's lower body into the tree hole.

Ron waved his arms and struggled, but the strength of a man and a dog was several times different. He whizzed and disappeared into the roots of the tree, and then, a painful scream came from the ground.


The treetops of the whomping willow are shaking.


A branch as thick as a bucket, with hundreds of branches as thick as a thumb, swung at the three of them.

Luo Bin pulled the two of them back three meters, avoiding the cleaning of the knots.

"We must go back to the castle and find teachers to help." Hermione suggested.

"No, there's not enough time, that dog is too big, it will eat Ron."

Harry didn't like it.

"Harry, the Whomping Willow is going crazy. We can't get into the hole without the teacher's help."

"Here I go, I know the weakness of the Whomping Willow."

After Luo Bin finished speaking, he silently activated the 'Snake Movement' skill, bypassed the dancing branches, came to the root of the tree, and raised his hand to press a knot on the tree.

In an instant, the Whomping Willow stopped moving as if the pause button had been pressed. A strong wind blew by, and the willow leaves stopped rustling.

"Robin, how did you know?"

"I've seen Professor Sprout do this before. Time is urgent. Come here quickly."


Harry and Hermione walked to the main trunk of the Whomping Willow, pushed aside the roots of the hanging branches, and crawled into the tree hole.

When Luo Bin drilled down, a twig as thick as spaghetti spiraled toward him. After getting into the collar, he touched randomly while stretching downward.

Before it touched the 'protruding taboo' area, Luo Bin pulled it out vigorously, and the thin branch trembled sadly a few times before spiraling back to its original position.

Luo Bin slid down the slope and slid into the bottom of the tunnel.

Harry crouched down and looked at the low and deep passage, "I have seen this secret passage on the Marauder's Map. Its end is beyond the edge of the map, but the direction is Hogsmeade Village."

"I guessed a place at the end, I hope I'm wrong!"

Hermione frowned.

"Wherever you go, just walk through it and it will be clear."


Afterwards, the three of them held up their luminous wands, walked through the secret passage with their waists bent and long strides.

After walking for about 40 minutes, the secret passage began to slope upward. After climbing for a minute or two, I turned a small bend and saw a small exit with a faint moonlight.

The three of them got out of the hole and entered a gray room.

The wallpaper was peeling, the floors were curled, the wooden cabinets were broken, and the windows were boarded up.

"I guessed the window, and at the end of the secret passage is the Shrieking Shack."

Hermione grabbed Robin's arm and said in fear.


There was a noise on the ceiling overhead, and something seemed to be moving on the second floor.

"Go upstairs and have a look."

The three of them walked lightly, walked through the wooden door, and came to the foyer. They saw dog paw prints larger than a slap on the dusty stairs, as well as upward dragging marks.

They stepped onto the stairs, slowed down and walked quietly to the second floor platform.

Through a broken wooden door, a slight groan could be heard in the house. After a few people looked at each other, Robin kicked open the wooden door. Harry and Hermione pointed at the door and raised their wands.

The room was very empty, with a four-poster bed placed against one wall and a few broken leather sofas and chairs scattered on the floor.

Ron huddled on the single sofa in the corner, clutching his calf and groaning in pain.

"Robin, are you okay?"

Harry rushed to the corner and asked eagerly.

"Ron, where is the dog?"

Hermione rushed in with Robin in hand, holding her wand tightly and asked.

Ron raised his hand and pointed to the door, saying in horror: "This is a trap, he is the black dog, he is an Animagus."


The wooden door was closed, and the person hiding behind the door was completely reflected in the eyes of the four people.

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