Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 255 The taste of revenge is so wonderful

"Kill me?" Ron shouted in shock.

Lupine burst out laughing, "Harry, you are as smart as Lily, but you are too young, have little experience, and do not look at the problem comprehensively enough. Maybe this can make us calm down and have a good talk." "


The three wands drew three parabolas, and then fell accurately into the hands of the original owner.

Harry and Hermione held their wands tightly and stood in front of Ron. Robin put his hand into his pocket and rubbed his cold bracelet.

"Lupin, was it you who let Black into the castle on Halloween when Gryffindor played against Ravenclaw?" Hermione asked.

"I'm not an inside agent. I've never helped Sirius since I joined the company."

"Then how did you know he was here?"

"The map, the Marauder's Map."

"At dinner, I learned that Buckbeak will be executed after sunset today. I guessed that you would sneak out of the castle. Even if you are invisible, your specific location will still be displayed on the Marauder's Map. come out."

"I saw on the map that you slipped out of the castle, across the grounds, and into Hagrid's cabin."

"Fifteen minutes later, you left the hut and walked up the slope, but I found that there was one more person in the team. After you climbed up the slope, a black dot marked Sirius Black met you and dragged you away. Two of them."


Scabbers kicked his paws vigorously, and Ron held on to him desperately.

"Lupin, what are you talking about? There were only four of us who came out of Hagrid's cabin, and I was the only one who was dragged away by Black."

Harry glanced at Scabbers and asked, "Who is that extra person?"

"I think you three have already guessed who it is except Ron!"

"That's impossible, he knows it," Hermione retorted.

"You want to say that he has been dead for 12 years, right?"

"He is not dead. Maps don't lie. I only recently figured out everything. He is the secret keeper and the betrayer, Peter Pettigrew!"

Sirius smiled crazily, raised his wand, and screamed like crazy: "Peter, he is in this room now, come out, Peter, come out and play together, haha~"


Lupin's wand escaped from Sirius's hand and flew into Snape's.

Snape's soles and back were covered with the wet mud unique to the secret passage. His breathing was rapid, as if he was tired or overly excited.

"Oh! The taste of revenge is so wonderful, murderer. I've been looking forward to catching you with my own hands!"

"Back then, you tricked me into entering the secret passage just for fun. If James Potter hadn't regretted it, I would have died because of that joke."

"Just now, when I was delivering medicine to Lupine, I found a magical map on his desk."

"I saw Lupine enter the secret passage of the Whomping Willow and slip out of the map."

"The Screaming Shack is the most famous haunted house in the UK. Muggles and wizards are afraid to go near it. What a perfect hiding place!"

"I should have thought of it. The shack was your base twenty years ago."

"I have repeatedly stressed to my husband that there is a mole in the faculty, and now the evidence is conclusive. You two are in Azkaban, so let's be partners!"

Sirius frowned in displeasure, "That's awesome, Snape, but your smart mind still made a mistake. You go out first, Remus and I have other things to do."

Snape pointed his wand at Sirius' eyebrows and said fiercely: "Reason, come on, give me a reason to do it."

"Severus, don't be stupid!" Lupine said.

"He's used to being stupid!" Sirius sneered.


"Stop talking, Remus, shut up!"

Lupine turned around and stopped begging Snape!

"Look at you two, bickering like an old couple."

"Stinky Oil Head, you'd better go back to the castle and play with your balance beaker!"

Snape moved his wand downwards and put the tip against Sirius' neck, "Madman, I can do it, but the dementors stationed at the school exit miss you very much!"

"Oh, you're shaking, you're scared, aren't you?"

"Indeed, the taste of a dementor's kiss is unimaginable. People say that the scene is unsightly."

"Don't worry, I will try my best to read it. There is only one ending waiting for you. As a 'living dead', you will be imprisoned in Azkaban forever."

"And you Potter, Lestrange, Granger, and Weasley sneak out of the castle in the middle of the night and hang out with murderers. Ha, these two things are enough to get you expelled from school."

"Severus, don't do this!" Lupine took a step forward and said.

Snape pointed his wand at the door and sarcastically said to Sirius: "You go first."

After speaking, he shook his head and motioned for Luo Bin and others to follow.


A wave of air rattled the wooden door. Snape's wand escaped from the master's control, drew a high parabola in the air, and landed in the corner with a snap.

The other wand, which originally belonged to Lupin, was later transferred to Sirius, and was taken away by Snape, suffered the same fate.

Crookshanks jumped to the corner, pawed at the wand, and started playing with it.

The force of Harry's spell was a bit too much. He not only knocked away the wand, but also knocked away the wand's owner.

Snape flew back and fell onto the big bed with a thud. Well, the wooden pillars at the foot of the bed broke and the curtains fell over, covering him completely.

After that, there was no movement on the big bed. He must have passed out, otherwise he would definitely sit up, tear up the curtains, and glare at his attacker.

"Harry, what did you do?" Ron asked in shock.

"You attacked the teacher?" Hermione asked equally surprised.

Harry pointed his wand at Lupine and Sirius, "Tell me about Peter!"

"Back then, he was our classmate, and we thought he was a friend." Lu Ping said calmly.

"Peter is dead. He was killed by Black 12 years ago." Ron shouted.

"No! I thought so too!"

"But, the night I confiscated the Marauder's Map, Harry and Robin said they saw him on the map. Today, I also found traces of him on the map. He is still alive, in another form, dirty. live."

Harry glanced at Ron and continued to ask: "You just said that Peter is in this room. Where is he?"

Sirius raised his hand and pointed at Ron, "He's right there!"

"Me? Are you crazy?" Ron asked.

"No, it's not you, it's your rat!" Sirius said impatiently.


Scabbers wanted to run away from Ron but clung to him tightly.

"Are you crazy? Banban is my pet and he stays at my house."

"Twelve years? Can an ordinary mouse live that long? Is it missing a toe?"

Sirius said with a sneer as he strode closer.

"so what?"

Luo Bin: (ー_ー)!!, Saonian, the facts are before your eyes, why are you still refusing to admit it?

"Twelve years ago, when the Muggle streets exploded, the Ministry of Magic only found one finger of Peter Pettigrew in his bloody robe!"

Luo Bin reminded.

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