Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 266 Lu Ping resigns and farewell at the station

"At this moment, Lupine is probably packing his luggage."

Hagrid unbuttoned his collar and let the breeze take away the heat. At this time of year, there were really not many people wearing winter coats.

"Why?" Hermione asked in surprise.

"Resigned! After breakfast, he submitted his resignation report. He didn't want to embarrass his husband. No parent wants a guy who can turn into a werewolf on a full moon night to teach his children."

"That's not fair. Professor Lupine is the most competent Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher I have ever seen. No, we have to go see him."

The four of them said goodbye to Hagrid, walked across the large lawn, and returned to the castle. They climbed to the third floor in one breath and knocked on the wooden door of Lupin's office.

Dong Dong~

"The door is unlocked, please come in!"


The four of them pushed the door open and walked in. Most of the things in the house were almost packed away.

The wheel rack was gone, Grindylow's water tank was empty, and beside it stood an open trunk filled with old patched robes and tattered trinkets.

"Oh, I saw you guys coming!"

Lupine tapped his fingernail on the Marauder's Map spread out on the desk.

"Hagrid said you want to resign and leave school?" Harry asked.


Lupine waved his wand, and the desk drawer immediately popped open, and the contents automatically flew into the large open box next to the table.

"Why? Is it possible that the people from the Ministry of Magic think you helped Sirius escape?" Hermione asked confused.

"No, I had already transformed into a werewolf. I couldn't protect myself, let alone save others."

"What happened before that, sir, it took a lot of effort to convince Cornelius Fudge that I went to the Shrieking Shack to save you guys."

"Sirius escaped, and the second-level badge of Sir Merlin was gone. Snape was furious. Out of revenge, he inadvertently exposed the secret of my werewolf identity at breakfast today."

"Tomorrow morning, the auditorium will be very busy. There will be at least a thousand postmen delivering letters of complaint from parents of students."

"Uh, don't stare at me like that. I just lost my job. Where is this? I've experienced worse things than this."

"But Professor Dumbledore"

"Harry, sir, you have taken enough risks for me. Besides, let's put it this way for a person like me. I'm used to a wandering life."

After Lupine finished speaking, he waved his wand again, and the reading materials on the bookshelf immediately flew into the big box next to the desk. All the open boxes in the room were automatically closed and locked with a snap, and flew to the door to be neatly stacked. .

Seeing tears in Harry's eyes, he comforted him: "It's not a separation between life and death, there's no need to be so sad!"

"We have made so many efforts, but the injustice done to Sirius has still not been washed away. It feels like everything is meaningless."

"Why do you think so? You found the truth of that year and saved one, no, two innocent lives. This is a very meaningful thing!"

"What makes me most proud is your progress in the past year."

"Now that I'm not a teacher, I don't have to feel guilty if I return the Marauder's Map, which is specially used for pranks, to you."

"Oh, by the way, there's also this. I picked it up next to the Whomping Willow when it was just dawn. It's time to say goodbye!"

After Lupine handed the Marauder's Map and the Invisibility Cloak to Harry, he carried the small leather bag and walked out of the office door. As for the other luggage, someone would help deliver it to the location he designated.

Lupine left, and no one in the entire Hogwarts knew the truth about Buckbeak and Sirius's escape except Robin, Hermione, Harry, Ron, and the wise Dumbledore.

Malfoy concluded that Hagrid had hired mercenaries to destroy the magic collar, take away Buckbeak, and be tricked by a gamekeeper, much to the annoyance of him and his father.

Percy, who will graduate in a few days, puffed out his chest and threatened that when he entered the Ministry of Magic, he would find an opportunity to initiate reforms to prevent such an incident from happening again.

While Fred and George were making up the secret of Blake's escape to attract students' attention, they also conducted market research and claimed that they would make some big moves in the second half of the year.

On the last day of the semester, the exam results were announced.

Luo Bin won the first place in the grade with a gap of one point.

For this reason, Hermione's cheeks were bulging for a whole day, and she relied on the forgotten Charms lesson for this one-point difference.

Although, in the Happy Spell practical test, her score was exactly the same as Luo Bin's.

Later, Luo Bin pulled her into an empty classroom, moved her hands up and down, and played with them, and this matter was finally over.

Harry and Ron passed every subject, Percy's (Ultimate Wizarding Examination) got high scores that the Weasleys were proud of, and Fred and George's (Ordinary Wizarding Examination) also got some marks. .

At the end-of-semester banquet that night, a large gold lion flag with a red background was hung on the wall behind the guest of honor, and bright red flags were also hung above the four long dining tables.

As expected, during his speech, Dumbledore announced that Gryffindor had once again won the House Cup.

The deafening applause seemed to shake the ceiling.

The faces of the Slytherin students were all gloomy. Snape, who was sitting on the staff seat, frequently glared at the four people who were enjoying the delicious food with his cold and empty eyes.

After the banquet, when everyone was walking up, they met Peeves, who was carrying an ink bucket and giggling. He claimed that he couldn't stand Cadogan's foul mouth and cursed, so he gave him a lesson.

Percy believed that he had not yet left Hogwarts and had the responsibility to deal with this matter, so he diverted to the North Tower.

When he came back, he was covered with ink marks. He said there were still some stubborn ink marks on the picture frame and stone wall that had not been wiped off. He planned to look for Professor McGonagall early tomorrow morning before the train entered the station.

On the day of farewell, Robin went to the station to see Hermione, Harry, and Ron off.

The train hadn't arrived yet, so the four of them avoided the crowd and ran to the side to chat.

"Well, this year has exhausted me. I dropped out of the Muggle Studies elective course and returned the time hourglass to Professor McGonagall."

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief.

"It should have been like this a long time ago! After choosing so many classes, with the help of hourglass, I have enough time, but not enough energy!" Luo Bin nodded.

"This summer vacation, there will be the Quidditch World Cup. Dad said that he can get some tickets. Then, we can go and watch it together!" Ron suggested.

"Okay! Wood said that he received an invitation from Puddlemere United (Wood, like Percy, graduated). Maybe we can meet him and catch up on old times." Harry agreed.

"Where are you two?"

"Emm, watching the game should be more interesting than going on vacation in Europe."

"I'm not sure if I have time. If I do, I'll ask Big Fat to contact you."

"Okay, it's settled!"


A small, gray owl flew down on Harry's shoulder, holding an envelope that was too big for it in its mouth. It swayed from side to side.

Before Harry could catch him from falling down, he took the letter away. There was no signature on the envelope, but there was an eagle feather and a horse hair drawn on it.

"Sirius sent it here, come and see it together!"

Harry tore open the seal and took out the letter inside. Robin walked around behind him and read the contents of the letter carefully.

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