Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 282 The illusion of the past, returning to the orphanage


It's pretty good, and it would be even better if it could also help others heal their wounds.

Luo Bin waved his hand and let the red square slowly float back to its original flavor. Then, his consciousness pulled away from the sea of ​​consciousness and returned to the ice cave space.

He opened his eyes and found a shining treasure box, suspended in the original position of the Phoenix Tree. There was a green light character above the treasure box.

Explorer, congratulations on passing three levels in a row. You have demonstrated your extraordinary courage, outstanding wisdom, and clear sense of right and wrong. If you pass one more level, you can get the treasure.

Explorer, open the treasure chest. The last level has been waiting for you for a long time. As a reminder, the key to passing the level is to catch me with your own hands.

After Luo Bin thought for a moment, he flew to the treasure box and reached out to lift the lid.

Inside the dark treasure box, a strong suction force surged up, pulling Luo Bin into the dark space.

When Luo Bin opened his eyes again, the scene around him had changed.

He was in a dark alley, and two meters away, three stray dogs with fierce eyes and grinning teeth were confronting a shaggy little white queen.

A tall and thin black dog with two dots of white on its eyebrows suddenly jumped forward. The little white dog lowered its body and opened its mouth to bite the black dog's lifeblood? ? ?

The black dog wailed and fell to the ground, rolling over and unable to get up again.

A cross between a bull terrier and a Shiba Inu looks very different, with its chest pressed to the ground and rushing forward.

The little white dog suddenly jumped over Si Xiang's head, got under the other big yellow dog, opened its mouth and bit the person's vital part.

Then, the big yellow dog also died in the battle. He lay on the ground and howled in pain. Sibuang was so angry that he rushed forward and wanted to bite the little white dog's neck.

Bang ~

A thin wooden stick hit Si Xiang on the back of the head. Si Xiang was fine, but Luo Bin was shocked by the stick and his wrists hurt.

Moreover, he was shocked to find that his hands had shrunk and become fleshy.


Si Bu showed his yellow teeth and rushed towards Luo Bin's arm. The little white dog rushed over from the side and knocked Si Bu down.

Sibuxi turned over, pressed the little white dog on his body, and opened his mouth to bite the other person's neck.


The warm blood dyed the strange-looking top of his head red. The dog's body shook two or three times, then with a thud, it fell to the ground lifeless.

"Little Scratch?" Luo Bin threw away the bloody brick and said in shock.

The little white dog tilted its head and stared at Luo Bin in confusion for a moment, then bit his trouser leg and pulled him out of the alley, trying to drag him to the street on the right.

The right leads to the town's police station.

Luo Bin bent down and picked up the little white dog, "No need to go to the police station, I remember the way back to the orphanage."

Then, Luo Bin turned around and turned to a mountain road that sloped upward on the edge of the town. The orphanage was built halfway up the mountain.

It was late summer and early autumn, and the slopes on both sides of the mountain road were full of ripe wild fruits. He picked fruits while walking up the slope.

Halfway through, I suddenly heard a humming sound in a corn stalk.

He lifted up the weathered plastic sheet and took a look, and found a small four-eyed native dog lying inside. The native dog's pointed tail was bent to the left at an odd angle.

When the little native dog saw Luo Bin, he immediately stuck out his tongue and turned his belly to show his goodwill. Little Scratch was not happy and bared his teeth and barked at him.

"Don't scream, be gentle. This is your wife. In the future, your children and grandchildren will be all over Puyang City!"

Luo Bin picked up the little native dog and walked forward, occasionally trying to persuade them not to fight.

Thirty minutes later, one person and one dog came to an iron fence spray-painted with silver paint. On the plaque at the door, it read: Puyang Welfare Institute

Luo Bin opened the fence door, ignored the little carrots who came up to say hello, and went straight to the kitchen of the welfare home.

The kitchen was extremely hot and stuffy. Dean Li, who had a kind face and a wet towel around his neck, was sitting on a small bench, adding firewood to the earthen stove.

After Dean Li finished adding firewood, he saw the puppy in Luo Bin's arms and joked: "Bin, no matter how greedy you are, you can't hurt the little animals!"

"Dean, you misunderstood. They are the top guards in caring for the home. Moreover, they are one male and one female. As time goes by, everyone will have one puppy per person."

"You, your little mouth is really good at talking. I don't know who you look like. Go and wash your hands. There are pancakes and grandma's scrambled eggs in the small pot for you."

I haven’t tasted the old dean’s pancakes and fried grandma’s vegetables and eggs for many years. I never imagined that I would be able to taste the taste of those years again in the fourth level.

Luo Bin put down the two puppies, washed his hands, opened the lid of the small pot, and took out the food specially reserved by the dean, a pancake and a scrambled egg, not to mention how fragrant it was.

"Abin, eat slowly, no one will compete with you. Keep some belly, there are hot buns steaming in the big pot, your Aunt Lin said to cook braised pork for dinner tonight."

Lin Xiaoliu, the next dean, she looks beautiful, works beautifully, speaks beautifully, and is known as the third beauty.

"Abin, give way, aunt wants to bring the pig in." A voice with heavy breathing came from the kitchen door.

Luo Bin took a few steps back to the right to clear a road, and then Aunt Lin, who had a picturesque face and a tall figure, came in carrying half a pig! ! !

Luo Bin: (⊙o⊙), my dear, why didn’t you realize that Aunt Lin was a strong man?


Half of the pig fell on the large stainless steel chopping board.

"This half pig was specially kept by Lao Li for the welfare home. It's very beautiful."

"Chop the tenderloin into mud-wrapped wontons, chop the ribs into pieces and stew them in soup, stew the hooves, necks, and heads with aniseed, make the fat into lard, and make the rest into braised pork."

"Xiao Lin, you still know how to eat!"

Aunt Lin smiled and said, "I only have this ability. A Bin, the kitchen is full of oil and gas, so you can go play in the yard."

Luo Bin didn't think that he could play with those little carrots now.

"No, I have to stay here. I have to help Xiao Scrocao and Xiao Huang take a bath."

"Little scrawled little yellow?" Aunt Lin asked puzzledly.

Luo Bin raised his chin towards the two puppies nestling in the firewood nest!

Aunt Lin laughed when she saw it, "Children like furry animals the most. Just wash them and don't delay the dean and I in cooking."

Next, the division of labor among the three people in the kitchen was very clear. Luo Bin was responsible for bathing Xiao Scrocao and Xiao Huang. The dean looked at the fire in the stove while Aunt Lin chopped the meat. After mincing it, she quickly cooked the braised pork.

When it was getting dark, a group of little carrot heads, attracted by the smell of meat, lay outside the kitchen window.

"Abin, the braised pork is out of the pot, let them in!" Aunt Lin said.


Luo Bin opened the door, and the little carrots swarmed in, noisily and clamoring for meat.

Bang! Bang!

The crowd fell silent. Luo Bin put down two stainless steel basins and shouted loudly: "Wash your hands first. After washing, line up for meals according to height, with the short ones in the front and the tall ones in the back."

In the eyes of the little carrots, Luo Bin is like a big brother. So, regardless of whether it is a prickly head or a dull gourd, after hearing Luo Bin's instructions, they all obediently wash their hands and line up to get food.

The steamed buns steamed by the dean are white and soft, with a full wheat flavor when you take a bite. The braised pork cooked by Aunt Lin is full of salty aroma, leaving a fragrance on your lips and teeth after taking a bite.

Luo Bin felt particularly comfortable eating this meal. After finishing the meal, the dean found some old clothes and sewed a doghouse for Xiao Scratch and Xiao Huang.

The scene of two dogs hugging each other and drinking water is so heartwarming.

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