There was a black spot in the distance, growing larger and approaching this way. It reminded him of Trelawny's reminder to run away when he encountered a black spot in his first divination class last year.

Luo Bin quickly turned around and ran in the opposite direction of the black spot. He wanted to summon the invisible wings, but his shoulder blades didn't hurt or itch at all.

He wanted to cast a few balls of flames behind him, but his veins were bulging out, but his palms were still empty.

He wanted to activate the feather-clothed spirit insect's 'indestructible' skill, but there was still no reaction from his body.

Oops, in this unknown space, the Rubik's Cube skill cannot be used.

The black spots invaded very quickly, and soon they 'wrapped' Luo Bin, plunging him into endless darkness.

Loneliness, hesitation, anxiety, tension, panic and other emotions weighed on his heart like several mountains, weighing him down so much that he couldn't breathe and fell to the ground with palpitations.

Bang bang~

The chest cavity was like a gong and a drum, making a banging sound.

No, you have already obtained the treasure, how can you fall here?

Luo Bin took several deep breaths to allow his heart to slowly return to its normal beating frequency. Suddenly, he heard a subtle clanging sound in the darkness in the distance. When he raised his ears and listened carefully, he heard nothing.

Is it an illusion or something else?

Soon, he rejected the hallucination option, because he heard that he had dwelling and drifted with the sound of the daemon, and there was a crispy ring, like a hard -stained thing, knocking on the floor.

Hard knocking on the floor, etc. It was the sound of horse hooves trampling on the ground!

Luo Bin remembered that during the divination class, he had seen a running gray horse in the crystal ball. The clanking sound was most likely caused by the owner of the gray horse shaking his armor.

At this moment, the image of a chubby middle-aged man holding a long sword and wearing armor slowly emerged in his mind.

"Cadogan, is that you?"

In the darkness, no one responded, and the clanking and clicking sounds were gradually getting smaller.

"Sir Cadogan, I would like to ask you to do me a favor."

The clanking and clicking sounds disappeared, and the owner of the gray horse seemed to be hesitating.

"Brave, just, and kind Sir Cadogan, there is a horseman who is in urgent need of your help."

Bang! Da da!

In the darkness in the distance, a little light flashed, and the light was running towards Luo Bin at a constant speed.

After a while, Cadogan, with a long sword on his waist, came to Luo Bin on his little gray horse.

He held the reins with his left hand and held a crystal cup with a burning candle in his right hand.

"Confused cavalry, are you dead?" Cadogan said in shock.

Luo Bin: (¬д¬.), there is no one else who would curse someone to death when they meet!

"Not dead, alive and well!"

"If you're not dead, how did you get into the painting?"

Cadogan had a weird I-know-you-lied look on his face.

Luo Bin recalled the dozens of paintings he saw before meeting the charming Ah Shui. Combined with Cadogan's words, he immediately understood that this different world was the world in the paintings.

"Oh, I broke in by chance, Cadogan, can you take me out of the world of painting?"

"You idiot, I can't get out myself, how can I take you out?"

Trelawney said that if you are trapped in a black prison, finding water means you have found a way out.

However, it is pitch dark all around, how can we find water?

Wait, no, the surroundings are not completely dark, there is still light, such as the candle in Cadogan's hand.

"Can you lend me a candle?"

Cadogan raised his chin and said proudly: "You have to say please."

"Sir Cadogan, please lend me your candle."

"Of course, No, here it is!"

Luo Bin took the crystal cup and placed it on the ground. He found a radiating white line in the halo of candlelight on the ground.

He turned the crystal cup and found that the white line was still there and its position had not changed. He touched the dark floor and could not feel the white line, which was no different from other floors.

Robin stood up holding the crystal cup, "Sir Cadogan, please give me a ride."

"No problem, my little mount is obedient here."

Luo Bin held the horse's back, pulled up, and rode behind Cadogan. He stretched out his hand and pointed to the left, "Please go this way."

"Excellent cavalry, join me on the journey!"

Cadogan kicked the gray horse in the belly with the heel of his shoe, and pulled the reins to control the gray horse to run to the left.

Ta da~

(sound of horse hooves galloping)

Luo Bin turned his head and found a white light on the ground behind him. The gray horse ran forward, and the white light also extended forward.

There was bright light, which meant there was hope, but after the gray horse ran about a thousand meters, the light suddenly stopped extending forward. Luo Bin quickly asked Cadogan to stop.

Luo Bin jumped off the horse and strode towards the bright light. He placed the crystal cup at the cutoff point of the bright light and carefully observed the halo of the candlelight on the ground.

Sure enough, just as he had guessed, the 'white line' in the halo turned.

"Sir Cadogan, please take me in this direction."

Luo Bin pointed to the direction in which the ‘white line’ extended.

"Okay, come up quickly."

The gray horse carried the two of them and ran a thousand meters to the right, then stopped again because Luo Bin discovered that the light extended a thousand meters to the right and then stopped moving forward.

He jumped off the horse, repeated the previous operation, confirmed that the 'white line' turned to the left, and then got on the horse again.

Run-stop-define the line-turn and run. After repeating this for more than ten times, a big linear figure appeared in the dark space, resembling a shiny fingerprint.

The 'big guy' slowly rose into the air, flipped 90°, and hit the ground with a bang. Then, the lines shrank inward, and the 'big guy' turned into a luminous arch.

"Sir Cadogan, please carry me to that door."

"Sit tight, my cavalry!"

Da da! Da da!

A few minutes later, the two of them arrived at the door. Luo Bin and Cadogan jumped off their horses. Through the halo, they both saw a long corridor outside the door.


The gray horse wanted to rush out of the light door, but Cadogan held on to the reins tightly, preventing the gray horse from moving forward.

"Don't you want to go out and take a look?"

Cadogan shook his head, "I am an adventurer, and every painting is an adventure for me. After leaving the world in the painting, it is difficult to leave Hogwarts and go somewhere else. Very troublesome thing.”

After saying that, he got on the horse and kicked the horse's belly with both feet. Soon, the figure of a man and a horse quickly disappeared into the darkness.

After a while, the clanking and clicking sounds disappeared.

Luo Bin looked at the light door, his heart surging.

He was ready to face the next challenge. He didn't know what kind of shock Dumbledore would prepare for him.

But he believed that with friends, the Rubik's Cube, and Nagini, all the frights would be transformed into surprises.

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