Hogwarts: Capturing Nagini at the Beginning

Chapter 29 Soul Tear Derivatives

Luo Bin used his hands and feet together, like a running cheetah, to grab the stone statue with both hands and push up with his legs. After dozens of repetitions, when the pile of stone statues changed from an acute-angled triangle to an obtuse-angled triangle, he was still standing on the top of the stone statue.

However, the pile of kitchen utensils and Nagini next to them were in misfortune. They were buried by the pile of stone statues.

Luo Bin hurriedly ran to the pile of stone statues and kitchen utensils. While moving the stone statues and cabinets, he shouted loudly: "Nagini, how are you? Where are you buried? Hit the cabinet with your tail to find your location. I'm fine." Go save you!"

The stone statue was very heavy, and after moving six or seven of it, his shoulders and elbows were sore. Luo Bin was worried about Nagini, so he couldn't care about that.

He struggled to lift the stone statue, and when he moved it to the eighteenth giant monster stone statue, his shoulders and elbows suddenly went numb, his arms lost strength, and the stone statue fell away and hit his knees.

After moving for so long, my legs were already sore and weak, as if they were filled with lead, and I couldn't lift them even if I wanted to.

Well, it looks like he will have to crawl out of the storage room later, and then be carried to see the school nurse, Madam Pomfrey.

He closed his eyes and prepared for his thighs to be stained with blood!


The stone statue fell heavily, and the broken stones splashed onto the back of his hands, leaving superficial scars!

Hiss! Hiss!

Luo Bin: Hey, strange! The knee doesn't hurt, but the back of the hand hurts. Could it be that the nerve in the knee was broken? Oh, no, my toes can move and feel. What is going on?

He tentatively opened one eye, and saw the huge snake head spitting out and inhaling the scarlet snake letter, which almost sent him away on the spot. He lowered his head and exhaled and inhaled loudly.

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the giant stone statue with half of its head knocked off and the transparent stringy mucus on the wound on the back of his hand. He probably guessed that Nagini saved him at the critical moment and even licked his wound with a snake letter.

But there is a question, that is, is there poison in Nagini's saliva?

The wound didn't turn purple or black, so it's probably not poisonous!

"Nagini, thank you, I'll give you a whole roasted lamb when we get out of the storeroom!"

Robin reached out to touch Nagini's head, but Nagini turned away and was wondering why the little pet had broken up with its owner in less than an hour. It held a dusty crown in its mouth and wore it like a treasure. On top of Luo Bin.

Luo Bin took off the crown and wiped off the floating dust with his sleeves. It was in the shape of an eagle, rhinestones, and sapphires. The bottom of the wings was engraved with: Wit beyond measure is mans greatest treasure (Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind)!

Yes, that's it, the Ravenclaw Diadem!

"Nagini, you are really my little lucky star!"

Luo Bin stretched out his hand again. This time, Nagini not only did not hide, but swam the snake body, wrapped around Luo Bin three times, then rubbed Luo Bin's palm, and finally fell asleep with his head on his master's shoulder.

The snake's head is big and heavy, but this heavy weight is nothing compared to the satisfaction in its owner's heart.

Animals can only sleep so soundly next to someone they trust deeply.

Robin silently recited the incantation "Save Bits" and dropped the Ravenclaw Crown into the central axis of the Rubik's Cube.

Click! Click!

The central shaft is like a crusher, crushing the crown, buzzing and vibrating, throwing out a cloud of gray mist.

Gray mist the size of marbles, seemingly conscious, jumped up and down in the space of the sea of ​​​​consciousness, making angry roars as it jumped.

Oh, this scurrying beast must be one of the souls torn out by the village bully!

The original book mentions that the village bully's heinous act of killing a person will give him the ability to tear apart his soul for a short time. He will seal the torn soul on an object to add a layer of insurance to the 'immortality target'. Objects that carry souls are called Horcruxes.

It is known that the Ravenclaw Diadem does not have independent thoughts like the Sorting Hat, and there is no possibility of a weapon spirit.

Then, this guy is undoubtedly one of the split souls of the village tyrant.

On the other side, the crazy gray fog group discovered that there was a second living creature in the mist-shrouded space.

It roared in a low voice and flew towards the other party, with a posture that seemed to be seizing the opponent's body.

However, Luo Bin slapped it and stunned it!

The gray mist was blown to the ground. After rolling several meters away, it bounced up and down but couldn't fly.

Kill it while it's weak!

Luo Bin rushed forward to pick up the gray fog, and then showed off his basketball skills. He would shoot the ball, flip the ball, and dribble with his left and right hands. In short, he would torture it as much as he wanted.

A few minutes later, the gray mist lay softly in Luo Bin's palm. It no longer looked like it was screaming about killing people before, and its body seemed to be more transparent.

"Ha! In my territory (Sea of ​​Consciousness), you still want to kill me, are you being honest now?"

When Luo Bin was worrying about how to deal with this thing, suddenly, a flash of light slipped from his eyes!

Give this method a try and let’s talk about whether it works or not!

He clenched his fists and said silently: Contain everything!

In an instant, Luo Bin felt the gray mist in his palm disappear. He opened his palm, and sure enough, it was empty, just as he thought.

He walked up to the giant Rubik's Cube, stared at it, and carefully observed each square.

After a while, the gray beads in the purple square in the lower corner caught his attention.

Following my heart, the grid slowly floated in front of me. On the lower left side of the grid, there was a gray marble totem.

After Luo Bin clicked on the totem, he carefully read the content on the light screen emitted by the totem.

Name: None

Species: Soul Tear Token

Level: SS level

Personality: Self-centered, murderous and irritable

Physical condition: weak, soul incomplete (treatment cycle: 10,000 years)

Skill: Soul Devouring (can absorb 1/100 of the enemy's soul power at one time, causing the enemy's brain to go blank for 1 second)

Gray flame burning (consumes one's own soul power and releases gray flames, which can burn the enemy's soul)

Magic value: 3000

Combat power: 200

No wonder it can be blown away with a slap. It turns out that this guy's combat power is only 200!

But what the hell is a treatment cycle of 10,000 years?

I can’t figure it out, I really can’t figure it out!

After Luo Bin named Gray Mist Xiaohui, he waved the purple square back to its original position, and then summoned the Rubik's Cube introduction panel.

Cultivation value +4500, level: lv2 (4587/5000)

Tsk, it is indeed the only relic of Rowena Ravenclaw, the goddess of wisdom, and it contains a lot of magic power.

413 cultivation value, work harder, upgrade within two months, it is not a problem!

The work in the sea of ​​​​consciousness was completed. Luo Bin hummed a song and returned to the real world. He patted Nagini's big head, silently said "contain everything", and put it back into the Rubik's Cube.

Afterwards, I dusted off the dust on my body and walked towards Shimen. When I passed by the iron garbage dump, I heard a clanging sound, and then I remembered that the garden gnome was wandering around outside!

"Grant, come here, come over to me!"


What responded to him was a clang that was three times louder than the previous one!

Hiss, this guy is small but has a big temper.

"Grant, do you still want to catch Lilissa?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there were clanging sounds from the iron garbage pile, and two minutes later, a garden gnome with a black body and surprisingly bright eyes emerged.

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